Curriculum Vitae
Employment experiences
• October 2018, winner of the selective procedure for the appointment of one Associate Professor (Macro-sector 11/E1 - SSD M-PSI/01) at the Department of Education, Psychology, Philosophy -University of Cagliari.
• Since September 2002, Researcher, University of Cagliari.
• January 2007 - August 2008, Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Oxford.
• July 2000 - September 2002, Research Fellowship, University of Cagliari. Project on “Personality and risk taking in adolescence”.
• September 2000 - September 2002, Psychologist, “San Biagio” Rehabilitation Centre. Quartucciu.
• April 2017, national scientific qualification for Associate Professor, Macro-sector 11/E1.
• April 2005. Doctorate in Cognitive Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Thesis on “Appearance and self-esteem: Determination and role of actual-ideal discrepancy”.
• March 1999. Degree in Psychology (equivalent to BA + MA), University of Cagliari, maximum rate (110/110 cum laude).
Methodological Research Training
- July 2008. Methodological Research Festival (Economical and Social Research Council). St. Catherine's College, Oxford.
- July 2008. 3-day workshop on Meta-analysis (Prof. Marsh, Dr O’Mara, Dr Malmberg). St. Catherine's College, Oxford.
- September 2007. Workshop on latent variable modeling with Mplus (Prof. B. Muthén & L. Muthén). University of Florence.
- August-September 2004. General linear Model in R (Prof. Caudek). Methodological Summer School. Bertinoro.
- Febrary-June 2004. Structural equation modeling, Confirmatory factor analysis, Log-linear models (Prof. Luccio & Prof. Primi). University of Florence.
Teaching experiences
since 2002 to date she has been teaching various courses at the University of Cagliari (e.g., General Psychology, Personality psychology, Learning and Memory)
• 2009-2010. Results from the research project: “Relations between specific and global domains of self-concept: A substantive-methodological synergy”. QuantSig Seminars Series. University of Oxford
• 2009-2010. General Psychology. University of Cagliari.
• 2008-2009. Psychology of Learning. University of Cagliari.
• 2008-2009. Presentation of the research project:“Relations between specific and global domains of self-concept: A substantive-methodological synergy”. QuantSig Seminars Series. University of Oxford
• 2007-2008. Workshops on Structural equation modeling using Mplus. QuantSig Seminars Series. University of Oxford
• 2006-2007. The role of actual-ideal discrepancy in explaining the relation between physical appearance and self-concept: A stronger methodological approach. QuantSig Seminars Series. University of Oxford
• 2006-2007. Personality, risk taking and gambling in adolescence. Master on Legal Psychology. University of Cagliari.
• 2006-2007. Manifest and latent approaches to interaction. Preliminary results from a Monte Carlo study. QuantSig Seminars Series. University of Oxford
• 2006-2007. General Psychology. University of Cagliari.
• 2005-2006. Personality and addictions in adolescence. Master on Drug and alcohol addictions. University of Cagliari.
• 2005-2006. General Psychology. University of Cagliari.
• 2004-2005. Fundamentals of General Psychology. University of Cagliari.
• 2003-2004. Workshops on Personality Psychology. University of Cagliari.
• 2002-2003. Workshops on Personality Psychology. University of Cagliari.
Other activities
• Member of the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP).
• Member of the SELF - Self-concept Enhancement and Learning Facilitation Research Group (convenor Prof. H.W. Marsh, Australian Catholic University - University of Oxford).
• Member of the Doctorate in Psychology and Cognitive Science - University of Rome “La Sapienza” and previously of the Doctorate in Cognitive Psychology and Personality - University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
• Member of the Editorial board of Frontiers in Psychology.
