Associate professor

phone: +3907731757234
building: LT007
room: 3rd floor, L007

• 2020-2030: ASN 2018 qualification for Full Professorship in Applied Medical Technologies (MED/46–06/N1), MIUR-Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
• 2019-ongoing: Associate Professor in Applied Medical Technologies (MED/46–06/N1), Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
• 2011-2019: Researcher/Assistant Professor in General Pathology (MED/04–06/A2), Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

• 2010: PhD in Experimental Medicine, University of Rome La Sapienza.
• 2005: Master Degree in Molecular and Cellular Medical Biotechnology, University of Rome La Sapienza.
• 2003: Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology, University of Rome La Sapienza.

• 2014-ongoing: Team Leader, Experimental Cardiovascular Pathology Lab, Dep. Medical Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies, La Sapienza University of Rome.
• 2011-2014: Researcher, Experimental Cardiovascular Pathology Lab, Dep. Medical Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies, La Sapienza University of Rome.
• 2010-2011: Post-doc fellow, Pasteur Institute - Cenci Bolognetti Foundation.
• 2009: Visiting scientist, Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute - Los Angeles, CA, USA.
• 2007-2010: Graduate School trainee, Dept. Experimental Medicine, La Sapienza University of Rome.
• 2006-2007: Research Fellow, Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.

• 2021-ongoing: member of the United Nation Scientific Committee UNSCEAR - Expert Group on the evaluation of diseases of the circulatory system from radiation exposure (CircuDis).
• 2018-ongoing: Member of the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on “Cardiovascular Regenerative and Reparative Medicine”.
• 2019-2021: Member of the Steering Committee, SSAS-Superior School for Advanced Studies, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
• 2015-2021: Junior Fellow in Life Science, SSAS-Superior School for Advanced Studies, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
• 2011: Keystone Symposia Award: “Molecular Cardiology: Disease Mechanisms and Experimental Therapeutics 2011”, Keystone, CO, USA.

Academic Editor for “Stem Cells International”, ISSN: 1687-966X.
Review Editor and Research Topic Editor for “Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine”, ISSN 2297-055X.
Editorial Board Member for “Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy”, ISSN 2212-3946.
Topic Editor for “International Journal of Molecular Science”, ISSN 1422-0067.
Research Topic Editor for “Frontiers in Physiology”, ISSN 1664-042X.
Guest Editor for “Journal of Visualized Experiments”, ISSN 1940-087X.

European Heart Journal (22.67), Circulation Research (14.47), Nature Protocols (10.42), Hypertension (7.71), Acta Biomaterialia (7.24), Stem Cells Translational Medicine (6.43), Cell Death & Disease (6.30), Stem Cells (6.02), Pharmacological Research (5.89), Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (5.08), Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (4.49), Scientific Reports (4), Respiratory Research (3.92), Stem Cells International (3.87), Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (3.81), Frontiers in Physiology (3.37), International Journal of Cardiology (3.23), Regenerative Medicine (2.59), American Journal of Cardiology (2.57), PloS One (2.74).

MIUR-Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Agence Nationale De La Recherche (France)
University of Genoa, Italy
University of Insubria, Italy
University of Padua, Italy.

Cardiac microenvironment; cardiac repair mechanisms; cardiac stomal cells; oxidative and metabolic stress in the cardiovascular system; mechano-sensing.

Year of 1st pub: 2007
Scopus Author ID: 15831256400
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0865-8814
Printed papers: 82
First/last names: 33
Total citations: 2888
H-index: 26
Cumulative IF: >500
Average IF: 6.4

• 2023-2025: Scientific Coordinator and Unit PI, Call “PRIN 2022”, MUR-Italian Ministry of University and Research, “Elucidating MOlecular and cellular MEchanisms of cardiovascular iNsult by modified risk TObacco products (MOMENTO)”. Protocol: 20222KETLS.
• 2023-2026: Unit PI, Call “Ricerca Finalizzata 2021” from Italian Ministry of Health, “The possible role of MST1 in the development of vascular disease”. Protocol: RF-2021-12375256.
• 2022-2023: Principal Investigator, Academic Funding 2021 from La Sapienza University of Rome: “Novel perspectives in cardio-oncology: Early MEchanisms of caRdiotoxicity and strateGiEs for adjuvaNt Therapy (EMERGENT)”. Protocol: RM12117A805ED2FD.
• 2017-2022: Key staff of participant “UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA LA SAPIENZA”, Call H2020-Euratom-1.4. 2016-2017 (NFRP-2016-2017-1), project title: “Implications of Medical Low Dose Radiation Exposure (MEDIRAD)”. Project ID: 755523.
• 2020-2021: Scientific coordinator, Network-Type FY2020 grant, from Joint Usage/Research Center for Radiation Disaster Medical Science, Hiroshima and Nagasaki Universities. "Effects of low dose therapeutic radiations on cardiac stromal cells for the elucidation of early mechanisms of cardiotoxicity".
• 2020-2021: Principal Investigator, Academic Funding 2019 from “Sapienza” University of Rome: “Boosting cardiac regeneration through the interplay between cardiac stromal cells and the microenvironment”. Protocol: RG11916B85CDBF76.
• 2017-2020: Unit PI, Call “PRIN 2015”, MIUR-Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, “Improving efficacy, efficiency and clinical application of normothermic ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) to improve outcome in lung transplantation setting”. Protocol: 2015BN82FK.
• 2016-2019: Unit PI, Call “Ricerca Finalizzata 2013” from Italian Ministry of Health, “The role of autophagy as a protective mechanism in cardiovascular diseases: new insights into oxidative stress modulation and cardiovascular regeneration”. Protocol: GR-2013-02355401.
• 2014-2017: Scientific Coordinator and Unit PI, Call “PRIN 2012”, MIUR-Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. “A BioprocEss for the optimizATion of 3D cardiospHere-basEd constructs for cArdiac RegeneraTive medicine (BEAT3DHEART)”. Protocol: 20123E8FH4.
• 2014-2015: Task Coordinator, Grant from “Fondazione Roma” Foundation, “Task 4.1: Set-up of cell culture/regenerative medicine laboratory”.

