Associate professor

email: julian.bogdani@uniroma1.it

Research interests
Greek archaeology, Roman archaeology, Archaeology of ancient Epirus, Fortifications and building techniques, Topography and archaeological survey systems, Computer applications for archaeological research, GIS, Databases, Web technologies for archaeological-historical research, Communication for Cultural Heritage, Digital publishing.

Areas of teaching
Archaeological Research Methodology, Digital Archaeology, Humanistic Informatics, Information Technology methods for the study of archaeology and the history of the ancient world, GIS applied to archaeology, Archaeological databases.

Current roles
- Associate Professor of Archaeological Research Methodologies (L-ANT/10) at Sapienza University of Rome
- Director of the Sapienza University Archaeological Mission in Çuka and Ajtoit (Albania, https://lad.saras.uniroma1.it/ricerca/missione-archeologica-sapienza-a-cuka-e-ajtoit-albania/)
- Scientific Responsible of the research project ‘Kestríne: a frontier landscape across empires’ Call for Research Projects - Medium Projects 2021 Sapienza University of Rome. Prot. no. RM12117A420572AC.
- Scientific responsible for the research project ‘Reconstruction of the historical and archaeological landscapes of southern Albania through the use of historical aerial photographs of the Second World War’, Call for Proposals for Research Projects - Small Projects 2022 Sapienza University of Rome. Prot. no. RP12218161C7325E.
- Scientific director of the LAD: Laboratory of Digital Archaeology at Sapienza (https://lad.saras.uniroma1.it)
- Scientific co-director of the scientific journal Groma. Documenting Archaeology (https://groma.unibo.it)
- Scientific Responsible (with F. Favino) of the RDR Lab: Laboratory of Digital Resources for Research. Doctorate in History Anthropology Religions, SARAS Dept.
- Member of the Teaching Board of the Doctorate School in Archaeology at Sapienza University of Rome.

- PhD in Archaeology. University of Bologna
Thesis entitled: ‘Genesis and urban transformations in Caonia between the Late Classical and Hellenistic Ages’. Discussed on 4 June 2009
- Specialisation in Archaeology, Classical Area. University of Bologna
Thesis entitled: ‘Le Ricerche della Missione Archeologica Italiana a Monte Aetòs / Çuka e Aitoit, 1929’. Discussed on 7 March 2006. Supervisor Prof. S. De Maria. Rated 70/70 cum laude.
- Degree in History, Ancient address
Thesis entitled: ‘Phoinike in the Roman Age. History and Monuments'. Discussed on 18 March 2002. Supervisor Prof. S. De Maria. Mark: 110/110 cum laude

Research products

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