• External reviewer for scientific journals: American Educational Research Journal; Body Image; British Journal of Developmental Psychology; Educational Psychology; Educational Review; European Journal of Personality; European Journal of Psychology of Education; Frontiers in Psychology; Journal of Personality; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Research interests
Scalas main research interests are in Personality Psychology with specific reference to self-concept determination mechanisms, self-regulation processes, and determinants of psychological well-being. Psychological well-being has been operationalized as happiness plus meaningfulness (e.g., Ryff, 1989), it focuses on self-realization and is associated with positive self-concepts and self-esteem. Positive self-concepts are recognised across social science as important outcomes and mediating variables that facilitate a range of desirable outcomes (e.g., Marsh & Craven, 2006), therefore an overarching goal in Scalas research is a better understanding of the processes and mechanisms that can influence self-concept enhancement as well as facilitate human potential, particularly during adolescence, which represents a critical developmental phase (e.g., Caprara & Fonzi, 2000). Since both self-concept and psychological well-being are complex topics, Scalas approaches them using advanced quantitative research methods, within the spirit of the substantive-methodological synergy (e.g., Borsboom, 2006; Marsh & Hau, 2007).
Research Grants
Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca. Progetti di ricerca di interesse nazionale (PRIN 2022 PNRR).
2023. Titolo del progetto: Paths toward well-being: An action-research for promoting quality of life in a multidimensional perspective.
Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa L.F. Scalas
Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca. Progetti di ricerca di interesse nazionale (PRIN 2022).
2023. Titolo del progetto: Evidence 4 Preventing Early school Dropout (E4PED).
Coordinatore nazionale (Principal Investigator) e di unità locale: Dr. M. Pellegrini
Member: Prof.ssa L.F. Scalas
European Union. Horizon Europe. Research and Innovation (Horizon CL2 2023).
2023. Titolo del progetto: Early identification and remediation of literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional difficulties in kindergarten: an examination of the efficacy of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS).
Coordinator: Prof. Christophe Dierendonck
Member: Prof.ssa L.F. Scalas
Fondazione Banco di Sardegna
2022. Progetti biennali UniCA: Titolo del progetto: What works in preventing early school leaving: getting evidence into use.
Coordinatore: Dr. M. Pellegrini
Merber: Prof.ssa L.F. Scalas
Fondazione Banco di Sardegna
2018. Progetti biennali UniCA: Titolo del progetto: Effects of acute hypoxia on cardiovascular regulation and cognitive functions in athletes
Coordinatore: Prof. A. Crisafulli,
Membro: Prof. L.F. Scalas
Fondazione Banco di Sardegna
2016. Title of the project: Changes in cardiovascular functions and in cerebral perfusion during combined mental and physical stress in subjects with metabolic diseases and cardiovascular risks.
Principal investigator: Prof. A. Crisafulli,
Unit member: Dr. L. F. Scalas
Research projects of National interest funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN 2010-2011).
2012. Title of the project: Perinatal depression of mother and father as risk factors on the affective-regulation developmental process during infancy: an evaluation of the effect of early interventions
Principal investigator: Prof.ssa L. Lucarelli
Unit member: Dr. L. F. Scalas
Projects for basic and fundamental research funded by RAS (Regione Autonoma della Sardegna. Progetti di ricerca fondamentale o di base ai sensi della Legge Regionale 7 agosto 2007, n. 7)
2008. Title of the project: Instruments identification to detect psychosocial protective and risk factors in diabetes mellitus.
Principal investigator: Prof. M. Guicciardi,
Unit member: Dr. L. F. Scalas
Economical and social research council (ESRC) - Small grant scheme
2008. Title of the project: Relations between specific and global domains of self-concept. A
substantive methodological synergy
Principal investigator: Prof. H. W. Marsh
Co-investigator: Dr L. F. Scalas
Local scientific research scheme (Progetti di ricerca scientifica locale - EX. 60%)
2002-2013. Several research projects.
Principal investigator: Dr L. F. Scalas
Young researchers scheme funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (Progetto giovani ricercatori – MIUR)
2000. Title of the project: Physical self-concept discrepancy and self-esteem.
Scientific coordinator of the project Prof. M. Meleddu.
Beneficiary: Dr L. F. Scalas
Additional fundings
Programma Visiting Professor finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
2019 Titolo del progetto: Well-being and personality in a person-centered perspective
Sponsor: Prof. L.F. Scalas
Invited Professor: Prof. Alexandre J. S. Morin – Concordia University- Montreal, Canada.