2019-ongoing: “General pathology and physiopathology I-II”, School of Medicine and Surgery, course E.
2017-ongoing: Graduate School Committee Member, PhD program in Life Sciences.
2017-ongoing: “General pathology and disease models” for Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology.
2013-ongoing: “Cell, Tissue and Organ Bioengineering, Biotechnology techniques” for Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology.
2012-ongoing: Chairman of Examining Committee, "Pathophysiology of diseases" for Nursing School.
2018-2021: Coordinator Seminar series: “Molecular Medicine”, SSAS-Superior School for Advanced Studies.
2017-2018: Coordinator Seminar series: “Translational Medicine in Cardiology”, SSAS-Superior School for Advanced Studies.

Research products

11573/1710161 - 2024 - Recent advances in 3D cultures
Picchio, Vittorio; Gaetani, Roberto; Chimenti, Isotta - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI Center) pp. - - issn: 1422-0067 - wos: WOS:001211235300001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85191397203 (0)

11573/1703899 - 2024 - Early impairment of paracrine and phenotypic features in resident cardiac mesenchymal stromal cells after thoracic radiotherapy
Picchio, Vittorio; Gaetani, Roberto; Pagano, Francesca; Derevyanchuk, Yuriy; Pagliarosi, Olivia; Floris, Erica; Cozzolino, Claudia; Bernava, Giacomo; Bordin, Antonella; Rocha, Filipe; Pereira, Ana Rita Simões; Ministro, Augusto; Pinto, Ana Teresa; De Falco, Elena; Serino, Gianpaolo; Massai, Diana; Tamarat, Radia; Pesce, Maurizio; Santos, Susana Constantino Rosa; Messina, Elisa; Chimenti, Isotta - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI Center) pp. - - issn: 1422-0067 - wos: WOS:001182770200001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85187471454 (1)

11573/1716555 - 2024 - Exposure to serum from exclusive heated tobacco product smokers induces mTOR activation and fibrotic features in human cardiac stromal cells
Picchio, Vittorio; Pagano, Francesca; Carnevale, Roberto; D'amico, Alessandra; Cozzolino, Claudia; Floris, Erica; Bordin, Antonella; Schirone, Leonardo; Vecchio, Daniele; Saade, Wael; Miraldi, Fabio; De Falco, Elena; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Biondi-Zoccai, Giuseppe; Frati, Giacomo; Chimenti, Isotta - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA. MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. - - issn: 0925-4439 - wos: WOS:001274598100001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85198709847 (0)

11573/1688692 - 2023 - Editorial: The cardiac stroma in homeostasis and disease
Chimenti, Isotta; Gaetani, Roberto; Pagano, Francesca - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE (Lausanne: Frontiers Media S.A., 2014-) pp. - - issn: 2297-055X - wos: WOS:001035312400001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85165607080 (1)

11573/1652937 - 2023 - Modified risk tobacco products and cardiovascular repair. Still very smoky
Cozzolino, Claudia; Picchio, Vittorio; Floris, Erica; Pagano, Francesca; Saade, Wael; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Frati, Giacomo; Chimenti, Isotta - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: CURRENT STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY (HILVERSUM, NETHERLANDS, BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBL LTD, PO BOX 1673) pp. 440-444 - issn: 1574-888X - wos: WOS:001006706900002 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85159766463 (1)

11573/1688694 - 2023 - A review of therapeutic strategies against cardiac fibrosis. From classical pharmacology to novel molecular, epigenetic, and biotechnological approaches
Floris, E.; Cozzolino, C.; Marconi, S.; Tonicello, F.; Picchio, V.; Pagano, F.; Chimenti, I. - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: REVIEWS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE (Singapore: IMR Press Mercer Island WA: MedReviews LLC) pp. - - issn: 1530-6550 - wos: WOS:001106635200002 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85169510704 (3)

11573/1696990 - 2023 - The role of charme in the phenotype and function of resident cardiac mesenchymal stromal cells
Floris, E; Picchio, V; Cozzolino, C; Taliani, V; Buonaiuto, G; Nicoletti, C; Ballarino, M; Chimenti, I; Pagano, F - 01h Abstract in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL (-London : Harcourt -Oxford : Oxford University Press) pp. - - issn: 1522-9645 - wos: WOS:001115619405081 (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684987 - 2023 - 3D cultures for modelling the microenvironment. Current research trends and applications
Gaetani, Roberto; Chimenti, Isotta - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI Center) pp. - - issn: 1422-0067 - wos: WOS:001032296800001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85164845436 (1)

