PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: leonardo.bagnulo@uniroma1.it
building: Marco Polo
room: 205

supervisor: Prof. Fabio Ciambella
co-supervisor: prof. Donatella Montini

Research: PNRR: Digitisation of Anglo-Italian early modern texts

Leonardo Bagnulo is currently enrolled in the doctoral program "Studies in English Literatures, Language and Translation." He won the PNRR351 grant "Digitization of Anglo-Italian texts from the early modern period." In 2021, he received his MA in English and Anglo-American Studies from Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis entitled "The Anonymous Thomas of Woodstock: Stylometric Inquiry." His studies focus on stylistic analysis of Elizabethan and Jacobean theatrical text, with a particular interest in historical dramas. Additional research interests include the application in linguistics of Complex/Dynamic System Theory. His doctoral project is focused on the analysis and digitization of Giovanni Francesco Biondi's historical chronicle, "L'istoria delle guerre civili d'Inghilterra tra le due case di Lancastre e di Iorc".

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