Ilenia Picardi



Ilenia Picardi (PhD in Physics, PhD in Gender Mind Language) is a Assistant Professor in Sociology at the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), where she teaches Social Research Methodology and Science and Technology and Society. Her research activities focus on the Social Studies of Science and Technology, in particular on the social dimension of technoscientific knowledge and ecological transition, and on intersectionality in scientific research and the academy. She is currently in charge of the Gender Studies in Science and Technology area at the Gender Observatory on University and Research UNINA. She has participated in several European research projects in the field of Science in Society. For UNINA, she was project manager of the FP7 project GENOVATE (Transforming Organizational Culture for Gender Equality in Research and Innovation, January 2013 - June 2017). Within the GENOVATE project, she designed and implemented the Gender Equality Action Plan for UNINA and was project coordinator for the first mentoring programme for women in science in Italian universities. The mentoring programme designed on the basis of her research on gender asymmetries in academia was recognised by the EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality) as one of the most relevant initiatives for gender equality in Italian scientific institutions. She is currently scientific coordinator of the PRIN PNRR 2022 PROSOCIAL-CLIMA (Prosocial motivations for climate mitigation behaviours) project for UNINA and coordinator of the Athena Mentoring Program of UNINA, a transformative project for gender equity in universities and research. In addition to being a member of national and international scientific associations, since August 2019 she is a board member of the Regional Network on Southern European Societies (RN27) within the European Sociology Association

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