Visiting Professor scheme funded by RAS (Regione Autonoma della Sardegna)
2015. Title of the project: The role of framing factors in self-concept determination
Sponsor: Dr L.F. Scalas
Invited Professor: Prof. Alexandre J. S. Morin – Australian Catholic University- Sydney, Australia.
Research fellowship sponsored by RAS –Master & Back scheme 2012/2013
2013. Title of the project: Personality, wellbeing and school adjustment in adolescence
Scientific coordinator: Dr. L.F. Scalas
Beneficiary: Dr Daniela Fadda
Funding research scheme sponsored by RAS (Regione Autonoma della Sardegna. Premialità L.R. 7 agosto 2007, n. 7. annualità 2011)
2012. Funds attributed for good evaluations on the National research scheme project FIRB2010
Unit team leader: L.F. Scalas
Visiting Professor scheme funded by RAS (Regione Autonoma della Sardegna)
2012. Title of the project: Well-being and its relations with physical self-concept and self-esteem: A substantive-methodological synergy
Sponsor: L.F. Scalas
Invited Professor: Prof. Alexandre J. S. Morin – University of Sherebrooke, Canada; University of Western Sydney, Australia.
Papers in scientific peer reviewed journals (present in Web of Science or Scopus)
1. Scalas, L.F., Lodi, E., Magnano, P., & Marsh, W.H. (2023). Towards a multidimensional measure of well-being: cross-cultural support through the Italian validation of the well-being profile. BMC Psychology, 11, 441. Impact factor = 3.6.
2. Monni, A., Scandola, M., Hélie, S., & Scalas, L.F. (2023). Cognitive flexibility assessment with a new Reversal learning task paradigm compared with the Wisconsin card sorting test: Exploring the moderating effect of gender and stress. Psychological Research, 87, 1439–1453. Impact factor = 2.424. Published online on November 2022
3. Perinelli, E., Pisanu, F., Checchi, D., Scalas, L.F., & Fraccaroli, F. (2022). Academic self-concept change in junior high school students and relationships with academic achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 69,102071. Impact factor = 6.922.
4. Guicciardi, M., Pazzona, R, Manca, A., Monni, A., Scalas, L.F., Perra, F., Leban, B., Roberto, S., Mulliri, G., Ghiani, G., Doneddu, A., Crisafulli, A. (2022). Executive functions and mood states in athletes performing exercise under hypoxia. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 906336. Impact factor = 4.8 DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.906336
5. Monni, A. & Scalas, L.F. (2022). Health Risk Behavior Inventory and its association with different self-regulatory dispositions. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 29(4), 861-874. Impact factor = 2.615. DOI: 10.1007/s10880-022-09854-z
6. Fadda, D.*, Scalas, L.F.*, Quevedo-Aguado, M. P., & Benavente Cuesta, M. H. (2021). The influence of personality factors on well-being through self-esteem: An Italian-Spanish lexical comparative study. Personality and Individual Differences, 175, 110663. Impact factor = 2.311 DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.110663
*The first two authors (D. Fadda & L. F. Scalas) contributed equally to this article and their order was determined at random: both should be considered first authors.
7. Monni, A., Olivier, E., Morin, A.J.S., Olivetti Belardinelli, M., Mulvihill, K., & Scalas*, L.F. (2020). Approach and avoidance in Gray's, Higgins', and Elliot's perspectives: A theoretical comparison and integration of approach-avoidance in motivated behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 166, 110163. Impact factor = 2.311. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110163.
*Corresponding author
8. Fadda, D., Quevedo-Aguado, M. P., Benavente Cuesta, M. H., & Scalas*, L.F. (2020). The multidimensional and hierarchical nature of the Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Wellbeing: A bifactor-ESEM representation in a Spanish sample. Frontiers in Psychology - Quantitative Psychology and Measurement, 11, 422. Impact factor = 2.067. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00422
*Corresponding author
9. Fadda, D.*, Scalas, L.F.*, Morin, A. J. S., Marsh, H.W, & Gaspard, H. (2020). Value Beliefs about Math: A Bifactor-ESEM Representation. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36, 259-268. Published online on April 2019. Impact factor = 1.978. DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000513
*The first two authors (D. Fadda & L. F. Scalas) contributed equally to this article and their order was determined at random: both should be considered first authors.