11573/1693464 - 2023 - Effect of traditional or heat-not-burn cigarette smoking on circulating miRNAs in healthy subjects
Picchio, Vittorio; Ferrero, Giulio; Cozzolino, Claudia; Pardini, Barbara; Floris, Erica; Tarallo, Sonia; Dhori, Xhulio; Nocella, Cristina; Loffredo, Lorenzo; Biondi-Zoccai, Giuseppe; Carnevale, Roberto; Frati, Giacomo; Chimenti, Isotta; Pagano, Francesca - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION (Blackwell Science Limited:PO Box 88, Oxford OX2 0NE United Kingdom:011 44 1865 776868, 011 44 1865 206038, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1865 721205) pp. - - issn: 0014-2972 - wos: WOS:001123347400001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85178878885 (3)

11573/1652010 - 2022 - Human platelet lysate‐derived extracellular vesicles enhance angiogenesis through miR‐126
Bordin, Antonella; Chirivì, Maila; Pagano, Francesca; Milan, Marika; Iuliano, Marco; Scaccia, Eleonora; Fortunato, Orazio; Mangino, Giorgio; Dhori, Xhulio; De Marinis, Elisabetta; D'amico, Alessandra; Miglietta, Selenia; Picchio, Vittorio; Rizzi, Roberto; Romeo, Giovanna; Pulcinelli, Fabio; Chimenti, Isotta; Frati, Giacomo; De Falco, Elena - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CELL PROLIFERATION ([Oxford]: [Blackwell Science].) pp. 1-19 - issn: 1365-2184 - wos: WOS:000840138700001 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85135740211 (19)

11573/1675853 - 2022 - Procedure cardiovascolari. Terapia cellulare cardiaca
Chimenti, Isotta; Peruzzi, Mariangela; De Falco, Elena - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Malattie cardiovascolari. Approccio clinico e scientifico - (978-88-5532-066-5)

11573/1615940 - 2022 - The impact of autophagy modulation on phenotype and survival of cardiac stromal cells under metabolic stress
Chimenti, Isotta; Picchio, Vittorio; Pagano, Francesca; Schirone, Leonardo; Schiavon, Sonia; D'ambrosio, Luca; Valenti, Valentina; Forte, Maurizio; Di Nonno, Flavio; Rubattu, Speranza Donatella; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Versaci, Francesco; Greco, Ernesto; Calogero, Antonella; De Falco, Elena; Frati, Giacomo; Sciarretta, Sebastiano - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CELL DEATH DISCOVERY ([London]: Nature Publishing Group, 2015-) pp. - - issn: 2058-7716 - wos: WOS:000777182100004 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85127502865 (4)

11573/1605120 - 2022 - Editorial: Fibrosis and inflammation in tissue pathophysiology
Chimenti, Isotta; Sattler, Susanne; Del Monte-Nieto, Gonzalo; Forte, Elvira - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY (Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2010-) pp. 1-5 - issn: 1664-042X - wos: WOS:000751831800001 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85124240816 (10)

11573/1659624 - 2022 - Fibrosis and inflammation in tissue pathophysiology
Forte, Elvira; Chimenti, Isotta; Del Monte-Nieto, Gonzalo; Sattler, Susanne - 06a Curatela

11573/1649844 - 2022 - Reduction of cardiac fibrosis by interference with YAP-dependent transactivation
Garoffolo, Gloria; Casaburo, Manuel; Amadeo, Francesco; Salvi, Massimo; Bernava, Giacomo; Piacentini, Luca; Chimenti, Isotta; Zaccagnini, Germana; Milcovich, Gesmi; Zuccolo, Estella; Agrifoglio, Marco; Ragazzini, Sara; Baasansuren, Otgon; Cozzolino, Claudia; Chiesa, Mattia; Ferrari, Silvia; Carbonaro, Dario; Santoro, Rosaria; Manzoni, Martina; Casalis, Loredana; Raucci, Angela; Molinari, Filippo; Menicanti, Lorenzo; Pagano, Francesca; Ohashi, Toshiro; Martelli, Fabio; Massai, Diana; Colombo, Gualtiero I.; Messina, Elisa; Morbiducci, Umberto; Pesce, Maurizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CIRCULATION RESEARCH (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:530 Walnut Street:Philadelphia, PA 19106:(800)638-3030, (301)223-2300, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (301)223-2320, (301)223-2320 PRimo editore: Baltimore, Md. : Grune & Stratton, c1953-) pp. 239-257 - issn: 0009-7330 - wos: WOS:000827794600009 (42) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85134855424 (42)

11573/1649645 - 2022 - Progressive stages of dysmetabolism are associated with impaired biological features of human cardiac stromal cells mediated by the oxidative state and autophagy
Pagano, Francesca; Picchio, Vittorio; Bordin, Antonella; Cavarretta, Elena; Nocella, Cristina; Cozzolino, Claudia; Floris, Erica; Angelini, Francesco; Sordano, Alessia; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Miraldi, Fabio; Biondi-Zoccai, Giuseppe; De Falco, Elena; Carnevale, Roberto; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Frati, Giacomo; Chimenti, Isotta - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 136-148 - issn: 0022-3417 - wos: WOS:000832612100001 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85135115453 (7)

11573/1613913 - 2022 - The dynamic facets of the cardiac stroma. Fom classical markers to omics and translational perspectives
Picchio, Vittorio; Bordin, Antonella; Floris, Erica; Cozzolino, Claudia; Dhori, Xhulio; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Frati, Giacomo; De Falco, Elena; Pagano, Francesca; Chimenti, Isotta - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH () pp. 1172-1187 - issn: 1943-8141 - wos: WOS:000803985100028 (6) - scopus: (0)

