telefono: +39 0649933878

Cognome(i/)/Nome(i) ROSANÒ LAURA
Settore professionale Direttore di Ricerca, ISTITUTO DI BIOLOGIA E PATOLOGIA MOLECOLARI (IBPM), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Telefono(i) 0649933878

2002 Idoneità Scientifica Nazionale. Prima Fascia 06/A2 - Patologia Generale e Patologia Clinica; Prima Fascia 05/F1 - Biologia Applicata
2001 Specializzazione in Patologia Clinica, Facoltà di Medicina, Università di Roma La Sapienza
1995 Laurea in Scienze Biologiche Università di Roma La Sapienza

2019 Membro dell'International Scientific Advisory Committee "Sixteenth International Conference on Endothelin" Kobe, Giappone, 22-25 settembre 2019
2018-2022 Primo Ricercatore presso Istituto di Biologia Molecolare e Patologia (IBPM) - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
2013-2018 Contratto di Ricerca Senior "5x1000 IRE", Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori Regina Elena di Roma
2017 Visiting Scientist UCL, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, London, UK (Prof. Marilena Loizidou, Head of Research Department of Nanotechnology)
2017 Membro dell'International Scientific Advisory Committee "Fifteenth International Conference on Endothelin" Praga, Repubblica Ceca, Ottobre 4-7, 2017.
2009-2012 Senior Research Contract AIRC Grant, PI Dr. Anna Bagnato, Laboratorio di Patologia Molecolare e Ultrastruttura, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori Regina Elena di Roma
2007-2008 PI Research Fellow "New Idea Award Ricerca Corrente 2006", Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori Regina Elena di Roma
2003-2006 Senior Research Contract AIRC Grant, PI Dr. Anna Bagnato, Laboratorio di Patologia Molecolare e Ultrastruttura, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori Regina Elena di Roma
2000-2002 Vincitrice Borsa di Ricerca Competitiva FIRC, Laboratorio di Patologia Molecolare e Ultrastruttura, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori Regina Elena di Roma
1998-1999 Contratto di Ricerca AIRC, PI Dott.ssa Anna Bagnato, Laboratorio di Patologia Molecolare e Ultrastruttura, Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena di Roma
1996-1998 Contratto di Ricerca "Ministero della Salute", PI Dr. Alberto Chersi, Laboratorio di Biochimica, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori Regina Elena di Roma

2000 Recipient of “Premio Trivella” at XV Meeting of Italian Society of Cancer Research
2004 Best Poster Award from Nature Review Cancer at “Cadherins, Catenins and Cancer”, Madrid, November 19-December 1, 2004.
2005 AACR-Pezcoller Foundation Scholar-in-Training Award at AACR 95th Annual Meeting
2005 Fondazione Guido Berlucchi Award for Italian young researcher
2006 Poster awarded from Pezcoller-Bedogni Foundation, at 18th Pezcoller Symposium “Tumor microenvironment: heterotypic interactions”, Trento, June 27-29, 2006.

2023-2025 PI Unit PRIN 2022 PNRR- "Improving ovarian cancer immunotherapy by the combination of Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 blockade and bispecific antibodies targeting CD28 and tumour-associated antigens", IBPM-CNR
2021-2023: Principal Investigator REGIONE LAZIO GRUPPI DI RICERCA 2020 “Sviluppo di modelli organotipici e organ-on-chip di tumore ovarico per testare farmaci antitumorali”,
2019-2023: Principal Investigator AIRC Grant, “Dynamic signaling reciprocity shapes invadopodia function and metastatic process of ovarian cancer: role of endothelin-1
2018-2019: Principal Investigator IRE Grant, “Identificazione del network di segnali del matrisoma nel processo metastatico del carcinoma ovarico: il ruolo dei recettori dell’endotelina nel microambiente tumorale”
2016-2018: Principal Investigator AIRC Grant, “Endothelin axis/b-arrestin-driven actin reorganization: bringing the right network of proteins to direct invadopodia ”.
2013-2015: Principal Investigator AIRC Grant, “Role of b-arrestin as a multifunctional adapter of G protein coupled receptor-driven tumor cell motility”.
2005-2007: Regional Grant AIRC, U.O. IRE, “Mechanism and circumvention of chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer”.

