PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: lorenza.moretti@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Emmanuel Betta
co-supervisor: Laura Schettini

Research: Ecological feminisms in Italy between the 1970s and 1990s: partiality, responsibility and awareness of limits.


PhD in History, Anthropology, and Religions (XXXVIII cycle, with scholarship) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Curriculum: Historical Sciences (Contemporary History). Research titled: "I femminismi ecologisti in Italia fra anni ‘70 e ‘90: parzialità, responsabilità e coscienza del limite."


• January 21 – April 21, 2024: Visiting student at the Department of Italian Studies, New York University (supervisor: David Forgacs).

• January 15 – April 15, 2024: Visiting Researcher at the Gender Studies Research Group, Institute for Cultural Inquiry, University of Utrecht (supervisor: Domitilla Olivieri).

• March 2022: Master's degree in Filosofia – University of Rome "La Sapienza", with a thesis titled "Il femminismo di Carla Lonzi: la demistificazione della cultura patriarcale, l'esperienza dell'autocoscienza e l’introduzione del Soggetto Imprevisto" with a final grade of 110 cum laude.

• December 2019: Bachelor's degree in Filosofia – University of Rome "La Sapienza", with a thesis titled "Citare per redimere. Walter Benjamin lettore di Franz Kafka" with a final grade of 110 cum laude.