11573/1656264 - 2022 - Multicellular 3D models for the study of cardiac fibrosis
Picchio, Vittorio; Floris, Erica; Yuriy, Derevyanchuk; Cozzolino, Claudia; Messina, Elisa; Francesca, Pagano; Chimenti, I; Gaetani, Roberto - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI Center) pp. 1-14 - issn: 1422-0067 - wos: WOS:000867724000001 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85139906081 (13)

11573/1605118 - 2022 - Cardiac stromal cells on stage. From dull filler to specialized actors
Picchio, Vittorio; Pagano, Francesca; Chimenti, Isotta - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: BIOCELL (Center Region Invest Cientif Tecn:Casilla de Correo 131, 5500 Mendoza Argentina:011 54 61 205020, EMAIL:, Fax: 011 54 61 380232) pp. - - issn: 0327-9545 - wos: WOS:000762216300001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85126588830 (1)

11573/1667523 - 2022 - Sex-related differences in oxidative, platelet, and vascular function in chronic users of heat-not-burn vs. traditional combustion cigarettes
Schirone, Leonardo; Loffredo, Lorenzo; Carnevale, Roberto; Battaglia, Simona; Marti, Roberta; Pizzolo, Stefano; Bartimoccia, Simona; Nocella, Cristina; Cammisotto, Vittoria; Saade, Wael; Tanzilli, Alessandra; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Chimenti, Isotta; De Falco, Elena; Cavarretta, Elena; Picchio, Vittorio; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Marullo, Antonino; Miraldi, Fabio; Violi, Francesco; Morelli, Andrea; Biondi-Zoccai, Giuseppe; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ANTIOXIDANTS (Basel: MDPI) pp. - - issn: 2076-3921 - wos: WOS:000831491800001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85132429244 (1)

11573/1628838 - 2022 - Aging-Related Decline of Autophagy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation—A Post Hoc Analysis of the ATHERO-AF Study
Versaci, F.; Valenti, V.; Forte, M.; Cammisotto, V.; Nocella, C.; Bartimoccia, S.; Schirone, L.; Schiavon, S.; Vecchio, D.; D'ambrosio, L.; Spinosa, G.; D'amico, A.; Chimenti, I.; Violi, F.; Frati, G.; Pignatelli, P.; Sciarretta, S.; Pastori, D.; Carnevale, R. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ANTIOXIDANTS (Basel: MDPI) pp. 1-11 - issn: 2076-3921 - wos: WOS:000785560300001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85127437654 (8)

11573/1556483 - 2021 - Impact of chronic use of heat-not-burn cigarettes on oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation. The SUR-VAPES Chronic Study
Loffredo, L.; Carnevale, R.; Battaglia, S.; Marti, R.; Pizzolo, S.; Bartimoccia, S.; Nocella, C.; Cammisotto, V.; Sciarretta, S.; Chimenti, I.; De Falco, E.; Cavarretta, E.; Peruzzi, M.; Marullo, A.; Miraldi, F.; Violi, F.; Morelli, A.; Biondi-Zoccai, G.; Frati, G. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THORAX (London: Owned and published by the British Thoracic Society and BMJ Publishing Group) pp. 618-620 - issn: 0040-6376 - wos: WOS:000667294300017 (21) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85105177981 (23)

11573/1596319 - 2021 - A snapshot global survey on side effects of COVID-19 vaccines among healthcare professionals and armed forces with a focus on headache
Perrotta, Armando; Biondi-Zoccai, Giuseppe; Saade, Wael; Miraldi, Fabio; Morelli, Andrea; Marullo, Antonino G; Cavarretta, Elena; Carnevale, Roberto; De Falco, Elena; Chimenti, Isotta; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Frati, Paola; Mamas, Mamas A; Ciardi, Sara; Frati, Luigi; Frati, Giacomo; Peruzzi, Mariangela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PANMINERVA MEDICA (Edizioni Minerva Medica:Corso Bramante 83-85, 10126 Turin Italy:011 39 011 678282318, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 39 011 674502) pp. 324-331 - issn: 0031-0808 - wos: WOS:000718024200008 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85121943489 (7)

11573/1461918 - 2020 - The microenvironment of decellularized extracellular matrix from heart failure myocardium alters the balance between angiogenic and fibrotic signals from stromal primitive cells
Belviso, Immacolata; Angelini, Francesco; Di Meglio, Franca; Picchio, Vittorio; Sacco, Anna Maria; Nocella, Cristina; Romano, Veronica; Nurzynska, Daria; Frati, Giacomo; Maiello, Ciro; Messina, Elisa; Montagnani, Stefania; Pagano, Francesca; Castaldo, Clotilde; Chimenti, Isotta - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI Center) pp. 1-18 - issn: 1422-0067 - wos: WOS:000589005400001 (23) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85094593088 (22)

11573/1373817 - 2020 - Profiling the acute effects of modified risk products. Evidence from the SUR-VAPES (Sapienza University of Rome-Vascular Assessment of Proatherosclerotic Effects of Smoking) cluster study
Frati, G.; Carnevale, R.; Nocella, C.; Peruzzi, M.; Marullo, A. G. M.; De Falco, E.; Chimenti, I.; Cammisotto, V.; Valenti, V.; Cavarretta, E.; Carrizzo, A.; Versaci, F.; Vitali, M.; Protano, C.; Roever, L.; Giordano, A.; Sciarretta, S.; Biondi-Zoccai, G. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CURRENT ATHEROSCLEROSIS REPORTS (Philadelphia, PA: Current Science 1999-) pp. 1-11 - issn: 1523-3804 - wos: WOS:000513240200003 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85079080871 (11)

