

Jessica Romor was born in Belluno in 1981. After graduating from classical high school, in 2008, she graduated with honors in Architecture at the IUAV Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, with a thesis on Quadratourism, and in 2012 she obtained the title of PhD in Science of Representation and Relief at the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture of the Sapienza University of Rome, developing a thesis on the evolution of perspective in the twentieth century. She obtained the National Scientific Habilitation in 2019 as associate Professor, in 2020 she takes up service as RTDB Researcher in the same department. In 2023 she obtained the title of Associate Professor.
Since 2008 he has participated in University research and PRIN projects in the same department, where he has carried out research activities since 2012 as a Research Fellow in the fields of representation - for which he is particularly dedicated to the study of graphic and digital representation methods in their historical development – and of the relief with advanced technologies. Specifically, she deals with the study of treatises on the history of methods of representation, first of all the De prospectiva pingendi - for which the doctor participated in the publication of the National Critical Edition with a group of scholars coordinated by Prof. Marisa Dalai Emiliani – and the Two Rules of Practical Perspective by Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola and Egnazio Danti. She is currently principal inverstigator of a University resaerch entitled "Prospectiva pingendi / Prospectiva fingendi. For a digital repertoire of the different rules of practical perspective".
Among the recent survey activities, the following stand out in particular: the acquisition and study of numerous quadratures as part of the PRIN 2010 project "Architectural perspectives: digital conservation, dissemination and study" (coordinator Prof. Riccardo Migliari); the acquisition and study of the wooden model of the Colosseum created by Carlo Lucangeli between the 18th and 19th centuries, in collaboration with the Special Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Rome (coordinator Prof. Graziano Mario Valenti); the survey of the Arch of Titus with Image Based Modeling technologies, currently in progress; the study of the history of the representation and survey of Rome, with particular reference to the Descriptio Urbis Romae by Leon Battista Alberti.
In 2020 he won, coordinating a group of PhDs, the first edition of the Vito Cardone Prize organized by the UID Unione Italiana Disegno with the project "Knowing, communicating, connecting: for a UID 3.0 app", which had as its object the design of an APP prototype dedicated to the scientific community of the Icar17 disciplinary sector.
Since 2008 he has been a member of the UID Unione Italiana Disegno.
He has been teaching since 2014, at the Faculty of Architecture of the Sapienza University of Rome, for the courses of Drawing, Descriptive geometry, Digital modeling, Science of representation II.

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