PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: Lorenzo Gatti

supervisor: Prof. Massimo De Giuseppe


Lorenzo Gatti graduated with honors from the University of Pisa with a thesis entitled "Policies of Punishment of Nazi War Criminals in Postwar Germany (1945 - 1955)" supervisor Professor Luca Baldissara. He studied in Paris at Université Paris-Sorbonne and did research in Berlin. He is currently a PhD candidate in "History and Cultures of Europe" at Sapienza University of Rome with a project entitled "A Criminal on the Occasion of War? Walter Reder in the Perspective of Täterforschung," which aims to plausibly describe the motivations that led some of the German military to accept as legitimate wartime conduct the killing of women, old men and children during the so-called "war on civilians" in occupied Italy (1943-45) and how much this can be attributed to a kind of personal predisposition and how much it derives from a common pattern of generational, social, and cultural experiences.

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