PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
email: lorenzo.scala@uniroma1.it

Research: Elites and ruling classes in Algeria and Tanzania during the years of postcolonial socialism. A comparative study of transnational emancipation movements in peripheral state-capitalist formations

Ph.D. candidate in Civilizations of Asia and Africa (Arabic, Iranian and Islamic Studies curriculum) with a research project titled (tentatively), "Elites and ruling classes in Algeria and Tanzania during the years of postcolonial socialism. A comparative study of transnational emancipation movements in peripheral state-capitalist formations."

I received my Bachelor's Degree in Historical Sciences from La Sapienza di Roma in 2019 with a thesis titled "Identity and Boundaries in Central Asia in Light of the Soviet Revolution" and my Master's Degree in Historical Sciences from La Sapienza di Roma in 2022 with a thesis titled "Postcolonial Algeria and Independent Development. Strategies of state capitalism in the 1960s and 1970s."

My research project focuses on the socio-historical analysis of the main characterers of the Algerian and Tanzanian ruling classes in the 1960s and 1970s, a period when both of these African countries attempted to build a socialist socio-economic system.
My research seeks to determine how much the interrelationship between subjective factors (the education, training and political ideology of the postcolonial ruling classes) and objective factors (the international capitalist division of labor) contributed to determine, in Algeria and Tanzania (and in the remaining experiences of "real third worldism"), the quality of the socialist policies undertaken, their practical application and their eventual historical archiving in a more privatist sense.

At the disciplinary level, my interests are mainly in political history, historical sociology, political science, and political economy.
I'm keen on global and transnational phenomena, which I prefer to study through the lens of non-European and postcolonial societies.
Specifically, my studies focus on the role and mutual interrelationships of the state, social classes, and society in the Arab regional system, the MENA region, and postcolonial statehoods in general.

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