(; Scopus Author ID: 7004279752)
Lorenzo Nigro (Rome, 1967), MA, PhD, is Full Professor of Archeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East and Phoenician-Punic Archeology at the University of Rome «La Sapienza».
2021-present: Full Professor of Archeology and History of Art and Phoenician-Punic Archaeology, Department of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University of Rome
2013-present: Director of the Museum of the Near East, Egypt and the Mediterranean of the Sapienza University of Rome
2019-today: Coordinator of the Oriental Curriculum of the PhD School of Sapienza University of Rome
2020-today: Delegate of the Rector of Sapienza for the digitization, use and communication of the archaeological heritage
MEMBER OF THE CRITICAL MASS for the PNRR Pe5, Spoke 7 - Climate Change – Sapienza Unit Manager
2005-2020: Associate Professor of Archeology and History of Art and Phoenician-Punic Archaeology, Department of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University of Rome
2000-2005: Researcher of Archeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East, Department of Ancient Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome
1998-2005: Curator of the Gregorian Egyptian Museum of the Vatican Museums.
1997: PhD in Archeology and Art History of the Ancient Near East, cum laude and right to publish, Sapienza.
1992: Degree in Archeology and History of Art of the Ancient Near East (110 cum laude), Sapienza
He is a field archaeologist with extensive experience in the Near East and Mediterranean. For the University of Rome «La Sapienza» he is the Director of the Archaeological Mission in Mozia, Sicily (2002-today); of the Archaeological Mission to Palestine & Jordan, which conducts excavations at the sites of Tell es-Sultan/Jericho (1997-present), Tell Abu Zarad/Tapuah (2015-16) and Bethlehem (2015-2021) in Palestine, and at Khirbet al- Batrawy (2005-present) and Jama'an and Khirbet al-Jamous (2017-2018) in Jordan, as well as co-director of the Mission to Carthage in Tunisia (led by Sapienza and the INP), all missions co-financed by MAECI .
He is promoter and PI of international research projects in various Mediterranean countries and regions (Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Cyprus, Sicily, Sardinia, Malta) carried out in collaboration with numerous national scientific bodies (CNR, INGV ) and international (PEF, ASOR, AIA, ISF, DoA, MOTA, DGAM). He won and coordinates two PRIN Projects such as PI (2009, 2017, 2020) and several projects to safeguard and enhance the Archaeological Heritage, including the JOAP Project ("Jericho Oasis Archaeological Park" funded by MAECI and AICS in 2015- 6), the PADIS (Palestine Archaeological Database and Information System: and PAIRR (Palestine Archaeological Items Rescue and Recovery) conducted under the aegis of UNESCO and in collaboration with EAMENA of the University of Oxford for the protection of archaeological heritage in Palestine, as well as the new project "Tell es-Sultan/Jericho Management & Conservation" with UNESCO and MOTA (2022-2026), and the Project for the Archaeological Park of Mozia financed by the Sicilian Region on PON funds ( 2018-2022).
He has developed extensive experience in external funding raised through regional, national, European and international tenders, as well as private funding.
He is the author of twenty-six monographs and more than two hundred and thirty articles in referenced scientific journals ( His studies have focused on pre-classical societies in the Near East and the Mediterranean and range from architecture to metallurgy, from ceramics to art, with a special attention paid to the archeology of contexts, cultural synchronization and the protection and enhancement of the Archaeological Heritage of the civilizations of the Near East and the Mediterranean.
SCIENTIFIC EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITIES He is the scientific director of the class A journal Vicino Oriente (from volume XIII – 2007 to volume XXVI – 2022 – ISSN 0393-0300). He is the founder and scientific director of the QAPF series (“Quaderni di Archeologia Fenicio Punica, [ISSN 1824-4017], 11 volumes published) dedicated to the publication of the results of research activities in Motya and to studies on the ancient Mediterranean. He is the founder and scientific director of the series ROSAPAT (Rome “La Sapienza” Studies in the Archeology of Palestine and Transjordan [ISSN 1826-9206], 15 volumes published), devoted to the publication of the results of the excavations conducted in Palestine and Jordan and to on the archeology of the Levant. He was the scientific co-director of the series "Atlas of the Ancient Near East" (Department of Ancient Sciences 2005-2012). He edited the Quaderni di Gerico (two volumes, 1997-2000) and was a member of the editorial board of the journal Contributi e Materiali di Archeologia Orientale (1995-2008).
He acts as referee for the journals: Berytus (American University of Beirut); Palestine Exploration Quarterly (London); Liber Annuus (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum), Ancient Sciences (Rome); Antiquity (Cambridge, UK), BASOR (Boston), Radiocarbon (Cambridge, MASS), Aegypte und Levante (Wien), Mediterranean Archeology and Archaeometry (Rhodhes); PlosOne; Radiocarbon; Journal of Nautical Archaeology.
ADVISOR AND SCIENTIFIC REFEREE- 2000-today: reviewer of Italian and international research competitions (programs for the recruitment of young scholars promoted by MIUR: "FIRB future in research" SIR [2013]; "Rita Levi Montalcini" [2014];" Reprise" [2016-present]). - 2017: Scientific advisor for the Israel Science Foundation. - 2014-2021: Scientific committee for research competitions, Ca' Foscari University - Venice. - 2014-present: PhD Scientific Advisory Board, Tel Aviv University, Israel; Israel Science Foundation; - 2013-2021: scientific advisory committee (for excavations) and or PhD of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium 2013. Research evaluation committee of the Universities of Sassari and Venice.
He is the Director of the Sapienza Museum of the Near East, Egypt and the Mediterranean (2013-present) and was Curator of the Gregorian Egyptian Museum of the Vatican Museums (1998-2005). He has been the organizer of numerous exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
For his discoveries and research activities he has received a number of national and international awards, including: in 2010 three awards for the discoveries in the Palace of the Copper Axes at the Khirbet al-Batrawy site in Jordan: "Capital Province Award" , “Colosseum Award” and “Sapienza Research Award”; in 2012 the prestigious "Honor Frost Foundation Award 2012" (London), for the discoveries in Mozia; in 2014 the "Samuel H. Kress Lectureship conferred by the Archaeological Institute of America" (Boston); in 2016 the Octopus Scholar of the University of Oxford.
He is an established communicator in the archaeological field, a field in which he has received other awards: in 2017 the "Città di Marsala 91025" Award; in 2019 the "Silvia Dell'Orso" Prize (Milan) for the dissemination of Cultural Heritage through the novel Jericho. The revolution of prehistory (il Vomere 2019) and in 2020 the Solunto International Award (Palermo), a career award for excellence in the field of archeology in Sicily; in 2021 the “Antonino Di Vita” Award for archaeological communication and dissemination (Licodia Eubea, Catania). Participates annually in the main communication events in the field of Cultural Heritage (BMTA, TourismA, etc.).
Member of the Archaeological Institute of America, Boston
Member of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Boston
Member of the Palestine Exploration Fund, London
Member of the Scientific Council of the Italian Archaeological School of Carthage, Tunis
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Phoenician Heritage Institute, Beirut
Member of ICOM