PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

co-supervisor: prof. Alessandro Niero, prof. Tomáš Glanc

Luca Veronesi completed his Bachelor’s degree in “Languages, Cultures, Literatures and Translation” at Sapienza University of Rome in 2018 with a thesis titled “Time, word and use in Vladimir Sorokin’s objects” (Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Ronchetti). In 2016 he spent a semester as an exchange student at Moscow State University. He completed his Master’s Degree in “Linguistic, literary and translation studies” at Sapienza University of Rome in 2021. His Master's thesis, titled “Boris Pil’njak’s The Naked Year and Andrej Platonov’s Čevengur: The forces of the Revolution between history, nature and stichija” (Supervisor: Prof. Paola Ferretti; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Ronchetti), explores the themes of history and progress and their relationship with nature in the aforementioned novels. His current research aims to categorize and understand the role of natural imagery in Andrej Platonov’s works, with a particular focus on his poetry.

Research products

11573/1726384 - 2023 - Deržavin: un’anomalia settecentesca nel Novecento di Ripellino
Veronesi, Luca - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ESAMIZDAT (Roma: Alessandro Catalano e Simone Guagnelli.) pp. 357-361 - issn: 1723-4042 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1657243 - 2022 - Dal tramonto dell'occidente all'alba di una nuova umanità. Andrej Platonov e la rilettura di Oswald Spengler
Veronesi, Luca - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SLAVIA (Roma : Istituto di cultura e lingua russa, [1992]- Roma : Associazione Culturale Slavia) pp. 51-58 - issn: 2038-0968 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1657246 - 2022 - Andrej Platonov, La sinfonia della coscienza. Studi sulla cultura spirituale dell'Europa Occidentale contemporanea
Veronesi, Luca - 01e Traduzione in rivista
paper: SLAVIA (Roma : Istituto di cultura e lingua russa, [1992]- Roma : Associazione Culturale Slavia) pp. 59-66 - issn: 2038-0968 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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