PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
email: lorenzo.moniaci@uniroma1.it

Lorenzo Moniaci obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Languages, Cultures, Literature, Translation (L-11) and his Master’s degree in Linguistic, Literary and Translation Studies (LM-37) at Sapienza, University of Rome, achieving a final evaluation score of 110/110 with honors for both degrees. His primary interests focus on German literature and its intersection with the history of medicine and science, specifically examining how scientific advancements are reflected and received within coeval artistic and literary production, particularly among authors with medical education (Dichterärzte). His Master’s thesis is titled «Dalla pietra all’inconscio. Medicina, magnetismo e psicoanalisi nella letteratura del “lungo Ottocento”». He is currently enrolled in the international joint PhD programme in Germanic and Slavic Studies at co-supervision between Sapienza University of Rome and Charles University in Prague, with a research project examining the influence of animal magnetism on Early eighteenth-century German literature, where he investigates artistic and literary production across Western and Central Europe, based on the first diffusion of mesmerism and its subsequent development into scientific hypnosis. Additionally, he contributes as member to an interdisciplinary research group examining relationships between pandemic spread throughout Early twentieth century and its historical perception during Interwar period in public and private records and accounts.

Research products

11573/1733687 - 2025 - Spanische Grippe, Schweizerpest: diffusione, censura e rimozione di una pandemia al tramonto della Doppelmonarchie
Moniaci, Lorenzo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: L’influenza della guerra. La memoria rimossa della “spagnola” - (9791259980847)

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