Membro dell'Associazione Americana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AACR), Associazione Italiana di Colture Cellulari (AICC), Società Italiana di Cancerologia (SIC), Associazione Europea per la Ricerca sul Cancro (EACR)

Dal 2022, membro del Ph.D. commissione del corso di dottorato in Biologia cellulare e dello sviluppo, Università di Roma Sapienza

Supervisore degli studenti di Laurea Magistrale, Ph.D. studente e post-Doc Fellow

Attività di divulgazione scientifica attraverso comunicati stampa e interviste (stampa, radio e televisione).
Seminari per le scuole primarie e secondarie e laboratori sulla ricerca in oncologia

Comitato editoriale: Journal of Cancer Research; Frontiers in Oncology; Biomedicine;
Revisore ad hoc: journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research; Journal of Pathology; Molecular and Cancer Therapeutics ; International Journal of Cancer; Clinical Cancer Research: Journal of the Neurological Sciences; Neoplasia; BBA Molecular Cell Research; Journal of Translation Medicine; Life Sciences; Molecular Cancer Research; Microvascular Research; Cell Death and disease; Oncogene; Scientific reports; Cancers; Cell Reports

N. pubblicazioni in peer-review riviste 93 (
H index = 38 (Scopus, Gennaio 2024); Author ID:6602728729

1. Di Modugno F, Rosanò L, Chersi A. The molecular basis of MHC-mediated antigen presentation and cellular response in normal and cancer cells. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 15: 219-26, 1996.
2. Chersi A, Di Modugno F, Rosanò L. Aims and limitation in the use of antipeptide antibodies in molecular biology. Biol Chem 378:635-40, 1997.
3. Chersi A, Di Modugno F, Rosanò L. Selective “in synthesis” labelling of peptides by fluorochromes. Biochim Biophys Acta 1136: 83-8, 1997.
4. Di Modugno F, Mammì C, Rosanò L, Rubiu O, Nisticò P, Chersi A. MHC-peptide binding: dimers of cysteine-containing nonapeptide bind with high affinity to HLA-A2 class I molecules. J Immunother 20:431-6, 1997.
5. Rosanò L, Di Modugno F, Chersi A. Definition of essential amino acid residues in the recognition of a peptide by a mouse monoclonal antibody. Z Naturforsch C 52: 274-8, 1997.
6. Di Modugno F, Rosanò L, Chersi A. Isolation, characterization and comparison of antipeptide and antiprotein rabbit antibodies to the π-isoform of glutathione S-transferase. Z. Naturforsch C 53: 902-10, 1998.
7. Chersi A, Di Modugno F, Rosanò L. Flexibility of aminoacid residues at position 4 enhances binding of nonapeptides to soluble HLA-A0201 molecules. Z. Naturforsch C 55: 109-14, 2000.
8. Salani D, Di Castro V, Nicotra MR, Rosanò L, Tecce R, Venuti A, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Role of endothelin-1 in neovascularization of ovarian carcinoma. Am J Pathol 157: 1537-57, 2000.
9. Salani D, Taraboletti G, Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Borsotti P , Giavazzi R, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 induces an angiogenic phenotype in cultured endothelial cells and stimulates neovascolarization in vivo. Am J Pathol 157: 1703-11, 2000.
10. Chersi A, Rosanò L, Tanigaki N. Polystyrene beads coated with antibodies directed to HLA class I intracytoplasmic domain: the use in quantitative measurement of peptide-HLA class I binding by flow cytometry. Hum Immunol 61: 1298-306, 2001.
11. Bagnato A, Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Albini A, Salani D, Varmi M, Nicotra MR, Natali PG. Endothelin receptor blockade inhibits proliferation of Kaposi’s sarcoma cells. Am J Pathol 158: 841-7, 2000.
12. Rosanò L, Varmi M, Salani D, Di Castro V, Spinella F, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 induces tumor proteinase activation and invasiveness of ovarian carcinoma cells. Cancer Res 61, 8340-6, 2001.
13. Del Bufalo L, Di Castro V, Biroccio A, Varmi M, Salani D, Rosanò L, Trisciuoglio D, Spinella F, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 protects ovarian carcinoma cells against paclitaxel-induced apoptosis: requirement for AKT activation. Mol Pharmacol. 61, 524-32, 2001.