11573/1472641 - 2020 - Inhibition of miR-155 attenuates detrimental vascular effects of tobacco cigarette smoking
Frati, Giacomo; Forte, Maurizio; Di Nonno, Flavio; Bordin, Antonella; Chimenti, Isotta; Picchio, Vittorio; Cavarretta, Elena; Stanzione, Rosita; Bianchi, Franca; Carnevale, Roberto; Nocella, Cristina; Schiavon, Sonia; Vecchio, Daniele; Marchitti, Simona; De Falco, Elena; Rubattu, Speranza; Paneni, Francesco; Biondi-Zoccai, Giuseppe; Versaci, Francesco; Volpe, Massimo; Pagano, Francesca; Sciarretta, Sebastiano - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION. CARDIOVASCULAR AND CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) pp. 1-18 - issn: 2047-9980 - wos: WOS:000599866300003 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85098476086 (12)

11573/1461916 - 2020 - Open challenges and new perspectives in cardiac regenerative medicine
Pagano, F; Chimenti, I - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: CURRENT STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY (HILVERSUM, NETHERLANDS, BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBL LTD, PO BOX 1673) pp. 647-648 - issn: 1574-888X - wos: WOS:000590335800001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85091948025 (0)

11573/1442349 - 2020 - Building an artificial cardiac microenvironment. A focus on the extracellular matrix
Pagliarosi, O.; Picchio, V.; Chimenti, I.; Messina, E.; Gaetani, R. - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (Lausanne : Frontiers Media S.A., 2013-) pp. - - issn: 2296-634X - wos: WOS:000573948900001 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85091252277 (23)

11573/1472636 - 2020 - Innovative in vitro models for the study of lung diseases
Picchio, Vittorio; Cammisotto, Vittoria; Pagano, Francesca; Carnevale, Roberto; Chimenti, Isotta - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Cell Interaction - Regulation of Immune Responses, Disease Development and Management Strategies - (978-1-83968-417-3)

11573/1279729 - 2019 - Acute Effects of Heat-Not-Burn, Electronic Vaping, and Traditional Tobacco Combustion Cigarettes: The Sapienza University of Rome-Vascular Assessment of Proatherosclerotic Effects of Smoking ( SUR - VAPES ) 2 Randomized Trial
Biondi-Zoccai, Giuseppe; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Bullen, Christopher; Nocella, Cristina; Violi, Francesco; Loffredo, Lorenzo; Pignatelli, Pasquale; Perri, Ludovica; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Marullo, Antonino G M; De Falco, Elena; Chimenti, Isotta; Cammisotto, Vittoria; Valenti, Valentina; Coluzzi, Flaminia; Cavarretta, Elena; Carrizzo, Albino; Prati, Francesco; Carnevale, Roberto; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION. CARDIOVASCULAR AND CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) pp. e010455-1 - issn: 2047-9980 - wos: WOS:000484573500008 (111) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85063262564 (118)

11573/1214906 - 2019 - Oral plaque from Type 2 diabetic patients reduces the clonogenic capacity of dental pulp-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Bordin, Antonella; Pagano, Francesca; Scaccia, Eleonora; Saccucci, Matteo; Vozza, Iole; Incerti, Noemi; Polimeni, Antonella; Cavarretta, Elena; Chimenti, Isotta; De Falco, Elena - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL (Cairo: Hindawi Publishing Corporation) pp. 1-7 - issn: 1687-966X - wos: WOS:000457088900001 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85060075633 (5)

11573/1331012 - 2019 - Pharmacological restoration of autophagy reduces hypertension-related stroke occurrence
Forte, Maurizio; Bianchi, Franca; Cotugno, Maria; Marchitti, Simona; De Falco, Elena; Raffa, Salvatore; Stanzione, Rosita; Di Nonno, Flavio; Chimenti, Isotta; Palmerio, Silvia; Pagano, Francesca; Petrozza, Vincenzo; Micaloni, Andrea; Madonna, Michele; Relucenti, Michela; Torrisi, Maria Rosaria; Frati, Giacomo; Volpe, Massimo; Rubattu, Speranza; Sciarretta, Sebastiano - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AUTOPHAGY (Landes Bioscience Georgetown TX 78628) pp. 1-14-14 - issn: 1554-8627 - wos: WOS:000496082500001 (73) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85074938386 (70)

11573/1336408 - 2019 - On the road to regeneration. “Tools” and “Routes” towards efficient cardiac cell therapy for ischemic cardiomyopathy
Pagano, F.; Picchio, V.; Chimenti, I.; Sordano, A.; De Falco, E.; Peruzzi, M.; Miraldi, F.; Cavarretta, E.; Zoccai, G. B.; Sciarretta, S.; Frati, G.; Marullo, A. G. M. - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: CURRENT CARDIOLOGY REPORTS (Philadelphia, PA : Current Science, c1999-) pp. - - issn: 1523-3782 - wos: WOS:000494454900004 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85074293338 (13)

11573/1268163 - 2019 - Automated segmentation of fluorescence microscopy images for 3D cell detection in human-derived cardiospheres
Salvi, Massimo; Morbiducci, Umberto; Amadeo, Francesco; Santoro, Rosaria; Angelini, Francesco; Chimenti, Isotta; Massai, Diana; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro; Pesce, Maurizio; Molinari, Filippo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (London: Springer Nature London: Nature Publishing Group) pp. - - issn: 2045-2322 - wos: WOS:000466351100003 (27) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85065073816 (31)

