Luca D'Elia

PhD Graduate

PhD program:: XXXV

Thesis title: Design-driven approach for Maker practices: a tool proposal for proximity based-projects in urban context.

Faced with the series of recent global crisis, from the lowering of the resources to the most recent global changes usual model of consumption and production, many practices implemented so far, are undergoing a radical shift from a quantitative approach towards a systemic and qualitative approach in which enabling technologies, citizen empowerment and new urban models are opening to global directives towards more sustainable and resilient, while productive cities. The Research is structured in a series of iterative Action Research activities carried in the city of Rome, focusing on three layers of analysis: the Technology, which increasing social role enabled the birth of alternative economic models and collaborative culture; the Community, as the hybrid set of manufacturers, designers, artisans, citizens and cradle of new forms of self-organization; The City, as the habitat capable of optimizing infrastructural, economic and ecological resources in a distributed and interconnected ecosystem. Through the analysis of each layer, the Research proposes a hyper-local tool that supports the birth and spread of urban community-based projects. This tool would enable bottom-up initiatives that respond to specific needs and help develop new economies, while top-down initiatives from government administrations will generate proposals that precisely address community needs. Findings will provide insights for policymakers, urban planners, makers, designers, and citizens to design and advocate sustainable urban development models and thriving neighborhoods.

Research products

11573/1714433 - 2024 - Design Ethnography driven innovation for Urban Sport Communities
D'elia, Luca; De Souza Rosa, Leandro; Aiuti, Alessandro; Imbesi, Lorenzo; Saviano, Miriam; Malakuczi, Viktor; Ershova, Mariia - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Eighteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices (Valencia)
book: The International Journal of Design in Society - ()

11573/1711890 - 2024 - MakIN'Rome living lab. A case study of design-driven approach for the development of urban community-based projects for the development of urban community-based projects
D'elia, Luca; Imbesi, Lorenzo; Muscolo, Sara - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: DRS24: Boston (Boston, USA)
book: DRS2024: Boston - ()

11573/1716974 - 2024 - A Framework for adapting Digital Twin approaches for Knowledge Management in Public Services
Ershova, Mariia; Malakuczi, Viktor; D'elia, Luca; Imbesi, Lorenzo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: dmi: ADMC 2024 (Delft)
book: The 24th dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings - ()

11573/1716933 - 2024 - Design for circular Made in Italy. How to foster for efficient Waste Management into manufacturing ecosystem
Imbesi, Lorenzo; Lucibello, Sabrina; Malakuczi, Viktor; D'elia, Luca; Rotondi, Carmen - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: dmi: ADMC 2024 (Delft, Netherlands)
book: The 24th dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings - ()

11573/1711892 - 2024 - Proximity-based urban planning models as the inter-face between governments and makers, designers, and citizens towards distributed economies
Menichinelli, Massimo; D'elia, Luca; D'ambrosio, Silvia; Sedini, Carla - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: DRS24: Boston (Boston, USA)
book: DRS2024: Boston - ()

11573/1680156 - 2023 - From the Spool to the City
D'elia, Luca - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1651739 - 2022 - Towards the economic viability of Digital Manufacturing. In search for a business framework through regional case studies
D'elia, L.; Malakuczi, V. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: The 23rd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference “Design Management as a Strategic Asset (Toronto)
book: The 23rd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings - ()

11573/1544512 - 2022 - Una città DIY: un’indagine su come i produttori romani, tra fabbricatori digitali, startup e Makers stanno definendo il proprio ruolo nel contesto urbano.
D'elia, Luca - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Design per connettere. Persone, patrimoni, processi (Palermo)
book: Design per connettere. Persone, patrimoni, processi - ()

11573/1680956 - 2022 - Making Makers citizenships: network tools for Lazio digital manufacturers’ awareness
D'elia, Luca - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Research & Education in Design Conference 2022 — REDES2022 (Lisbon, Portugal)
book: REDES 2022 Conference Proceedings - ()

11573/1649406 - 2022 - Participatory tool for productive citizenship in a regional maker network
D'elia, Luca; Monaco, Lina; Malakuczi, Viktor - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: DRS2022: Bilbao (Bilbao)
book: DRS2022: Bilbao - (978-1-91229-457-2)