10. Scalas, L.F & Fadda, D. (2019). The weight of expectancy-value and achievement goals on scientific career interest and math achievement. In D. G. Sampson, D. Ifenthaler, P. Isaias, & M. L. Mascia (Eds). 16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age. CELDA 2019, 7-9 November, Cagliari, Italy, pp. 281-288
11. Marsh, H.W & Scalas, L.F. (2018). Individually weighted-average models: Testing a taxonomic SEM approach across different multidimensional/global constructs because the weights “don’t make no nevermind”. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 25, 137-159. Impact factor = 3.097. DOI: 10.1037/spy0000096.
12. Morin, A. J. S., Maïano, C., Scalas, L.F., Aşçi, H.F., Boughattas, W., Abid, S., Mascret, N., Kara, F.M., Fadda, D., & Probst, M. (2018). Cross-cultural validation of the short form of the Physical Self-Inventory (PSI-S). Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 7, 60-79. ISSN: 2157-3905. Impact factor = 1.756. DOI: 10.1037/spy0000096.
13. Morin, A.J.S., Maïano, C., Scalas, L.F., Janosz, M., & Litalien, D. (2017). Adolescents’ body image trajectories: A further test of the self-equilibrium hypothesis. Developmental Psychology, 53, 1501-1521. ISSN: 0012-1649. Impact factor = 3.116, DOI: 10.1037/dev0000355.
14. Fadda, D., Scalas, L.F., Meleddu, M., & Morin, A.J.S. (2017). A bifactor-ESEM representation of the Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Wellbeing. Personality and Individual Differences, 116, 216-222. ISSN: 0191-8869. Impact factor =1.807. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2017.04.062.
15. Morin, A.J.S., Scalas, L.F., & Vispoel, W.P (2017). The Music Self-Perception Inventory: Development of parallel forms A and B. Psychology of Music, 45, 530-549. ISSN: 0305-7356. Impact factor = 2.173. DOI:10.1177/0305735616669426.
16. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W., Vispoel, W.P., Morin, A.J.S, & Wen, Z. (2017). Music self-concept and self-esteem formation in adolescence: A comparison between individual and normative models of importance within a latent framework. Psychology of Music, 45, 763-780. ISSN: 0305-7356. Impact factor = 2.173. DOI: 10.1177/0305735616672317.
17. Fadda, D., & Scalas, L.F. (2016). Validazione italiana del Self- and Task-Perception Questionnaire per adolescenti in ambito matematico. Psicologia della Salute, 3, 83-101. ISSN 1721-0321. DOI:10.3280/PDS2016-003005.
18. Fadda, D., & Scalas, L.F. (2016). Neuroticism as a moderator of direct and mediated relationships between introversion-extraversion and well-being. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 12, 49-67. ISSN: 18410413. DOI: 10.5964/ejop.v12i1.985.
19. Morin, A.J.S.*, Scalas, L.F.*, Vispoel, W.P., Marsh, H.W., & Wen, Z. (2016). The Music Self-Perception Inventory: Development of a short form. Psychology of Music, 44, 915-934. ISSN: 0305-7356. Impact factor = 2.173. DOI:10.1177/0305735615592690.
*The first two authors (A. J. S. Morin & L. F. Scalas) contributed equally to this article and their order was determined at random: both should be considered first authors.
20. Fadda, D., Scalas, L.F., & Meleddu, M. (2015). Contribution of personal and environmental factors on positive psychological functioning in adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 43, 119-131. ISSN: 01401971. Impact factor = 1.957. DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2015.05.019.
21. Morin, A.J.S.*, Scalas, L.F.*, Marsh, H.W. (2015). Tracking the elusive actual-ideal discrepancy model within latent subpopulations. Journal of Individual Differences, 36, 65-72. ISSN: 1614-0001. Impact factor =.944. DOI: 10.1027/1614-0001/a000157.
*The first two authors (A. J. S. Morin & L. F. Scalas) contributed equally to this article and their order was determined at random: both should be considered first authors.