11573/1130662 - 2018 - Cardiac progenitor cells. The matrix has you
Castaldo, Clotilde; Chimenti, Isotta - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE (New York: AlphaMed Press) pp. 506-510 - issn: 2157-6564 - wos: WOS:000439875400002 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85045890618 (9)

11573/1165416 - 2018 - Cell-derived exosomes for cardiovascular therapies: Y (not) RNAs?
Chimenti, Isotta; Frati, Giacomo - 01b Commento, Erratum, Replica e simili
paper: HYPERTENSION (American Heart Association:7272 Greenville Avenue:Dallas, TX 75231:(800)242-8721, (214)706-1310, INTERNET:, Fax: (214)691-6342) pp. 279-280 - issn: 0194-911X - wos: WOS:000438231100007 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85051675604 (3)

11573/1291662 - 2018 - Predictors of oxidative stress and vascular function in an experimental study of tobacco versus electronic cigarettes. A post hoc analysis of the SUR-VAPES 1 study
Mastrangeli, S.; Carnevale, R.; Cavarretta, E.; Sciarretta, S.; Peruzzi, M.; Marullo, A. G. M.; De Falco, E.; Chimenti, I.; Valenti, V.; Bullen, C.; Roever, L.; Frati, G.; Biondi-Zoccai, G. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES (-London : BioMed Central -[Canada] : Publications Department of the International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases) pp. 18- - issn: 1617-9625 - wos: WOS:000433597600001 (17) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85049849740 (17)

11573/1173053 - 2018 - The biological mechanisms of action of cardiac progenitor cell therapy
Pagano, F; Picchio, V; Angelini, F; Iaccarino, A; Peruzzi, M; Cavarretta, E; Biondi-Zoccai, G; Sciarretta, S; De Falco, E; Chimenti, I; Frati, G - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: CURRENT CARDIOLOGY REPORTS (Philadelphia, PA : Current Science, c1999-) pp. - - issn: 1523-3782 - wos: WOS:000441673500002 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85051622792 (18)

11573/1207347 - 2018 - Beta2-adrenergic signaling affects the phenotype of human cardiac progenitor cells through EMT modulation
Pagano, Francesca; Angelini, Francesco; Siciliano, Camilla; Tasciotti, Julia; Mangino, Giorgio; De Falco, Elena; Carnevale, Roberto; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Frati, Giacomo; Chimenti, Isotta - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH (Attuale:ACADEMIC PRESS LTD ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 24-28 OVAL RD, LONDON, ENGLAND, NW1 7DX Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 41-48 - issn: 1043-6618 - wos: WOS:000424074200006 (19) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85010505660 (19)

11573/1165430 - 2018 - β-adrenergic receptors and cardiac progenitor cell biology. What is the real connection?
Pagano, Francesca; Frati, Giacomo; Chimenti, Isotta - 01b Commento, Erratum, Replica e simili
paper: JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY (John Wiley & Sons Incorporated:Customer Service, 111 River Street:Hoboken, NJ 07030:(800)225-5945, (201)748-6000, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (212)748-6551) pp. 7125-7126 - issn: 0730-2312 - wos: WOS:000445187800001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85047638200 (0)

11573/962761 - 2017 - The Impact of Environmental Factors in Influencing Epigenetics Related to Oxidative States in the Cardiovascular System
Angelini, Francesco; Pagano, Francesca; Bordin, Antonella; Milan, Marika; Chimenti, Isotta; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Valenti, Valentina; Marullo, Antonino; Schirone, Leonardo; Palmerio, Silvia; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Murdoch, Colin E.; Frati, Giacomo; De Falco, Elena - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY (London: Hindawi AUSTIN, USA, TX: LANDES BIOSCIENCE) pp. 1-18 - issn: 1942-0900 - wos: WOS:000401859400001 (32) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85021715963 (34)

11573/1016476 - 2017 - Getting old through the blood. Circulating molecules in aging and senescence of cardiovascular regenerative cells
Angelini, Francesco; Pagano, Francesca; Bordin, Antonella; Picchio, Vittorio; De Falco, Elena; Chimenti, Isotta - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE (Lausanne: Frontiers Media S.A., 2014-) pp. - - issn: 2297-055X - wos: WOS:000426119600001 (17) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85060999849 (16)

11573/954084 - 2017 - Stem cell spheroids and ex vivo niche modeling. Rationalization and scaling-up
Chimenti, Isotta; Massai, Diana; Morbiducci, Umberto; Beltrami, Antonio Paolo; Pesce, Maurizio; Messina, Elisa - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH (New York, NY : Springer) pp. 150-166 - issn: 1937-5387 - wos: WOS:000401723000007 (26) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85015092426 (28)

11573/952552 - 2017 - Human lung spheroids as In vitro niches of lung progenitor cells with distinctive paracrine and plasticity properties
Chimenti, Isotta; Pagano, Francesca; Angelini, Francesco; Siciliano, Camilla; Mangino, Giorgio; Picchio, Vittorio; De Falco, Elena; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Carnevale, Roberto; Ibrahim, Mohsen; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Messina, Elisa; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE (New York: AlphaMed Press) pp. 767-777 - issn: 2157-6564 - wos: WOS:000398204600009 (23) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85017537015 (26)