11573/1544368 - 2022 - Processi di Co-Design per l’inclusività delle comunità temporanee di Roma.
Denaro, Gianni; D'elia, Luca; Azouzi, Safouan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Design per connettere. Persone, patrimoni, processi (Palermo)
book: Design per Connettere. Persone, patrimoni, processi - (978-88-943380-0-3)

11573/1544886 - 2022 - Urban Manufacturing Policy Toolkit: strategie per la progettazione e produzione partecipata tra maker, designer, imprese e istituzioni
Malakuczi, Viktor; D'elia, Luca; Monaco, Lina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Design per connettere. Persone, patrimoni, processi (Palermo)
book: Design per Connettere. Persone, patrimoni, processi - (9788894338003)

11573/1639893 - 2022 - Virtual proximity in the factory processes: designing interfaces between industrial equipment and human operators
Muscolo, Sara; Gironi, Camilla; Malakuczi, Viktor; D'elia, Luca - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Research & Education in Design Conference 2022 — REDES2022 (Lisbon; Portugal)
book: REDES 2022 Conference Proceedings - ()

11573/1544371 - 2021 - A designed generation: Maker's maturity and social responsibility
D'elia, Luca - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Cumulus Roma 2021. Design Culture(s) (Roma)
book: Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #2 - (978-952-64-9004-5)

11573/1572903 - 2021 - Co-Design processes for the inclusiveness of Rome's temporary communities
Denaro, Gianni; D'elia, Luca; Azouzi, Safouan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Cumulus Roma 2021. Design Culture(s) (Roma)
book: Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #2 - (978-952-64-9004-5)

11573/1573564 - 2021 - Love Leftovers - Useful fictions and what if we could put our memories on sale?
Ivkov, T.; D'elia, L. - 04f Poster
conference: Cumulus Roma 2021. Design Culture(s) (Roma)
book: Proceedings of the Design Culture(s) | Roma 2020 - (978-952-64-9004-5)

11573/1544219 - 2021 - Tracing Design’s Value in Distributed Manufacturing
Malakuczi, Viktor; D’Elia, Luca - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: DESIGN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (Boston, MA : Design Management Institute, c2008-) pp. 34-42 - issn: 1942-5074 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1664771 - 2021 - Lazio Making Network. Digital skills for resilient cities and communities
Monaco, L.; D'elia, L. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Senses & Sensibility'21: Designing Next Genera(c)tions. UNIDCOM/IADE 11th International Conference (Bari)
book: Senses & Sensibility'21: Designing Next Genera(c)tions. Proceedings of the UNIDCOM/IADE 11th International Conference - (978-989-53943-0-2)

11573/1572834 - 2021 - Making in Proximity: Design Policies for collaborative making cultures
Monaco, Lina; D'elia, Luca; Malakuczi, Viktor - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Cumulus Roma 2021. Design Culture(s) (Roma)
book: Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #2 - (978-952-64-9004-5)

11573/1497470 - 2020 - Design 2030. People, Users, Designers
D'elia, Luca - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (Roma: Rdesignpress Roma: Gangemi Editore) pp. 50-67 - issn: 1594-8528 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1631636 - 2020 - Design 2030. Persone, Utenti, Designers
D'elia, Luca - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (Roma: Rdesignpress Roma: Gangemi Editore) pp. 50-66 - issn: 1594-8528 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1544210 - 2020 - Makerspaces e amministrazioni locali. Un toolkit a sostegno degli spazi del fare collaborativo.
D'elia, Luca; Malakuczi, Viktor; Monaco, Lina - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MD JOURNAL (Ferrara : Laboratorio Material Design / Media MD) pp. 278-289 - issn: 2531-9477 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1416244 - 2020 - Tracing Design’s Value in Distributed Manufacturing
Malakuczi, V.; D'elia, L. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: The 22nd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings (Toronto)
book: The 22nd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings - ()

11573/1631627 - 2019 - Invention and innovation
D'elia, L. - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (Roma: Rdesignpress Roma: Gangemi Editore) pp. 50-63 - issn: 1594-8528 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1417284 - 2019 - Invention and innovation
D'elia, Luca - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: DIID. DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (Roma: Rdesignpress Roma: Gangemi Editore) pp. 50-63 - issn: 1594-8528 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma