Full professor

phone: +34 950214637
building: Pavilion of Neuroscience
room: 222

A.1. Professional Situation
Center Universidad de Almería
Department Dpto. de Psicología/ Facultad Psicología

A.2. Academic formation
University Year
Grade in Psychology Oviedo 1990-1995
PhD Neuroscience Oviedo 1995-1997
Postdoctoral studies Prague 1998-1999

B. Index of quality.
Sixty works in WOS. Citations: 938. H index: 17

Part C.

C.1. Publications
Noguera, C., Sánchez-Horcajo, R., Álvarez-Cazorla, D., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2019. Ten years younger: Practice of chronic aerobic exercise improves attention and spatial memory functions in ageing. Exp. Gerontol. 117:53-60.
León, I., Tascón, L., Ortells-Pareja, J.J., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2018. Virtual reality assessment of walking and non-walking space in men and women with virtual reality-based tasks. PLoS One 13(10).e0204995.
Tascón, L., Castillo, J., León, I., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2018. Walking and non-walking space in an equivalent virtual reality task: sexual dimorphism and aging decline of spatial abilities. Behav. Brain Res 347, 201-208
Tascón, L., Boccia, M., Piccardi, L., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2017. Differences in spatial memory recognition due to cognitive style. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8: 550. Doi: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00550.
Tascón, L., García-Moreno, L.M., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2017. Almería spatial memory recognition test (ASMRT): gender differences emerged in new passive spatial task. Neurosci. Lett 651, 188-191.
Tascón, L., León, I., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2016. Viewpoint-related gender differences in a spatial recognition task. Learn. Ind. Differ. 50, 270-274.
Astur, R.S., Purton, A.J., Zaniewski, M.J., Cimadevilla, J., Markus, E.J. 2016. Human sex differences in solving a virtual navigation problem. Behav. Brain Res. 308, 236-243.
León, I., Tascón, L., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2016. Age and gender-related differences in a spatial memory task in humans. Behav. Brain Res. 306, 8-12.
Sánchez-Horcajo, R., Llamas-Alonso, J., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2015. Practice of aerobic sports is associated with better spatial memory in adults and older men. Exp. Aging Res. 41, 193-203.
León, I., Cimadevilla, J.M., Tascón, L. 2014. Developmental Gender Differences in Children in a Virtual Spatial Memory Task. Neuropsychology 28, 485-95.
Cimadevilla, J.M., Roldán, M.D., París, M., Arnedo, M., Roldán, S. 2014. Spatial learning in a virtual reality-based task is altered in very preterm children. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 36, 1002-8.
Cimadevilla, J.M., Lizana, J.R., Roldán, M.D., Cánovas, R., Rodríguez, E. 2014. Spatial memory alterations in children with epilepsy of genetic origin or unknown cause. Epileptic Disorders 16(2), 203-7.
García-Montes, J.M., Noguera, C., Álvarez, D., Ruiz, M., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2014. High and low squizotypal female subjects do not differ in spatial memory abilities in a virtual reality task. Cogn. Neuropsychiatry 19, 427-38.
Rosas, K., Parrón, I., Serrano, P., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2013. Spatial recognition memory in a virtual reality task is altered in refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior 28, 227-31.
Conejo, N.M., Cimadevilla, J.M., González-Pardo, H., Méndez-Couz, M., Arias, J.L. 2013. Hippocampal inactivation with TTX impairs long-term spatial memory retrieval and modifies brain metabolic activity. PLoS One 8 (5): e64749.
Cánovas, R, León, I, Serrano, P., Roldán, MD, Cimadevilla, J.M. 2011. Spatial navigation impairment in patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy: Evidence from a new virtual reality-based task. Epilepsy and Behavior 22, 364-9.
Cimadevilla, J.M., Cánovas, R., Iribarne, L., Soria, A., López, L. 2011. A virtual based task to assess place avoidance in humans. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 196, 45-50.
Cimadevilla, J.M., Mendez-López, M., Mendez, M., Arias, J.L. 2011. Interhippocampal transfer in active avoidance task modifies metabolic activity in limbic structures. Hippocampus 21, 48-55.
Cánovas, R., León, I., Roldán, M.D., Astur, R., Cimadevilla, J.M. 2009. Virtual reality tasks disclose spatial memory alterations in fibromyalgia Rheumatology 48, 1273-8.
Cánovas, R., Espínola, M., Iribarne, L. Cimadevilla, J.M. 2008. A new virtual task to evaluate human place learning. Behavioural Brain Research 190, 112-8.

Cimadevilla, J.M., Wesierska, M., Fenton, A.A., Bures, J. 2001. Inactivating one hippocampus impairs avoidance of a stable room defined place during dissociation of arena cues from room cues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA, 98, 3531-6.
Koistinaho M, Ort M, Cimadevilla JM, Vondrous R, Cordell B, Koistinaho J, Bures J, Higgins LS. Specific spatial learning deficits become severe with age in beta-amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice that harbour diffuse beta-amyloid deposits but do not form plaques. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Dec 4;98(25):14675-80.

C.2. Research Projects
Reference: PSI2015-67442-P
Title: Hippocampus and memory: determination of development and use of strategies in the personal and extrapersonal spaces. Assessment of the brain activity.
Funding Agency: MINECO
Director: José Manuel Cimadevilla Redondo
Period: 01/01/2016-31/12/2018
Amount: 22000 €

Reference: PSI2011-26985
Title: Spatial memory and hippocampus: analysis of strategies in different pathologies using virtual reality-based tasks.
Funding Agency: MICINN
Director: José Manuel Cimadevilla Redondo
Period: 01/01/2012-30/06/2015
Amount: 23000 €

Reference: PSI2008-02106
Title: Activational analysis of spatial memory and hippocampus in humans and rodents: developing new virtual reality-based tasks.
Funding Agency: MICINN
Director: José Manuel Cimadevilla Redondo
Period: 01/01/2009-31/12/2011
Amount: 42350 €

Reference: C/027941/09
Title: Asessment and intervention in iodine deficiency brain damage in etiopian children. Funding Agency: AECID
Convocatoria: Acción preparatoria.
Director: Mª Dolores Roldán Tapia
Period: 01/01/2010-31/12/2010
Amount: 10000 €

Reference: PSI2005-05067
Title: Memory and spatial orientation in animals and humans with acute coronary syndrome. A comparative study using virtual reality.
Funding Agency: MEC
Director: José Manuel Cimadevilla Redondo
Period: 01/01/2006-31/12/2008
Amount: 45696 €

C.3. Patents
Inventors: Arias, J.L., González-Pardo, H., Begega, A., López, L., Conejo, N.M., Cimadevilla, J.M.
Title: Instrument and method for neurological assessment in rodents.
N.º of solicitation: ES2302426 Country: Spain
Priority date: 03/03/2009 Owner: University of Oviedo
Company exploiting the product: Dismed.

C.4 Reviewer
I+D (ANEP) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2005-); Ministerio de Salud de la República Checa (2012-); BSF United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation.

C5. Reviewer in Journals
Acta Histochemica; Attention, American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease; Perception and Psychophysics; Behavioural Brain Research; Brain Research; Brain Research Bulletin; Epilepsia; Epilepsy & Behavior; Hippocampus; International Journal of Psychology; Journal of Neuroscience Methods; Journal of Neuroscience Research; Learning and Individual Differences; Metabolic Brain Disease; Neuroscience Letters; Psychoneuroendocrinology; Physiology & Behavior; Physiological Research; Psicothema; Revista Mexicana de Psicología; Rheumatology; Brain Structure and Function; Psychopharmacology …

Other Merits
- Secretary of the Ethical Committee of the University of Almería for Human Research (2015-)
- Neuroscience Department Secretary (2006-2010).

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