• October 21, 2024 – Present: Participant in the first edition of the Scuola politica femminista Bianca Maria Pomeranzi, titled "I movimenti femministi tra gli ultimi decenni del Novecento e il nuovo millennio", promoted by the Casa Internazionale delle Donne and the Centro per la Riforma dello Stato, with the patronage of the Società Italiana delle Storiche.
• November 29-30, 2024: Speaker at the ASMI (Association for the Study of Modern Italy) Annual Conference 2024 titled Italy and its environment, held at Senate House, University of London. Presentation titled: "Ecological feminisms in Italy between the 1970s and 1990s: partiality, responsibility and awareness of limits".
• September 26-27, 2024: Invited speaker at the SIS (Società italiana delle Storiche) conference titled "Patriarcato: passato e presente di una categoria interpretativa / Patriarchy: Past and Present of an Interpretative Category", held at Casa internazionale delle donne.
• September 16-20, 2024: Participation in the "Seminario dottorandi 2023/2024", within the PhD program in "Storia, Antropologia e Religioni" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Presentation of a chapter from the doctoral research tentatively titled "I femminismi ecologisti in Italia fra anni ‘70 e ‘90: parzialità, responsabilità e coscienza del limite". Discussant: Prof. Maud Bracke (University of Glasgow).
• September 6-8, 2024: Attendance at the 3rd "Scuola di storia orale e public history nel paesaggio metropolitano di Roma" by the Associazione Italiana di Storia Orale (AISO), titled "Fare storia sul territorio. Interviste, Archivi, Musei", held at the Ecomuseo del Litorale Romano.
• August 28 – September 1, 2024: Non-residential participation in the "Scuola Estiva della Società Italiana delle Storiche", 2024 edition, titled "Storie d’amore. Legami e desiderio dentro e oltre il patriarcato", at the Centro Studi Cisl, Florence.
• August 1-8, 2024: Speaker at the XXV World Congress of Philosophy. Co-organizer and speaker of the round table titled "We don’t want any screen between us and the world”. For a critique of mediation in Carla Lonzi’s thought: Art, Culture and Sexuality."
• July 18-21, 2024: Residential participant at the XVIII SIMposio of social conflict, organized by Zapruder journal and Storie in movimento, titled "Del conseguimento della maggiore età", held at Il Poggiolo – Rifugio Re_Esistente. Participation funded by a scholarship from Zapruder journal and Storie in movimento.
• June 20-22, 2024: Attended the IX International Congress of the Società Italiana delle Storiche titled "Genere e storia oltre i confini", at the University of Palermo.
• June 17, 2024: Co-organizer and speaker of the advanced seminar "Serendipità. Trovare qualcosa mentre si sta cercando qualcos’altro", within the PhD program in "Storia, Antropologia e Religioni" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Presentation titled "Veronica e il diavolo. Un caso di serendipità nella storia di genere".
• June 11, 2024: Attended the curriculum seminar in Modern and Contemporary History 2023-2024, within the PhD program in "Storia, Antropologia e Religioni" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", titled "Violenza e genere".
• June 6-8, 2024: Speaker at the 7th Annual Conference of the Society for Italian Philosophy at the University of Turin. Co-organizer and speaker of the panel titled "Notes for a trajectory in ecofeminism in Italy from the 1980s to the present."
• June 3-4, 2024: Speaker at the SIS conference titled "La nuova storia di genere in Italia e in Europa. Giornate di discussione delle tesi di dottorato in corso in Storia delle relazioni e delle identità di genere" at the Scuola Normale di Pisa.
• May 30-31, 2024: Speaker at the 5th edition of the Student Conference at the University of Pavia titled "Quando scende la notte. Opportunità, limiti e interpretazioni della notte dall'antichità all'età contemporanea". Presentation titled "La notte ci piace vogliamo uscire in pace. Per una storia della manifestazione femminista 'Riprendiamoci la notte' in Italia".
• May 29-30, 2024: Speaker at the national PhD seminar "Storie in corso" by the Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea (SISSCO).
• May 17-18, 2024: Invited speaker at the Conference "50 anni dal primo referendum dell’Italia repubblicana: 'No, no, no': la mobilitazione per il divorzio nella campagna referendaria del 1974", held at the Domus Mazziniana in Pisa, in collaboration with the Department of Civiltà e Forme del Sapere at the University of Pisa.
• February 28 – March 27, 2024: Attended the course "Gender Studies NOW: The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies in Conversation", by Prof. Eva Hayward and Eva Midden at Utrecht University.
• February 5 – March 18, 2024: Attended the course "Gender and Social Inclusion, Social Reproduction, and Feminist Interventions", by Prof. Berteke Waaldijk at Utrecht University.
• January 18-19, 2024: Attended the series of meetings "A Fabulous Archive: Encounters with Porpora Marcasciano", organized by The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG), Masterlanguage, Graduate Gender Programme (GGeP), Department of Languages, Literature and Communication (TLC) – Italian, and the Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICON).
• November 30 – December 1, 2023: Speaker at the conference "I movimenti sociali nella trasformazione degli anni Ottanta" at the Department of Storia, Antropologia, Religioni, Arte e Spettacolo, University of Rome "La Sapienza". Presentation titled: "La nascita degli ecofemminismi: tra coscienza del limite, incarnazione ed etica della responsabilità."
• November 13, 2023: Speaker at the International online workshop *"Per una storia dell’autodifesa
• November 9–10, 2023: Attended the International Conference of the Società Italiana delle Storiche titled: "Donne, Genere, Fascismo Itinerari di ricerca e nuove proposte interpretative".
• September 18–21, 2023: Participated in the "Seminario dottorandi 2022/2023" within the PhD program in "Storia, Antropologia e Religioni" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Presented a reasoned outline of the doctoral research tentatively titled "Parzialità, incarnazione e responsabilità: l’ecologismo femminista in Italia tra il 1976 e il 1992". Discussant: Prof.ssa Fiamma Lussana (University of Sassari).
• August 30 – September 3, 2023: Residential participation in the "Scuola Estiva della Società Italiana delle Storiche", 2023 edition, titled "Nominare la fatica. Corpi, lavoro, cura" at the Centro Studi Cisl in Florence. The participation was funded by winning a scholarship provided by the Società Italiana delle Storiche for residential seminar attendance.
• June 22–23, 2023: Speaker at the Summer School of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, held in Pisa in collaboration with the Department of Civiltà e Forme del Sapere and the Domus Mazziniana. Presentation titled: “Parzialità, incarnazione e responsabilità: i movimenti eco-femministi italiani, tra anni ’70 e anni ‘80”.
• June 8–10, 2023: Speaker at the 6th Annual Conference of the Society for Italian Philosophy at the University of Toronto. Co-organizer and speaker of the panel titled “Thinking the difference or thinking differently: the declinations of the thought of Italian sexual difference between Lonzi and Muraro”.
• May 30, 2023: Co-organizer of the seminar “Cura dell'ambiente ed ecosistemi globali tra crisi, instabilità ed eredità scomode” within the PhD program in "Storia, Antropologia e Religioni" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". The seminar featured a dialogue between Stefania Barca (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) and Elena Gagliasso ("Sapienza" University of Rome) on the new Italian edition of “La Morte della Natura. Donne, Ecologia e Rivoluzione scientifica” by Carolyn Merchant (Editrice Bibliografica, Milan, 2022).
• May 6, 2023: Speaker at the first edition of the Festival di Filosofia Femminista “Percorsi in genere”, sponsored by the Lazio Region, the association “Archivia. Archivi, Biblioteche, Centri di documentazione delle donne”, and the journal “Noi donne”, held at the municipality of Poggio Moiano (RI).
• March 31, 2023: Co-organizer of the seminar “Donna, vita, libertà: a sei mesi dall’inizio della rivolta” within the PhD program in "Storia, Antropologia e Religioni" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
• February 10, 2023: Speaker at the congress of About Gender and the GIFTS network titled “Il futuro imprevisto. Genere, sessualità, politiche. Prospettive storiche e sguardi critici sul presente” at the University of Genoa. Presentation titled: “La relazione fra politiche antiabortiste e anti-gender nelle destre neo-cattoliche da un punto di vista transnazionale”.
• November 16 – December 14, 2022: Attended the course “Devianti. Storie di donne e soggettività fuori dal decoro” issued by the Centro studi movimenti of Parma.