14. Spinella F, Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 induces vascular endothelial growth factor by increasing hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha in ovarian carcinoma cells. J Biol Chem 277:27850-5, 2002.
15. Rosanò L, Salani D, Di Castro V, Spinella F, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 promotes proteolytic activity of ovarian carcinoma. Clin Sci (Lond) 103 Suppl 48:306S-9S, 2002.
16. Salani D, Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Spinella F, Venuti A, Padley RJ, Nicotra MR, Natali PG, Bagnato A. ABT-627, a potent endothelin receptor A antagonist, inhibits ovarian growth in vitro. Clin Sci (Lond) 103 Suppl 1:318S-21S, 2002.
17. Del Bufalo L, Di Castro V, Biroccio A, Salani D, Rosanò L, Spinella F, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 acts as a survival factor in ovarian carcinoma cells. Clin Sci (Lond) 103 Suppl 48:302S-5S, 2002.
18. Rosanò L, Spinella F, Salani D, Di Castro V, Venuti A, Nicotra MR, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Therapeutic targeting of the endothelin A receptor in human ovarian carcinoma. Cancer Res. 63, 2447-53, 2003.
19. Rosanò L, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Nicotra MR, Albini A, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin receptor blockade inhibits molecular effectors of Kaposi’s sarcoma cell invasion and tumor growth in vivo. Am J Pathol 163:753-6, 2003.
20. Spinella F, Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Nicotra MR, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 decreases gap-junctional intercellular communication by inducing phosphorylation of connexin 43 in human ovarian carcinoma cells. J Biol Chem 287: 41294-301, 2003.
21. Spinella F, Rosano’ L, Di Castro V, Nicotra MR, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 expression by targeting the endothelin a receptor in human ovarian carcinoma cells. Clin Cancer Res 10:4670-9, 2004.
22. Bagnato A, Rosanò L, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Tecce R, Natali PG. Endothelin B receptor blockade inhibits dynamics of cell interactions and communications in melanoma cell progression. Cancer Res 64:1436-443, 2004.
23. Spinella F, Rosano’ L, Di Castro V, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1-induced prostaglandin E2-EP2, EP4-signaling regulates vascular endothelial growth factor production and ovarian carcinoma cell invasion. J Biol Chem 279: 46700-5, 2004.
24. Rosano’ L, Spinella F, G Genovesi, Di Castro V, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin B receptor blockade inhibits molecular effectors of melanoma cell progression. J. Cardiovasc Pharmacol 44: S136-9, 2004.
25. Rosanò L, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Therapeutic targeting of the endothelin A receptor in human ovarian carcinoma: efficacy of the cytotoxic agents is markedly enhanced by coadministration with atrasentan. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 44: S132-S135, 2004.
26. Spinella F, Rosano’ L, Elia G, Di Castro V, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 stimulates cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human ovarian carcinoma cells though multiple signaling pathways: evidence for involvement of the epidermal growth factor receptor. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 44: S140-3, 2004.
27. Rosanò L, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Nicotra MR, Dedhar S, de Herreros AG, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 promotes epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human ovarian cancer cells. Cancer Res 65:11649-57, 2005.
28. Bagnato A, Spinella F, Rosanò L. Emerging role of the endothelin axis in ovarian tumor progression. End Rel Cancer 12:761-72, 2005.
29. Rosanò L, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Decandia S, Elia G, Nicotra MR, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 is required during epithelial to mesenchymal transition in ovarian cancer progression. Exp Biol Med 231:1128-31, 2006.
30. Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Spinella F, Decandia S, Natali PG, Bagnato A. ZD4054, a potent endothelin receptor A antagonist, inhibits ovarian carcinoma cell proliferation. Exp Biol Med 231:1132-35, 2006.
31. Spinella F, Rosanò L, Decandia S, Di Castro V, Albini A, Elia G, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Antitumor effect of green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate in ovarian carcinoma cells: evidence for the endothelin-1 as a potential target. Exp Biol Med 231:1123-7, 2006.
32. Rosanò L, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Nicotra MR, Dedhar S, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Integrin-linked kinase functions as a downstream mediator of Endothelin-1 to promote invasive behaviour in ovarian carcinoma. Mol Cancer Ther 5: 833-42, 2006.
33. Spinella F, Rosanò L, Decandia S, Di Castro V, Albini A, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits the endothelin axis and downstream signaling pathways in ovarian carcinoma. Mol Cancer Ther 5: 1483-92, 2006.
34. Spinella F, Rosanò L, Decandia S, Di Castro V, Nicotra MR, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 and -3 promote invasive behaviour via hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in human melanoma cells. Cancer Res 67: 1725-34, 2007.
35. Bagnato A and Rosanò L. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition in ovarian cancer progression: a crucial role for the endothelin axis. Cells Tissues Organs 185:85-94, 2007.
36. Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Spinella F, Nicotra MR, Natali PG, Bagnato A. ZD4054, a specific antagonist of the endothelin A receptor, inhibits tumor growth and enhances paclitaxel activity in human ovarian carcinoma in vitro and in vivo. Mol Cancer Ther 6: 2003-11, 2007.
37. Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Spinella F, Tortora G, Nicotra MR, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Combined targeting of endothelin A receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor in ovarian cancer shows enhanced antitumor activity. Cancer Res 67: 6351-6359, 2007.
38. Bagnato A, Rosanò L. The endothelin axis in cancer. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 40: 1443-51, 2008.
39. Folgiero V, Avetrani P, Bon G, Di Carlo SE, Fabi A, Nisticò C, Vici P, Melucci E, Buglioni S, Perracchio L, Sperduti I, Rosanò L, Sacchi A, Mottolese M, Falcioni Rita. Induction of ErbB-3 expression by α6β4 integrin contributes to Tamoxifen resistance in ERβ1-negative breast carcinomas. PLoS ONE 3:e1592, 2008.
40. Bagnato A, Spinella F, Rosanò L. The endothelin axis in cancer: the promise and the challenges of molecularly targeted therapy. Canadian J Physiol Pharmacol 86: 473-8, 2008.
41. Rosanò L, Cianfrocca R, Masi S, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Biroccio A, Salvati E, Nicotra MR, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Beta-arrestin links endothelin A receptor to beta-catenin signaling to induce ovarian cancer cell invasion and metastasis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106: 2806-11, 2009.
42. Spinella F, Garrafa E, Di Castro V, Rosanò L, Nicotra MR, Caruso A, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 stimulates lymphatic endothelial cells and lymphatic vessels to grow and invade. Cancer Res 69: 2669-76, 2009.
43. Rosanò L, Bagnato A. Convergent pathways link the endothelin A receptor to the beta-catenin: The beta-arrestin connection. Cell Cycle 8: 1461-1465, 2009.
44. Spinella F, Rosanò L, Del Duca M, Di Castro V, Nicotra M R, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 inhibits prolyl hydroxylase domain 2 to activate hypoxia-inducible factor-1a in melanoma cells. PloSONE 5:e11241, 2010.
45. Cianfrocca R, Rosanò L, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Natali PG, and Bagnato A. β-arrestin-1 mediates the endothelin-1-induced activation of Akt and integrin-linked kinase. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 88: 796-801, 2010.
46. Rosanò L, Cianfrocca R, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Natali PG, and Bagnato A. Combination therapy of zibotentan with cisplatinum and taxol is an effective regimen for epithelial ovarian cancer. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 88: 676-81, 2010.