11573/950409 - 2017 - Cardiac recovery during long-term LVAD. is there an interaction between beta-blockers and cardiac progenitor cells
Chimenti, Isotta; Pagano, Francesca; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Marullo, Antonino; Greco, Ernesto; Tonelli, Euclide; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Cavarretta, Elena; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Frati, Giacomo - 01f Lettera, Nota
paper: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY ([New York N.Y.]: Elsevier Biomedical Philadelphia, PA: W B Saunders Company) pp. 1880-1881 - issn: 0735-1097 - wos: WOS:000398065100021 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85017012105 (2)

11573/973613 - 2017 - Histone acetylation favours the cardiovascular commitment of adipose tissue-derived stromal cells
De Falco, Elena; Bordin, Antonella; Scaccia, Eleonora; Pagano, Francesca; Ibrahim, Mohsen; Schirone, Leonardo; Angelini, Francesco; Palmerio, Silvia; Madonna, Michele; Fianchini, Luca; Chimenti, Isotta; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY (Shannon; Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers; Elsevier/North-Holland) pp. 421-423 - issn: 0167-5273 - wos: WOS:000406038100080 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85020393338 (2)

11573/1004234 - 2017 - EMT/MET at the crossroad of stemness, regeneration and oncogenesis. The Ying-Yang equilibrium recapitulated in cell spheroids
Forte, Elvira; Chimenti, Isotta; Rosa, Paolo; Angelini, Francesco; Pagano, Francesca; Calogero, Antonella; Giacomello, Alessandro; Messina, Elisa - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: CANCERS (Basel: MDPI) pp. - - issn: 2072-6694 - wos: WOS:000408877700004 (66) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85026776904 (67)

11573/960986 - 2017 - An overview of the inflammatory signalling mechanisms in the myocardium underlying the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy
Frati, Giacomo; Schirone, Leonardo; Chimenti, Isotta; Yee, Derek; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Volpe, Massimo; Sciarretta, Sebastiano - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH (Oxford: Oxford University Press Amsterdam: Elsevier London: British Medical Association, 1967-) pp. 378-388 - issn: 0008-6363 - wos: WOS:000400935200003 (184) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85019634930 (201)

11573/1000116 - 2017 - Normal versus pathological cardiac fibroblast-derived extracellular matrix differentially modulates cardiosphere-derived cell paracrine properties and commitment
Pagano, Francesca; Angelini, Francesco; Castaldo, Clotilde; Picchio, Vittorio; Messina, Elisa; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Maiello, Ciro; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Frati, Giacomo; Meglio, Franca Di; Nurzynska, Daria; Chimenti, Isotta - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL (SAGE-Hindawi) pp. 1-9 - issn: 1687-9678 - wos: WOS:000404220500001 (21) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85027055380 (21)

11573/954096 - 2017 - Cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of steen solution on human lung spheroids and human endothelial cells
Pagano, Francesca; Nocella, Cristina; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Fianchini, Luca; Siciliano, Camilla; Mangino, Giorgio; Ibrahim, Mohsen; De Falco, Elena; Carnevale, Roberto; Chimenti, Isotta; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION (Copenhagen Denmark: Munksgaard International Publishers, 2001- Latest publisher: Oxford: Blackwell) pp. 1885-1894 - issn: 1600-6135 - wos: WOS:000404372900024 (19) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85018684636 (23)

11573/939862 - 2017 - Cardiac mechano-perception. A life-long story from early beats to aging and failure
Pesce, Maurizio; Messina, Elisa; Chimenti, Isotta; Beltrami, Antonio Paolo - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT (MARY ANN LIEBERT INC, 2 MADISON AVENUE, LARCHMONT, USA, NY, 10538) pp. 77-90 - issn: 1547-3287 - wos: WOS:000392837600002 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85009726284 (25)

11573/975454 - 2017 - A review of the molecular mechanisms underlying the development and progression of cardiac remodeling
Schirone, Leonardo; Forte, Maurizio; Palmerio, Silvia; Yee, Derek; Nocella, Cristina; Angelini, Francesco; Pagano, Francesca; Schiavon, Sonia; Bordin, Antonella; Carrizzo, Albino; Vecchione, Carmine; Valenti, Valentina; Chimenti, Isotta; De Falco, Elena; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Frati, Giacomo - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY (London: Hindawi AUSTIN, USA, TX: LANDES BIOSCIENCE) pp. 1-16 - issn: 1942-0900 - wos: WOS:000404862900001 (289) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85024477401 (319)

11573/1014801 - 2017 - Sex differences of human cardiac progenitor cells in the biological response to TNF-α treatment
Straface, Elisabetta; Gambardella, Lucrezia; Pagano, Francesca; Angelini, Francesco; Ascione, Barbara; Vona, Rosa; De Falco, Elena; Cavarretta, Elena; La Russa, Raffaele; Malorni, Walter; Frati, Giacomo; Chimenti, Isotta. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL (Cairo: Hindawi Publishing Corporation) pp. 1-9 - issn: 1687-966X - wos: WOS:000410778100001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85030756978 (8)

11573/866327 - 2016 - Exosomes isolation protocols. Facts and artifacts for cardiac regeneration
Angelini, Francesco; Ionta, Vittoria; Rossi, Fabrizio; Pagano, Francesca; Chimenti, Isotta; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE (Alberton, NY : Frontiers in Bioscience, Inc.) pp. 303-311 - issn: 1945-0524 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85016151553 (10)

11573/911454 - 2016 - Acute impact of tobacco vs electronic cigarette smoking on oxidative stress and vascular function
Carnevale, Roberto; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Violi, Francesco; Nocella, Cristina; Loffredo, Lorenzo; Perri, Ludovica; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Marullo, Antonino; De Falco, Elena; Chimenti, Isotta; Valenti, Valentina; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CHEST (American College of Chest Physicians:3300 Dundee Road:Northbrook, IL 60062:(800)343-2227, (847)498-1400, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (847)498-5460) pp. 606-612 - issn: 0012-3692 - wos: WOS:000383532200025 (278) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84995543192 (291)