22. Fadda, D., Scalas, L.F., & Meleddu, M. (2014). I predittori del benessere in adolescenza: relazione tra i tratti di personalità, il sistema del sé, la famiglia e le strategie di coping [Predictors of well-being in adolescence: Relationship among traits of personality, self-system, family and coping strategies]. Psicologia della Salute, 1, 29-49. ISSN 1721-0321. DOI: 10.3280/PDS2014-001002.
23. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W., Morin, A.J.S., Nagengast, B. (2014). Why is support for jamesian actual-ideal discrepancy model so elusive? A latent-variable approach. Personality and Individual Differences, 69, 62-68. ISSN: 0191-8869. Impact factor =1.807. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.05.010.
24. Scalas, L.F., Morin, A.J.S., Marsh, H.W., Nagengast, B. (2014). Importance models of the physical self: Improved methodology supports a normative-cultural importance model but not the individual importance model. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 154-174. ISSN: 1099-0992. Impact factor =1.667. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2001.
25. Morin, A.J.S., Marsh, H.W., Nagengast, B., & Scalas, L.F. (2014). Doubly latent multilevel analyses of classroom climate: An illustration. Journal of Experimental Education, 82, 143-167. ISSN: 0022-0973. Impact factor =1.642. DOI: 10.1080/00220973.2013.769412.
26. Scalas, L.F., Fadda, D., & Meleddu, M. (2013). Contributo alla validazione italiana della Self-Concept Clarity Scale [A contribution to the Italian validation of the Self-Concept Clarity Scale]. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 40, 615-643. ISSN: 1971-9558. DOI: 10.1421/76218.
27. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W, Nagengast, B., Morin, A.J.S. (2013). Latent variable approaches to the Jamesian model of importance-weighted averages. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 100-114. ISSN: 0146-1672. Impact factor =2.217. DOI: 10.1177/0146167212465321.
28. Meleddu, M., Guicciardi, M., Scalas, L.F., Fadda, D. (2012). Validation of an Italian version of the Oxford Happiness Inventory in adolescence. Journal of Personality Assessment, 94, 175-185. ISSN: 0022-3891. Impact Factor = 1.459. DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2011.645931.
29. Nagengast, B., Marsh, H.W, Scalas, L.F., XU, M., HAU, K-T, TRAUTWEIN, U. (2011). Who took the “×” out of expectancy-value theory? A psychological mystery, a substantive-methodological synergy, and a cross-national generalization. Psychological Science, 22, 1058-1066. ISSN: 0956-7976. Impact Factor = 5.09. DOI: 10.1177/0956797611415540.
30. Marsh, H.W, Scalas, L.F., Nagengast, B. (2010). Longitudinal tests of competing factor structures for the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: Traits, ephemeral artifacts, and stable response styles. Psychological Assessment, 22, 366-381. ISSN: 1040-3590. Impact Factor = 2.89. DOI: 10.1037/a0019225.
31. Ginns, P., Marsh, H.W., Behnia, M., Cheng, J.H.S, Scalas, L.F. (2009). Using postgraduate students’ evaluations of research experience to benchmark departments and faculties: Issues and challenges. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 577-598. ISSN: 0007-0998. Impact Factor = 1.651. DOI: 10.1348/978185408X394347.
32. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W. (2008). A stronger latent-variable methodology to actual-ideal discrepancy. European Journal of Personality, 22, 629-654. ISSN: 0890-2070. Impact Factor = 2.31. DOI: 10.1002/per.694.
33. Cianchetti, C., Corona, S., Foscoliano, M., Scalas, L.F., Sannio-Fancello, G. (2005). Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: Proposal of a supplementary scoring method. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 20, 555-558. ISSN: 0887-6177. Impact Factor = 2.497. DOI: 10.1016/j.acn.2004.12.002.
34. Monni, A., Scalas, L.F (2020). Validazione della versione italiana del Regulatory Focus. Ricerche di Psicologia, 2, 469-499. DOI: 10.3280/RIP2020-002003.
