Isabella Rega

Associate professor


Isabella Rega holds a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and an Executive Master degree in Intercultural Communication from the Università della Svizzera Italiana. She is Professor in Digital Media for Social Change in the Faculty of Media and Communication at Bournemouth University and and co-chair of the Distance Education Working Group of INEE, the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies. During the past 20 years, she has been investigating the use of digital media to promote social and community development in disadvantaged communities in the Global South. She has written, managed and led an extensive number of competitive research projects funded by National Research Bodies, e.g. the Swiss National Science and Research Foundation, the British Academy, the UK Art and Humanities Council, the European Commission, with a portfolio of 30+ international projects in Africa and Latin America, involving academic, private, public and third sector partners, for an overall budget of more than 4 million euro. She has led and participated in consultancy work for the British Council and the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and she has served as reviewer for the South Africa’s National Research Foundation and for the UK Newton and Global Challenges Research Fund schemes.

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