• For the academic year 2024/2025, Tutor for the Contemporary History module of LIMES - Laboratorio di Introduzione alla MEtodologia e alla Scrittura scientifica for the L42 degree course in History, Anthropology, Religions.
• For the academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024, collaboration with the Studi di genere chair at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Rome "La Sapienza".


• From November 2022 to the present, doctoral scholarship.
• On December 23, awarded a scholarship for funding periods of mobility abroad for PhD students of the XXXVIII and XXXIX cycle, issued by the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
• On December 1, 2024, awarded the ASMI Conference 2024 Travel Bursary to support participation in the "Italy and its Environments" conference (London, November 29–30, 2024).
• On October 9, 2024, awarded a tutoring position for LIMES - Laboratorio di Introduzione alla MEtodologia e alla Scrittura scientifica for the L42 degree course in History, Anthropology, Religions.
• On June 26, 2024, awarded the scholarship from Zapruder journal and Storie in movimento to attend the 18th SIMposio della conflittualità sociale, titled “Del conseguimento della maggiore età” at Il Poggiolo – Rifugio Re_Esistente, from July 18–21, 2024.
• On October 11, 2023, awarded the scholarship for mobility abroad for PhD students of the XXXVII and XXXVIII cycle, issued by the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
• On August 3, 2023, awarded the scholarship by the Società Italiana delle Storiche to attend the Scuola Estiva della Società Italiana delle Storiche, 2023 edition, titled "Nominare la fatica. Corpi, lavoro, cura" at the Centro Studi Cisl in Florence, from August 30–September 3, 2023. At the same time, awarded a scholarships for remote participation, which was declined in favor of the residential scholarship.
• Received a merit certificate for the Fifth Edition (2022) of the Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia award for thesis from the University of Padua on June 26, 2023.
• Awarded "Outstanding Graduate for the academic year 2021/2022" by the University of Rome "La Sapienza" on March 27, 2023.
• From October 2016 to October 2018, awarded exemption for merit as a student at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".


• Since August 2024, member of the Associazione italiana per la storia orale (AISO).
• Since May 2024, member of the Società italiana di storia ambientale (SISAm).
• Since April 2023, member of the Società italiana per le donne in filosofia (SWIP).
• Since February 2023, member of the Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea (SISSCO).
• Since January 2023, member of the Società italiana delle storiche (SIS).


• From July 2018 to January 2019, from January 2020 to February 2021, and from September 2021 to February 2022: Collaboration scholarship at the Philosophy Library of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
• From November 2017 to February 2018: Internship at the Library of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Palazzo Vidoni office).


Italian: Native
English: Advanced (C1)
German: Intermediate (B1.1)
French: Intermediate (B1)


• Co-edited with Martina Manfredi Selvaggi the book "Sconfinate. Venti donne raccontano lo spostarsi altrove", Castelvecchi, Rome 2024.

Research products

11573/1725924 - 2024 - «La notte ci piace, vogliamo uscire in pace». Le manifestazioni notturne contro la violenza di genere in Italia
Moretti, Lorenza - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: L’autodifesa delle donne. Pratiche, diritto, immaginari - (9791254696972)

11573/1729576 - 2024 - Carla Lonzi (1931-1982)
Moretti, Lorenza - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Archivio delle filosofe 2 - (978-88-5511-567-4)

11573/1684889 - 2023 - Intergenerazionalità
Maciocci, Chiara; Moretti, Lorenza - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Memorie, bussole, cambiamenti. Didattica e ricerca sugli studi delle donne e di genere (Rome, Italy)
book: Memorie, bussole, cambiamenti. Didattica e ricerca sugli studi delle donne e di genere - (978-88-9377-271-6)

11573/1669536 - 2022 - Malabou, C. (2022), Il piacere rimosso. Clitoride e pensiero, Milano, Mimesis, pp. 164
Moretti, Lorenza - 01d Recensione
paper: AG-ABOUT GENDER (Genova : Università di Genova) pp. 826-830 - issn: 2279-5057 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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