JENNIFER NESPOLI PhD Student PhD program:: XXXVII email:, phone: 3336502838 supervisor: Prof. Tomaso Monestiroli Research: The peculiar psychological demand of spaces designed by Paul Rudolph Jennifer Nespoli received her Bachelor's degree in Architectural Science in 2018 with a thesis in architectural design titled “La necessità di un riparo” at Politecnico di Milano where she continued her studies earning her Master's degree in Architettura delle Costruzioni in 2020 with the design thesis “Tre aule per il villaggio olimpico dello scalo di Porta Romana” with supervisor Professor Raffaella Neri. Since 2021 she has been enrolled in the DRACo (Architettura e Costruzione) PhD program at Università degli studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ where she is conducting research on the figure of Paul M. Rudolph. Research products 11573/1700760 - 2024 - Le forme della civiltàNespoli, Jennifer - 02a Capitolo o Articolobook: New Togetherness - (9788833655567)