47. Spinella F, Caprara V, Garrafa E, Di Castro V, Rosanò L, Natali PG, and Bagnato A. Endothelin axis induces metalloproteinase activation and invasiveness in human lymphatic endothelial cells. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 88: 782-787, 2010.
48. Rosanò L, Spinella F, and Bagnato A. The importance of endothelin axis in initiation, progression and therapy of ovarian cancer. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 299:R395-404, 2010.
49. Rosanò L, Cianfrocca R, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Nicotra MR, Lucidi A, Ferrandina G, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Acquisition of chemoresistance and EMT phenotype is linked with activation of the endothelin A receptor pathway in ovarian carcinoma cells. Clin Cancer Res 17: 2350-60, 2011.
50. Bagnato A, Rosanò L. Understanding and overcoming chemoresistance in ovarian cancer: emerging role of the endothelin axis. Curr Oncol 19:36-8, 2012.
51. Cianfrocca R, Tocci P, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Bagnato A, Rosanò L. The endothelin A receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor signaling converge on β-catenin to promote ovarian cancer metastasis. Life Sci 91:550-556, 2012.
52. Garrafa E, Caprara V, Di Castro V, Rosanò L, Bagnato A, Spinella F. Endothelin-1 cooperates with hypoxia to induce vascular-like structures through vascular endothelial growth factor-C, -D and -A in lymphatic endothelial cells. Life Sci 91: 638-43, 2012.
53. Spinella F, Caprara V, Di Castro V, Rosanò L, Cianfrocca R, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 induces the transactivation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 and modulates cell migration and vasculogenic mimicry in melanoma cells. Mol Med (Berl). 91:395-405, 2013.
54. Rosanò L, Cianfrocca R, Tocci P, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Spadaro F, Salvati E, Biroccio AM, Natali PG, Bagnato A. β-arrestin-1 is a nuclear transcriptional regulator of endothelin-1-induced β-catenin signaling. Oncogene 32:5066-77, 2012.
55. Rosanò L, Spinella F, Bagnato A. Endothelin 1 in cancer: biological implications and therapeutic opportunities. Nat Rev Cancer 13:637-651, 2013.
56. Buelli S*, Rosanò L*, Gagliardini E, Corna D, Longaretti L, Pezzotta A, Perico L, Conti S, Rizzo P, Novelli R, Morigi M, Zoja C, Remuzzi G, Bagnato A, Benigni A. β-arrestin-1 drives endothelin-1-mediated podocyte activation and sustains renal injury. J Am Soc Nephrol 25:523-533, 2014. *, co-first authors
57. Spinella F, Caprara V, Cianfrocca R, Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Garrafa E, Natali PG, Bagnato A. The interplay between hypoxia, endothelial and melanoma cells regulates vascularization and cell motility through endothelin-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor. Carcinogenesis 35:840-848, 2014.
58. Cianfrocca R, Tocci P, Semprucci E, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Bagnato A, Rosanò L. β-Arrestin 1 is required for endothelin-1-induced NF-κB activation in ovarian cancer cells. Life Sci 118:179-184, 2014.
59. Caprara V, Scappa S, Garrafa E, Di Castro V, Rosanò L, Bagnato A, Spinella F. Endothelin-1 regulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and -2α stability through prolyl hydroxylase domain 2 inhibition in human lymphatic endothelial cells. Life Sci 118: 185-190, 2014.
60. Rosanò L, Cianfrocca R, Tocci P, Spinella F, Di Castro V, Caprara V, Semprucci E, Ferrandina G, Natali PG, Bagnato A. Endothelin A receptor/β-arrestin signaling to the Wnt pathway renders ovarian cancer cells resistant to chemotherapy. Cancer Res 74:7453-7464, 2014.
61. Semprucci E, Tocci P, Cianfrocca R, Sestito R, Caprara V, Veglione M, Di Castro V, Spadaro F, Ferrandina G, Bagnato A, Rosanò L. Endothelin A receptor drives invadopodia function and cell motility through the β-arrestin/PDZ-RhoGEF pathway in ovarian carcinoma. Oncogene 35:3432-342, 2016.
