Research: Development of a platform for the design, management and monitoring of wind power plants based on the use of remote sensing data acquired from UAS platforms and Earth Observation satellites.
01/01/2022 – CURRENT – Roma, Italy
PhD in Aeronautics and Space Engineering
La Sapienza Università di Roma
Development of a platform for the design, management and monitoring of wind power plants.
Test Hexafloat blade
Summer School DTU Wind Energy (29/08/22-2/09/22)
Summer School DTU Remote Sensing for Wind Energy (13/06/22-17/06/22)
INFRA DEV (meeting)
Einstein Telescope (WP 6, meeting)
10/10/2016 – 20/03/2019 – Roma, Italy
Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering(DM 270) LM-33
Università degli Studi Roma III
Relevant coursework: Manufacturing and materials technology for mechanics, Combustion engines and thermodynamics, Basics of mechanical vibrations and design, Electric actuators, Electrical Energetic.
Projects: CAD modeling, CAM machine simulations, MATLAB programming.
110/110 | Characterization of superhydrophobic materials
01/10/2012 – 27/07/2016 – Roma, Italy
Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (DM 270)
Università degli Studi Roma III
Nanofiltration of water: state of art and perspectives