PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

Ludovica was born in Reggio Calabria in 1999.
After completing the Liceo Classico in 2017, she moved to Rome to attend the Bachelor's degree course in Management of the building process-Project Management, faculty of Architecture, at the Sapienza University of Rome, in this first path she carries out a management thesis, obtaining her degree in 2020 with honours. Sherlin continues her studies at La Sapienza, specialising in Project Management and Construction of Building Systems, Interfaculty of Architecture-Civil Engineering. In this new path, approaching the themes related to both the world of architecture and engineering, she develops an experimental thesis, which sees as speaker Prof. S. Paris, with the aim of giving a concrete answer to a problem related to the existing building stock: renovation of public residential construction in Italy through standard technological-energetic retrofit strategies applicable to several cases with different construction characteristics. She graduated in May 2023 with honours and publication rights.
In September of the same year she began her internship at Sidief S.p.A. (Bank of Italy) in the area of asset management, where she deals with real estate and due diligence, at the same time she attends her doctorate in Architecture and Construction at La Sapienza University of Rome.
During her university activity she had the opportunity to carry out several curricular internships, including at ATER-Azienda Territoriale per l'edilizia residenziale in Rome, where she comes into contact with the world of work and develops management skills, problem solving and group work. Finally, it obtains certification as a safety coordinator during design and execution.

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