Academic Positions: University “Sapienza” of Rome
1999-2003 Researcher, Work and Organizational Psychology
2002 Member of Faculty Tutoring Program
2003 Associate Professor, Work and Organizational Psychology
2005-present Member of the Professor Boarding in the PhD program “Prosociality, Antisociality and Collective Efficacy in educational and organizational contexts” – Interuniversity Center for the study of prosocial and antisocial motivation (CIRMPA).
2006-2007 President of Degree Program I/O Psychology (Undergraduate), Faculty of Psychology 2, University “Sapienza” of Rome
2007 Member, appointed with Rectoral Decree, of the Operative Committee for the start up of Federal Universities at the University “Sapienza” of Rome, as expert in Management and Organizational Psychology.
2010- full professor Work and Organizational Psychology
2011- present Member of Evaluation unit at Politecnico of Milan and Performance evaluation unit.
2012- president of Master program on Work and Organizational Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology
Academic Service
2002-present Professor of Human Resource’s Assessment and Development – Master program, Faculty of Psychology 2/Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, University "Sapienza" of Rome
2002 Professor, University Master in “Public and Institutional Communication” – Department of Sociology and Communication – University “Sapienza” of Rome
2003-present Professor and Member of Scientific Committee for II level University Master in “Assessment of Organizational Contexts and Systems”
2005-present Professor of Recruiting and Selection of Human Resources – Undergraduate, Faculty of Psychology 2, University “Sapienza” of Rome
2008 Project leader of the program “Increase your talent”, directed at enhancing students’ performance (Faculty of Psychology 2 – University “Sapienza” of Rome).
Main Research Areas
The main stream of research examines variables at individual, group and organizational level and their reciprocal influences in determining organizational development and people’s well being. These variables are taken into account to understand organizations’ functioning as well as the determinants of human behavior, according to the Social Cognitive Theory which constitutes the theoretical frame of reference.
The purpose is to connect academic research and professional practice, giving to the intervention a strong theoretical support and, on the other hand, stimulating the research with interesting and concrete questions coming from the organizations.
In details:
People’s assessment, development and motivation in work settings:
Since 1992 has studied the organizational problems connected with people’s performance, and with the development of assessment tools, consistently with the Big Five theory.
In particular, has collaborated in realizing two instruments: Big Five Questionnaire, for personality self-evaluation (BFQ, distributed in Italy by Organizzazioni Speciali - Firenze); Big Five Observer, a semantic differential for others’ personality evaluation (BFO).
Since 2006, has collaborated to the revised version of BFQ (BFQ2) and on 2010 has collaborated to a Competencies Grid referring to the same model (BFC)
In 2004 has validated the Test di Orientamento Motivazionale (Motive Orientation Test), a questionnaire for work motivation assessment, anchored to McClelland’s theory (1985) and connected with motivation’s research.
Since 1996 is interested in implementing and adapting goal setting (Locke e Latham, 1993), as a theory and as an HR management technique with a cognitive orientation, in the Italian cultural context.
Aim of the research is to deepen the functioning of goal setting programs in Italian organizations.
Since 2006 has started a scientific collaboration with Prof. Gary P. Latham that led to a bilateral agreement between Interuniversity Center for the study of prosocial and antisocial motivation (Centro Interuniversitario per la genesi e lo sviluppo delle motivazioni prosociali e antisociali - CIRMPA) and Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.
She is the scientific director of a common project which aims at examining in the Italian context a complex model of relationship among variables (High Performance Cycle) representing both antecedents and consequences of job performance consistent with goal setting theory.
In 2005 she deepened the study of academic self-efficacy in order to develop tutoring and coaching programs, and in this regard has validated a scale measuring academic self-efficacy (STEFF).
In 2008 the scale has been used in a coaching program targeted at enhancing students’ talent and performance and, consistent with goal setting theory (Locke e Latham, 1990), and feedforward (Kluger & Nir, 2006) to people’s development in organizations.
Since 2008 has approached the issue of leadership, developing a questionnaire to measure “agentic leadership” (Agentic Leadership Questionnaire, A.L.Q.) and its applicability to Assessment Centre in selection and potential appraisal.
Organizational efficacy and satisfaction:
Since 1996, and consistently with the PhD’s program, has conducted several studies on the determinants and consequences of self and collective efficacy.
Job Burnout in organizational settings:
Since 2001 has started a stream of research on job burnout, in collaboration with Professor Christina Maslach of Berkeley University (U.S.A.), aimed at deepening the study of job burnout in the Italian context, along with its individual (e.g., self-efficacy) and organizational (e.g., PoC) determinants. In this perspective has validated the Italian version of the questionnaire Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (Maslach, Jackson & Leiter, 1996).
- In 2011 set and developed a new scale on "interpersonal strain" in order to recapture the interpersonal dimension lost in the last version of MBI-GS