PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: lorenza.moretti@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Emmanuel Betta
co-supervisor: Laura Schettini

Research: The reasons for the rearticulation of the mass feminist movement in Italy. For a perspective on Italian feminist groups in the years 77-79 and for a profile of the following decade


PhD in History, Anthropology, Religions (XXXVIII cycle, with fellowship) at the Universitỳ of Rome "La Sapienza". Curriculum: Historical Sciences (Contemporary History). Research entitled: "Partiality, embodiment and responsibility: feminist ecologism in Italy between 1976 and 1992."

⦁ March 2022
Master's degree in "Philosophy" - University of Rome "La Sapienza", with a thesis entitled "Il femminismo di Carla Lonzi: la demistificazione della cultura patriarcale, l'esperienza dell'autocoscienza e l’introduzione del Soggetto Imprevisto" with a final evaluation of 110 cum laude.

⦁ December 2019
Bachelor's degree in "Philosophy" - University of Rome "La Sapienza", with a thesis entitled "Citare per redimere. Walter Benjamin lettore di Franz Kafka" with a final evaluation of 110 cum laude.

17/11/2023 - Participation as speaker in the seminar “Il femminismo è stata la mia festa. Riconoscimento e soggettività femminista in Carla Lonzi” as part of the XXIVth cycle of seminars “Parlarne tra amiche. Raccontarsi e ri-conoscersi nella relazione con le altre”, organized by the Feminist Studies Laboratory “Sguardi sulle differenze” for A.A. 2023/2024, at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Rome "La Sapienza."
⦁ 13/11/2023 - Participation as speaker at the International online Workshop entitled "Towards a history of women's self-defense against gender-based violence", organized by the Department of Historical, Geographical and Ancient Sciences, University of Padua, with a paper entitled "Riprendiamoci la notte and other strategies of feminist self-defense in 1970s and 1980s Italy."
⦁ From 18/09/2023 to 21/09/2023 - Participation in the "“Seminario dottorandi 2022/2023", as part of the doctoral program in "History, Anthropology and Religions" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Presentation of the index of the doctoral research entitled "Partiality, embodiment and responsibility: feminist ecologism in Italy between 1976 and 1992." Discussant: Prof. Fiamma Lussana (University of Sassari).
⦁ From 08/30/2023 to 09/03/2023 - Residential attendance of the “Scuola Estiva della Società Italiana delle Storiche”, 2023 edition, entitled “Nominare la fatica. Corpi, lavoro, cura”, at the CISL Study Center in Florence. Participation was funded by winning the call for papers issued by the Società Italiana delle Storiche for three scholarships for participation in the residential study seminar.
⦁ From 22/06/2023 to 23/06/2023 - Participation as speaker at the Summer School of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy, held in Pisa in collaboration with the Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge and the Domus Mazziniana. Talk entitled: “Parzialità, incarnazione e responsabilità: i movimenti eco-femministi italiani, tra anni ’70 e anni ‘80”.
⦁ From 08/06/2023 to 10/06/2023 - Participation as a speaker at the 6th annual conference of the Society for Italian Philosophy at the University of Toronto. Co-organizer and speaker of the panel entitled “Thinking the difference or thinking differently: the declinations of the thought of Italian sexual difference between Lonzi and Muraro”.
⦁ 30/05/2023 - Co-organizer of the seminar "Cura dell'ambiente ed ecosistemi globali tra crisi, instabilità ed eredità scomode” as part of the doctoral program in "History, Anthropology and Religions" at "La Sapienza" University of Rome. The seminar featured a dialogue between Stefania Barca (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) Elena Gagliasso ("Sapienza" University of Rome) around the new Italian edition of "The Death of Nature. Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution" by Carolyn Merchant (Editrice Bibliografica, Milan, 2022).
⦁ 06/05/2023 - Participation as speaker at the 1st edition of the Feminist Philosophy Festival "Percorsi in genere " sponsored by the Lazio Region, the association "Archivia. Archivi, Biblioteche, Centri di documentazione delle donne" and the magazine "Noi donne" at the municipality of Poggio Moiano (RI).
⦁ 31/03/2023 - Co-organizer of the seminar “Donna, vita, libertà: a sei mesi dall’inizio della rivolta”, as part of the doctoral program in "History, Anthropology and Religions" at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
⦁11/03/2023 - Participation as speaker in the seminar “Donne in movimento: identità in viaggio” as part of the XXIIIrd cycle of seminars "Ed il viaggiar m'è dolce a quanto pare... spazi, tempi, corpi nei pensieri delle donne", organized by the Laboratory of Feminist Studies "Sguardi sulle differenze" for the a.y. 2022/2023, at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
⦁ 10/02/2023 - Participation as a speaker at the congress of About Gender and the GIFTS network " “Il futuro imprevisto. Genere, sessualità, politiche. Prospettive storiche e sguardi critici sul presente" at the University of Genoa. Talk entitled titolo “La relazione fra politiche antiabortiste e anti-gender nelle destre neo-cattoliche da un punto di vista transnazionale”.
⦁ From 16/11/2022 to 14/12/2022: Attendance at the course " Devianti. Storie di donne e soggettività fuori dal decoro” issued by the Parma Movement Studies Center.
⦁ 29/04/2022 - Participation as speaker in the seminar “Mettere al mondo il mondo: riflessioni sulle politiche della cura”, as part of the XXIIth cycle of seminars “La cura dello sguardo. Sguardi sulla cura”, organized by the Laboratory of Feminist Studies "Sguardi sulle differenze" for the a.y. 2021/2022, at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

