Academic Positions and Teaching
2005 Ph.D, C.I.R.G.M.P.A., Università Sapienza
2006-present Researcher, I/O Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome
2006-present Member of the Board of the PhD program “Psychology and Social Neurosciences”
2009-2015 Professor of Organization Development and Consultancy Processes [8 cfu], Master level (LM), Medicine and Psychology
2015-2020 Professor of Training and Organization Development [9 cfu], Master level (LM), Medicine and Psychology
2020-present Professor of Intervention and Organization Development [9 cfu], Master level (LM), Medicine and Psychology
2017-present Professor of Work Psychology [9 cfu], Bachelor Level (L-24), Medicine and Psychology
04/09/2017 Associate Professor, M-PSI/06, Department of Psychology
2020, Eligible Full Professor ASN – Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
Academic Service
2009 Member of Committee of the Event “Sapienza Ricerca”, Award of 24 best researches of the University “Sapienza”
2007-2011 Member of Committee for Post Graduate Internship at the Faculty of Psychology 2, Sapienza University of Rome
2009-2012 Member of Committee for the Assessment of the Quality of Undergraduate Teaching Programs of the Faculty of Psychology 2 (subsequently re-labelled Faculty of Medicine and Psychology)
2015-17 Member of Commissione Paritetica di Dipartimento - RDR.
2016-present Member of Commissione Prove Compensative (Ministero Salute) per Riconoscimento Titolo Psicologo Conseguito all’Estero.
2019-20 President I^ Commissione Esami di Stato per l’abilitazione alla professione di psicologo - Lazio
International Academic Positions and Visiting
2014-2017 Adjunct Professor, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2015 Visiting Professor, Washington State University, Vancouver, USA
2015 Visiting Professor, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
2015 Visiting Professor, Victoria University, Melborne, Australia
International Teaching
2015 Faculty and PhD Seminar: “Does leadership still lack something? Integrating emotions into leadership theorizing”, Washington State University Vancouver, USA.
2015 Presentation to HR Roundtable: “Does leadership still lack something? Integrating emotions into leadership theorizing”, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
2015 Faculty and PhD Seminar: “Organizational culture and intervention: Old challenges and new proposals”, University of Queensland, School of Business, Brisbane, Australia
2015 PhD Seminar: “Sharing the experience of editorial services”, University of Queensland, School of Business, Brisbane, Australia
2015 Faculty and PhD Seminar: “Mapping emotional contagion at work. Implications for leaders and organizational outcomes”, Victoria University, School of Business, Melborne, Australia
International Doctoral Service
* 2022, Ph.D. Examiner, Doctoral Thesis “Towards the understanding of collective readiness for change: a multilevel View”, Victoria University, College of Business, Melbourne – Australia.
Conference Chairing
4-5 July 2016, C0-Chair Tenth International Conference on Emotions and Worklife (EMONET X).
Publishing & Reviewing Service
* 2022-present, Editor Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
* 2010-16, Associate Editor Journal of Management & Organization
* 2011-16 Editor di Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Invited Journal Reviewer: a) Academy of Management Learning and Education; b) European Psychologist; c) International Journal of Psychology; d) BioMed Central Psychology; e) Stress & Health; f) Accident Analysis and Prevention; g) International Journal of Health Psychology
- Reviewer of Conference papers for EAWOP; SIOP; AOM
Professional Affiliations
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Academy of Management
European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (Italian Association of Psychology)
Main Research Areas
The research stream examines the individual and contextual variables which contribute to explaining organizational behavior and the functioning of complex systems. Individual and collective development and well-being and its relationship with principal organizational outcomes were further investigated by combining theoretical models with the needs or the organizations involved, in both the private and public sector. As part of the passage from theory to practice, particular attention was given to methodological and applied aspects of a research-intervention framework.
The predominant research areas included the following:
(a) Organizational efficacy and satisfaction
(b) Job burnout and Mindfulness: prevention and promotion of individual and organizational well-being and health
(c) Assessment and individual and organizational development
(d) Job safety, job insecurity, work flexibility and Artificial Intelligence
(e) Organizational culture: measurement and intervention
(f) Team work and emotional contagion
(g) Recent I/O developments in connection with neurosciences
Since 2001 has published numerous items, multiple international articles (English) in journals with impact factor. She is author of a monograph. She is first author two psychological assessment scales (I&S OCQ-Intensity and Strength Organizational Culture Questionnaire; ECWS- Emotional Contagion at Work Scale), and co-author of four psychological assessment scales (Maslach Burnout Inventory-GS Italian Version; Test Orientamento Motivazionale; Agentic Leadership Questionnaire; Big Five Competencies Map). She has also published two edited international books, one chapter in an international (English) book, 22 Italian papers, 17 books and chapters in Italian books.