35. Monni, A., Scalas, L.F (2020). Italian validation of the Approach Avoidance Temperament Questionnaire. Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, 284, 20-30. DOI: 10.26387/bpa.284.3
36. Scalas, L.F., Di Pasquale, D. (2019). Determinanti personali del benessere soggettivo: Uno studio empirico. Ricerche di Psicologia, 2, 313-334. ISSN 0391-6081. DOI: 10.3280/RIP2019-002005.
37. Scalas, L.F., Morin, A.J.S., Maïano, C., & Fadda, D. (2013). Un contributo alla validazione italiana delle versioni breve e molto breve del Physical Self Inventory (PSI) per adolescenti [A contribution to the Italian validation of the short and very short versions of the Physical Self Inventory (PSI) for adolescents]. Ricerche di Psicologia, 3, 385-408. ISSN 0391-6081.
38. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F. (2009). Rendimento scolastico, fattori della personalità, processi motivazionali e sistema del sé: Una rassegna sullo sviluppo degli studi. Giornale di Psicologia, 3, 297-318. ISSN: 1971-9558.
39. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F. (2009). Personality, self-related cognitions, and academic achievement among Italian psychology university students. Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, 258, 3-13. ISSN: 0006-6761.
40. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F. (2003). Physical-Self Discrepancies, Emotional Discomfort and Gender in Adolescence. Cognitive Processing, 4, 67-85. ISSN: 1612-4782.
41. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F. (2002). Validazione di una versione italiana dell’Emotional Autonomy Scale. Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, 238, 43-58. ISSN: 0006-6761.
42. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F., Guicciardi, M. (2002). Contributo alla validazione italiana del Physical Self-Description Questionnaire. Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, 237, 36-52. ISSN: 0006-6761.
Book chapters with peer review
43. Marsh, W.H, Scalas, L.F. (2010). Self-Concept in learning: Reciprocal effects model between academic self-concept and academic achievement. In: P. Peterson, E. Baker, B. McGaw, Editors. International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 6 (pp. 660-667). Oxford: Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-08-044893-0.
44. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F. (2006). Personality and complex systems. An expanded view. In: G. Minati, E. Pessa, M. Abram. Systemics of Emergence: Research and Development, (pp.193-206). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 0-387-28899-6.
45. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F. (2003). La Molteplicità del sé. Disagio emotivo, vissuto corporeo e adolescenza. Roma: Carocci. ISBN: 88-430-2763-8.
Conference papers with proceedings
46. Scalas, L.F & Fadda, D. (2019). The weight of expectancy-value and achievement goals on scientific career interest and math achievement. CELDA 2019, 7-9 November, Cagliari, Italy.
47. Monni, A. & Scalas, L.F (2019). The effect of approach-avoidance tendencies and cognitive flexibility on psychopathology. International Society for the Study of Individual Differences Conference (ISSID 2019). Florence July 26-August 2, Italy. Abstract published in Personality and Individual Differences (2020), 157,
48. Scalas, L.F; Morin, Ajs; Maiano, C. (2019). The role of importance in characterizing appearance actual-ideal discrepancy profiles. International Society for the Study of Individual Differences Conference (ISSID 2019). Florence July 26-August 2, Italy. Abstract published in Personality and Individual Differences (2020), 157,
49. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W. (2009). Latent-approach to actual-ideal discrepancy in self-concept: A test of moderating effects of ideals in relation to appearance and physical abilities. Fifth Global SELF International Biennial Conference. Dubai, 13 - 15 January. file:///C:/Users/Francesca/Downloads/1NUfDndXIU2rLIj5T2Ce2A.pdf
50. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F., Guicciardi, M (2008). Personality factors, self-cognitions and happiness in adolescence. XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, 20-25 July. Meeting Abstract published in: International Journal of Psychology, 43, 325, ISBN/ISSN: 0020-7594.
51. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W. (2008). New latent-variable approach to actual-ideal discrepancy theory: Actual and Ideal Appearance, Physical Self-concept, and Global Self-Esteem. XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, 20-25 July. Meeting Abstract published in: International Journal of Psychology, 43, 473, ISBN/ISSN: 0020-7594.
