PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
building: CU014
room: 281

supervisor: Prof. Sergio Brutti
co-supervisor: Claudia Paoletti (ENEA)

Research: Innovative materials, environmentally sustainable processes and fast-design methods for the formulation of aprotic secondary Na-ion batteries

-Currently enrolled at a PhD course in Chemical process for industry and environment at La Sapienza University of Rome in cooperation with ENEA: Casaccia research center.
-10/2023: Master Degree in Industrial Chemistry, curriculum: polymeric materials from La Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis on synthesis and characterization of anode in Hard Carbon for NIBs sodium ion batteries, with a final grade of 110/110
-01/2020: Bachelor Degree in Industrial Chemistry from La Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis based on electrochemical characterization of a-SEI (artificial solid electrolyte interphase) for the development of LMBs lithium metal batteries, with a final grade of 101/110

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