Selected publications:
1. Petitta L., Lo Castro I., & Guerriero A. (2023). Familiarity at Work: Awesome or Contempt? Assessing the Interplay among Familiarity, Leadership and Team Identification. Behavioral Sciences, 13(12), 974.
2. Petitta L., & Ghezzi V. (2023). Remote, Disconnected, or Detached? Examining the Effects of Psychological Disconnectedness and Cynicism on Employee Performance, Wellbeing, and Work–Family Interface. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(13), 6318. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph20136318
3. Petitta L., Probst T.M., Ghezzi V., & Barbaranelli C. (2023). The impact of emotional contagion on workplace safety: Investigating the roles of sleep, health, and production pressure. Current Psychology, 42, 2362–2376. Doi: 10.1007/s12144-021-01616-8 (2021, online first)
4. Petitta L., & Martínez-Córcoles M. (2023). A conceptual model of mindful organizing for effective safety and crisis management. The role of organizational culture. Current Psychology, 42(29), 25773-25792. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-022-03702-x (2022, online first)
5. Petitta L., Sinato E., Giannelli, M. T. & Palange M. (2022). Implementing Mindfulness in General Life and Organizations. Validation of the Time Flow Mindfulness Questionnaire for Effective Health Management. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:832784. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.832784
6. Ghezzi V., Ciampa V., Probst T.M., Petitta L., Marzocchi I., Olivo I. & Barbaranelli C. (2022). Integrated Patterns of Subjective Job Insecurity: A Multigroup Person-Centered Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 13306, 1-20. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192013306
7. Petitta L., Probst T.M., Ghezzi V., & Barbaranelli C. (2021). Emotional Contagion as a Trigger for Moral Disengagement: Their Effects on Workplace Injuries. Safety Science, 140, 105317. Doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2021.10531
8. Petitta L., & Jiang L. (2020). How Group Goal Setting Mediates the Link Between Individual-Level Emotion-Related Factors and Team Performance. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 4(1), 3-20. DOI: 10.1002/jts5.54 [ISI]
9. Petitta L., & Jiang L. (2020). How Emotional Contagion Relates to Burnout: A Moderated Mediation Model of Job Insecurity and Group Member Prototypicality. International Journal of Stress Management, 27(1), 12-22. Doi: 10.1037/str0000134 [IF= 2.182]
10. Petitta L., Probst T.M., Ghezzi V., & Barbaranelli C. (2019). Cognitive Failures in Response to Emotional Contagion: Their Effects on Workplace Accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 125, 165-173. Doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2019.01.018 [IF=3.058]
11. Petitta L., & Jiang L. (2019). Burning Out? Watch Your Own Incivility and Emotions You Spread. WORK, 64(4), 671-683. [IF= 1.009]
12. Petitta L., Ghezzi V., & Jiang L. (2018). New Perspectives on Theories Linking Cognition, Emotion, and Context. The “Theory of Analysis of Demand. Philosophical Psychology, 31(4), 505-532. Doi: 10.1080/09515089.2018.1446514 [IF=1.151]
13. Petitta L., Jiang L., & Härtel C.E.J. (2017). Emotional Contagion and Burnout Among Nurses and Doctors: Do Joy and Anger from Different Sources of Stakeholders Matter? Stress & Health, 33(4), 358-369. (2016, online first) DOI: 10.1002/smi.2724 [IF=1.875]
14. Petitta L., Probst T.M., & Barbaranelli C. (2017). Safety Culture, Moral Disengagement, and Accident Underreporting. Journal of Business Ethics, 141(3), 489-504. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-015-2694-1. [IF=3.796]
15. Petitta L., Probst T.M., Barbaranelli C., Ghezzi V. (2017). Disentangling the Roles of Safety Climate and Safety Culture: Multi-Level Effects on the Relationship between Supervisor Enforcement and Safety Compliance. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 99, 77-89. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2016.11.012 [IF=3.058]
16. Petitta L. & Naughton S. (2015). Mapping the Association of Emotional Contagion to Leaders, Colleagues, and Clients: Implications for Leadership. Organization Management Journal. 12(3), 178-192. DOI: 10.1080/15416518.2015.1073577 [ISI, Scopus]