International conference presentations
52. Fadda, D., Scalas, L.F. (2015). Expectancy-value in mathematics as predictor of career aspirations in science. Eighth SELF Biennial International Conference, SELF – Driving Positive Psychology and Well-being. Kiel, 20-24 Agosto.
53. Scalas, L.F., Morin, A.J.S., & Marsh, H.W. (2013). Using person-centred mixture models to better understand the Actual-Ideal Discrepancy model. International Society for the Study of Individual Differences Meeting (ISSID 2013). Barcelona, 22-25 July.
54. Fadda, D., Scalas, L.F., Meleddu, M. (2012). Psychological well-being in adolescence: Relationship between personal and environmental predictors. 16th European Conference on Personality. Trieste, 10-14 July.
55. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W, Nagengast, B., Morin, A.J.S. (2012). New latent variable approaches to old, unresolved problems: The Jamesian self-concept model of individually importance-weighted average. 16th European Conference on Personality. Trieste, 10-14 July.
56. Scalas, L.F., Meleddu, M. (2012). Physical self-discrepancies and emotional discomfort in adolescents affected by type1-diabetes and controls. International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT2012). Lisbon, 24-26 May.
57. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W. (2011). Relations between specific and global domains of self-concept. New tests of James' models. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction – EARLI 2011. Exeter, 30 August-3 September.
58. Meleddu, M., Guicciardi, M., Scalas, L.F. (2008). Personality factors, self-concept, and happiness in two different ages of adolescence. XI European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA). Turin, 7-10 May.
59. Scalas, L.F., Meleddu, M., Guicciardi, M. (2007). Physical self-esteem and appearance in adolescents that practise physical activity at different levels. 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology. Halkidiki, 4-9 September.
60. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F. (2006). Personality, possible selves and academic achievement. XXVI International Congress of Applied Psychology. Athens, 16-21 July.
National conference presentations
61. Scalas, L.F, Lodi, E., & Magnano, P. (2023). Il Well-Being Profile: Un esame dei correlati attraverso l’analisi delle correlazioni canoniche. XIV Congresso Nazionale: Traiettorie locali e globali per costruire salute. Cagliari, 25-27 Maggio.
62. Scalas, L.F. (2022). The Italian validation of the Well-being Profile. Presented within the Intersection Symposium: Subjective well-being: New perspectives in assessment in different life domains. XXX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP). Padova, 27-30 Settembre.
63. Fadda, D., Scalas, L.F. (2014). Effetti dell’autostima sul benessere soggettivo in gruppi di introversi ed estroversi. XX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP)- Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Pavia 15-17 Settembre.
64. Scalas, L.F., Morin, A.J.S., & Marsh, H.W. (2013). Il contributo di analisi centrate sulle persone nello studio delle discrepanze tra aspetti reali e ideali della percezione di sé. XIX Congresso Nazionale AIP - Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Roma, 16-18 Settembre.
65. Fadda, D., Scalas, L.F., Meleddu, M. (2011). Contributo alla validazione italiana della Self-Concept Clarity Scale (SCCS). XVII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) - Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Catania 14-16 Settembre.
66. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W. (2010). Modelli di determinazione dell’autostima: Un confronto tra adolescenti residenti in Italia e nel Regno Unito. XVI Congresso AIP- Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Bologna, 2-4 Settembre.
67. Scalas, L.F., Marsh, H.W. (2007). Aspetto fisico e autostima: uno studio sull’invarianza di genere e d’età. XIII Congresso Nazionale AIP - Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Como, 17-19 Settembre.
68. Scalas, L.F. (2006). Effetti della discrepanza reale-ideale e della chiarezza del sé sul legame tra aspetto fisico e autostima. XII Congresso Nazionale AIP - Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Rovereto, 13-15 Settembre.
69. Scalas, L.F. (2005). Validità della discrepanza reale-ideale nello studio del rapporto tra aspetto fisico e autostima. XI Congresso Nazionale AIP - Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Cagliari, 17-20 Settembre.
70. Meleddu, M., Scalas, L.F. (2004). Dipendenza da internet, personalità e percezione dei rapporti familiari in adolescenza. X Congresso Nazionale AIP - Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Sciacca, 18-20 Settembre.