62. Sestito R, Cianfrocca R, Rosanò L, Tocci P, Semprucci E, Di Castro V, Caprara V, Ferrandina G, Sacconi A, Blandino G, Bagnato A. miR-30a inhibits endothelin A receptor and chemoresistance in ovarian carcinoma. Oncotarget 7:4009-4023, 2016.
63. Tocci P, Caprara V, Cianfrocca R, Sestito R, Di Castro V, Bagnato A, Rosanò L. Endothelin-1/endothelin A receptor axis activates RhoA GTPase in epithelial ovarian cancer. Life Sci 159: 49-54, 2016.
64. Sestito R, Cianfrocca R, Rosanò L, Tocci P, Semprucci E, Di Castro V, Caprara V, Bagnato A. Macitentan blocks endothelin-1 receptor activation required for chemoresistant ovarian cancer cell plasticity and metastasis. Life Sci 159: 43-48, 2016.
65. Rosanò L, Bagnato A. Endothelin Therapeutics in Cancer-Where Are We? m J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 310: R469-475, 2016.
66. Cianfrocca R, Tocci P, Rosanò L, Caprara V, Sestito R, Di Castro V, Bagnato A. Nuclear β-arrestin1 is a critical cofactor of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α signaling in endothelin-1-induced ovarian tumor progression. Oncotarget 7: 17790-804, 2016.
67. Rosanò L, Bagnato A. Disrupting the endothelin and Wnt relationship to overcome chemoresistance. Mol Cell Oncol 2: e995025, 2015.
68. Rosanò L, Bagnato A. β-arrestin1 at the cross-road of endothelin-1 signaling in cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2016; 35: 121.
69. Bagnato A, Rosanò L. Endothelin-1 receptor drives invadopodia: Exploiting how β-arrestin-1 guides the way. Small GTPases 3:1-5, 2016.
70. Russignan A, Spina C, Tamassia N, Cassaro A, Rigo A, Bagnato A, Rosanò L, Bonalumi A, Gottardi M, Zanatta L, Giacomazzi A, Tinelli M, Salvadori U, Mosna F, Cassatella MA, Vinante F, Tecchio C. Endothelin-1 receptor blockade as new therapeutic approach in multiple myeloma. Br J Haematol. 178:781-793, 2017
71. Cianfrocca R, Rosanò L, Tocci P, Sestito R, Caprara V, Di Castro V, De Maria R, Bagnato A. Blocking endothelin-1-receptor/β-catenin circuit sensitizes to chemotherapy in colorectal cancer. Cell Death Diff. 24:1811-1820, 2017.
72. Rosanò L, Cianfrocca R, Sestito R, Tocci P, Di Castro V, Bagnato A. Targeting endothelin-1 receptor/β-arrestin1 network for the treatment of ovarian cancer. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 21:925-932, 2017
73. Di Modugno F, Caprara V, Chellini L, Tocci P, Spadaro F, Ferrandina G, Sacconi A, Blandino G, Nisticò P, Bagnato A, Rosanò L. hMENA is a key regulator in endothelin-1/β-arrestin1-induced invadopodial function and metastatic process. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 115:3132-3137, 2018.
74. Russignan A, Spina C, Tamassia N, Cassaro A, Rigo A, Bagnato A, Rosanò L, Bonalumi A, Gottardi M, Zanatta L, Giacomazzi A, Scupoli MT, Tinelli M, Salvadori U, Mosna F, Zamò A, Cassatella MA, Vinante F, Tecchio C. In reply to Schäfer et al: new evidence on the role of endothelin-1 axis as a potential therapeutic target in multiple myeloma. Br J Haematol. 2019;184:1052-1055.
75. Chellini L, Caprara V, Spadaro F, Sestito R, Bagnato A, Rosanò L. Regulation of extracellular matrix degradation and metastatic spread by IQGAP1 through endothelin-1 receptor signalling in ovarian cancer. Matrix Biol. 2018 Oct 25. pii: S0945-053X(18)30303-2.
76. Bagnato A, Rosanò L. New Routes in GPCR/β-Arrestin-Driven Signaling in Cancer Progression and Metastasis. Front Pharmacol. 2019 Feb 19;10:114.
77. Rosanò L, Cianfrocca R, Bagnato A. Methods to Investigate β-Arrestin-1/β-Catenin Signaling in Ovarian Cancer Cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1957:393-406.
78. Rosanò L, Bagnato A. New insights into the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton dynamics by GPCR/β-arrestin in cancer invasion and metastasis. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol. 2019;346:129-155.
79. Tocci P, Cianfrocca R, Di Castro V, Rosanò L, Sacconi A, Donzelli S, Bonfiglio S, Bucci G, Vizza E, Ferrandina G, Scambia G, Tonon G, Blandino G, Bagnato A β-arrestin1/YAP/mutant p53 complexes orchestrate the endothelin A receptor signaling in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 19;10(1):3196.