⦁ On 11/10/2023: winner of the call for proposals for the financing of periods of mobility abroad for doctoral students of the XXXVII and XXXVIII cycles announced by the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
⦁ On 03/08/2023: winner of the call for applications issued by the Società Italiana delle Storiche for three scholarships for in-person participation in the residential study seminar “Scuola Estiva della Società Italiana delle Storiche”, 2023 edition, entitled “Nominare la fatica. Corpi, lavoro, cura” at the CISL Study Center in Florence, from 08/30/2023 to 09/03/2023.
⦁ Received the Certificate of Merit for the Fifth Edition (2022) of the Study Award named after Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia from the University of Padua on 06/26/2023.
⦁ Awarded as " Laureata eccellente” for the academic year 2021/2022" by the University of Rome "La Sapienza on 27/03/2023.
⦁ From October 2016 to October 2018 winner of the meritorious student exemption at "La Sapienza" University of Rome.

⦁ Since April 2023 member of the Italian Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP).
⦁ Since February 2023 member of the Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea (SISSCO)
⦁ Since January 2023 member of the Società italiana delle storiche (SIS).
⦁ Since July 2021 participation in the Anna Rita Simeone Feminist Studies Laboratory “Sguardi sulle Differenze” at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

⦁ From July 2018 to January 2019, from January 2020 to February 2021 and from September 2021 to February 2022: Collaboration grant at the Philosophy Library of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
⦁ From November 2017 to February 2018: Internship at the Library of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (located in Palazzo Vidoni).


Italian: native language
English: advanced level (C1)
German: intermediate level (B1.1)
French: intermediate level (B1)

Research products

11573/1684889 - 2023 - Intergenerazionalità
Maciocci, Chiara; Moretti, Lorenza - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Memorie, bussole, cambiamenti. Didattica e ricerca sugli studi delle donne e di genere (Rome, Italy)
book: Memorie, bussole, cambiamenti. Didattica e ricerca sugli studi delle donne e di genere - (978-88-9377-271-6)

11573/1669536 - 2022 - Malabou, C. (2022), Il piacere rimosso. Clitoride e pensiero, Milano, Mimesis, pp. 164
Moretti, Lorenza - 01d Recensione
paper: AG-ABOUT GENDER (Genova : Università di Genova) pp. 826-830 - issn: 2279-5057 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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