PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
building: Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

supervisor: Prof. Gino Satta; Prof.ssa Elisa D'Annibale

Research: Through The Eyes of The Neighbour: Deutschlandbilder and Italienbilder in the Italian and German Press from 1945 to 1989

She graduated in "Euro-American Literatures, translation and literary criticism" (University of Trento) with a thesis on the acquisition of German in late adulthood ("Das Fremdsprachenlernen im Alter: Der Einfluss des Faktors Alter und anderer individuellen Variablen"). At the same time she obtained the German master's degree in "Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften" (Technische Universität Dresden) within the European Double Degree programme. After completing her university studies she worked as a German teacher in secondary schools in the Autonomous Province of Trento, qualified as a secondary school teacher ("German Language and Culture in secondary schools"; AD24) and won the "concorso ordinario" held by the MIUR (D.D. n. 499; 21st April 2020). At the same time she has been working as a translator (languages: German, Slovak, Czech) and won a research grant at the Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici in Rome (role: translation the daily press review within the SICIT project - "Stato dell'informazione e della comunicazione italo-tedesca"). In the academic year 2021-2022 she held the German language course (advanced) at the Department of Political Science of the Sapienza University and is currently a PhD student in History and Cultures of Europe at the Faculty of Humanities, with a research project that aims to investigate the process of formation and evolution of the mutual representations of Italians and Germans, analysing the ways in which they have been conveyed by the post-World War II press.

Research products

11573/1711054 - 2024 - Scheda di Philipp Ther, Die Außenseiter: Flucht, Flüchtlinge und Integration im modernen Europa
Santoni, Laura - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Migrazioni moderne e contemporanee. Un approccio globale - (9788833656816)

11573/1721071 - 2024 - Recensione a Olivier Agard, Barbara Beßlich, Cristina Fossaluzza (edd), Liberalismus (be-)denken. Europa-Ideen in Wissenschaft, Literatur und Kulturkritik (1900-1950), Wien, Böhlau, 2023
Santoni, Laura - 01d Recensione
paper: ARO (Trento: Fondazione Bruno Kessler) pp. - - issn: 2612-2863 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1687734 - 2023 - Recensione a Gustavo Corni, Guglielmo II. L’ultimo Kaiser di Germania tra autocrazia, guerra ed esilio
Santoni, Laura - 01d Recensione
paper: STUDI GERMANICI (Roma: Istituto italiano di studi germanici, 1979/80- Roma: Herder Editrice e Libreria Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri, 1963- Firenze: Sansoni, 1935-) pp. 286-289 - issn: 0039-2952 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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