80. Tocci P, Rosanò L, Bagnato A. Targeting Endothelin-1 Receptor/β-Arrestin-1 Axis in Ovarian Cancer: From Basic Research to a Therapeutic Approach. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2019 Sep 4;10:609.
81. Tocci P, Cianfrocca R, Sestito R, Rosanò L, Di Castro V, Blandino G, Bagnato A. Endothelin-1 axis fosters YAP-induced chemotherapy escape in ovarian cancer. Cancer Lett. 2020 Nov 1;492:84-95.
82. Masi I, Caprara V, Bagnato A, Rosanò L. Tumor Cellular and Microenvironmental Cues Controlling Invadopodia Formation. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Oct 15;8:584181.
83. Sestito R, Cianfrocca R, Tocci P, Rosanò L, Sacconi A, Blandino G, Bagnato A. Targeting endothelin 1 receptor-miR-200b/c-ZEB1 circuitry blunts metastatic progression in ovarian cancer. Commun Biol. 2020 Nov 13;3(1):677.
84. Masi I, Caprara V, Spadaro F, Chellini L, Sestito R, Zancla A, Rainer A, Bagnato A, Rosanò L. Endothelin-1 drives invadopodia and interaction with mesothelial cells through ILK. Cell Rep. 2021 Mar 2;34(9):108800.
85. Del Rio D, Masi I, Caprara V, Spadaro F, Ottavi F, Strippoli R, Sandoval P, López-Cabrera M, Sainz de la Cuesta R, Bagnato A, Rosanò L. Ovarian Cancer-Driven Mesothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition is Triggered by the Endothelin-1/β-arr1 Axis. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:764375.
86. Del Bufalo D, Di Martile M, Valentini E, Manni I, Masi I, D’Amore A, Filippini A, Nicoletti C , Zaccarini M, Cota C, Castro MV, Quezada MJ , Rosanò L, Lopez-Bergami P, D’Aguanno S. Bcl-2-like protein-10 increases aggressive features of melanoma cells. Explor Target Antitumor Ther. 2022;3:11–26.
87. Limiti E, Mozetic P, Giannitelli S M, Pinelli F, Han X, Del Rio D, Abbruzzese F, Basoli F, Rosanò L, Scialla S, Trombetta M, Gigli G, Zhang Z J, Mauri E, Rainer A. Hyaluronic AcidPolyethyleneimine Nanogels for Controlled Drug Delivery in Cancer Treatment. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022, 5(4):5544-5557
88. Giannitelli SM, Limiti E, Mozetic P, Pinelli F, Han X, Abbruzzese F, Basoli F, Del Rio D, Scialla S, Rossi F, Trombetta M, Rosanò L, Gigli G, Zhang ZJ, Mauri E, Rainer A. Droplet-based microfluidic synthesis of nanogels for controlled drug delivery: tailoring nanomaterial properties via pneumatically actuated flow-focusing junction. Nanoscale. 2022;14(31):11415-11428.
89. Loria R, Laquintana V, Scalera S, Fraioli R, Caprara V, Falcone I, Bazzichetto C, Di Martile M, Rosanò L, Del Bufalo D, Bossi G, Sperduti I, Terrenato I, Visca P, Soddu S, Milella M, Ciliberto G, Falcioni R, Ferraresi V, Bon G. SEMA6A/RhoA/YAP axis mediates tumor-stroma interactions and prevents response to dual BRAF/MEK inhibition in BRAF-mutant melanoma. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2022;41(1):148.
90. Masi I, Ottavi F, Del Rio D, Caprara V, Vastarelli C, Giannitelli SM, Fianco G, Mozetic P, Buttarelli M, Ferrandina G, Scambia G, Gallo D, Rainer A, Bagnato A, Spadaro F, Rosanò L. The interaction of β-arrestin1 with talin1 driven by endothelin A receptor as a feature of α5β1 integrin activation in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Cell Death Dis. 2023;14(1):73.
91. Díaz Méndez AB, Sacconi A, Tremante E, Lulli V, Caprara V, Rosanò L, Goeman F, Carosi M, Di Giuliani M, Vari G, Silvani A, Pollo B, Garufi C, Ramponi S, Simonetti G, Ciusani E, Mandoj C, Scalera S, Villani V, Po A, Ferretti E, Regazzo G, Rizzo MG. A diagnostic circulating miRNA signature as orchestrator of cell invasion via TKS4/TKS5/EFHD2 modulation in human gliomas. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2023 Mar 17;42(1):66.
92. Ferrao PT, Rosanò L, Poli V, Dhar SS, Lepique AP. Editorial: Women in molecular and cellular oncology. Front Oncol. 2023;13:1257780.
93. Trono P, Ottavi F, Rosanò L. Novel insights into the role of Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 (DDR2) in cancer progression: a new avenue of therapeutic intervention. Matrix Biol. 2023 Dec 9:S0945-053X(23)00126-9.

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