11573/912687 - 2016 - Β-blockers treatment of cardiac surgery patients enhances isolation and improves phenotype of cardiosphere-derived cells
Chimenti, Isotta; Pagano, Francesca; Cavarretta, Elena; Angelini, Francesco; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Barretta, Antonio; Greco, Ernesto; De Falco, Elena; Marullo, Antonino; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (London: Springer Nature London: Nature Publishing Group) pp. - - issn: 2045-2322 - wos: WOS:000387564300001 (36) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84995503421 (35)

11573/955973 - 2016 - Role of NOX2 in mediating doxorubicin-induced senescence in human endothelial progenitor cells
De Falco, Elena; Carnevale, Roberto; Pagano, Francesca; Chimenti, Isotta; Fianchini, Luca; Bordin, Antonella; Siciliano, Camilla; Monticolo, Roberto; Equitani, Francesco; Carrizzo, Albino; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Vecchione, Carmine; Rubattu, Speranza Donatella; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT (Elsevier Science Ireland Limited:PO Box 85, Limerick Ireland:011 353 61 709600, 011 353 61 61944, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 353 61 709114) pp. 37-43 - issn: 0047-6374 - wos: WOS:000387196100006 (35) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84971668376 (35)

11573/878709 - 2016 - The adipose tissue of origin influences the biological potential of human adipose stromal cells isolated from mediastinal and subcutaneous fat depots
Siciliano, Camilla; Bordin, Antonella; Ibrahim, Mohsen; Chimenti, Isotta; Cassiano, Francesco; Gatto, Ilenia; Mangino, Giorgio; Coccia, Andrea; Miglietta, Selenia; Bastianelli, Daniela; Petrozza, Vincenzo; Calogero, Antonella; Frati, Giacomo; De Falco, Elena - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STEM CELL RESEARCH (Amsterdam : Elsevier) pp. 342-351 - issn: 1873-5061 - wos: WOS:000389523200020 (22) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84986000905 (24)

11573/804897 - 2015 - An international survey on taking up a career in cardiovascular research. opportunities and biases toward would-be physician-scientists
Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Cerrato, Enrico; Peruzzi, Mariangela; D'ascenzo, Fabrizio; De Falco, Elena; Chimenti, Isotta; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Marullo, Antonino; Cavarretta, Elena; Greco, Ernesto; Benedetto, Umberto; Pompilio, Giulio; Escaned, Javier; Abbate, Antonio; Carpentier, Alain; Chachques, Juan Carlos; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. - - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000358198700026 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84941309179 (2)

11573/899080 - 2015 - Bridging regenerative medicine based therapies into the 21st century. solo or symphony
Peruzzi, Mariangela; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Frati, Luigi; De Falco, Elena; Chimenti, Isotta; Greco, Ernesto; Marullo, Antonino G. M.; Vitulli, Piergiusto; Frati, Giacomo - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF MEDICINE (London : BioMed Central) pp. 1-7 - issn: 1755-7682 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84937833354 (0)

11573/780928 - 2015 - State of the art on the evidence base in cardiac regenerative therapy. Overview of 41 systematic reviews
Peruzzi, Mariangela; De Falco, Elena; Antonio, Abbate; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Chimenti, Isotta; Marzia, Lotrionte; Umberto, Benedetto; Ronak, Delewi; Marullo, Antonino; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL ([London]: [Hindawi] Cairo: Hindawi Publishing Corporation) pp. 1-7 - issn: 2314-6133 - wos: WOS:000357204500001 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84934312284 (27)

11573/790576 - 2015 - The potential of GMP-compliant platelet lysate to induce a permissive state for cardiovascular transdifferentiation in human mediastinal adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Siciliano, Camilla; Chimenti, Isotta; Bordin, Antonella; Ponti, Donatella; Iudicone, Paola; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Rendina, Erino Angelo; Calogero, Antonella; Pierelli, Luca; Ibrahim, Mohsen; De Falco, Elena - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL (London: Hindawi, [2001]-) pp. 1-10 - issn: 2314-6141 - wos: WOS:000362733600001 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84944259935 (17)

11573/717065 - 2015 - Cardiosphere conditioned media influence the plasticity of human mediastinal adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Siciliano, Camilla; Chimenti, Isotta; Ibrahim, Mohsen; Napoletano, Chiara; Mangino, Giorgio; Scafetta, Gaia; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Rendina, Erino Angelo; Calogero, Antonella; Frati, Giacomo; De Falco, Elena - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CELL TRANSPLANTATION (Elmsford, NY : Cognizant Communication Corp.) pp. 2307-2322 - issn: 1555-3892 - wos: WOS:000364353300012 (26) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84944220053 (27)

11573/555648 - 2014 - New insights into the steen solution properties: Breakthrough in antioxidant effects via NOX2 downregulation
Carnevale, Roberto; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Peruzzi, Mariangela; De Falco, Elena; Chimenti, Isotta; Venuta, Federico; Anile, Marco; Diso, Daniele; Cavarretta, Elena; Marullo, Antonino; Sartini, Patrizio; Pignatelli, Pasquale; Violi, Francesco; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY (London: Hindawi AUSTIN, USA, TX: LANDES BIOSCIENCE) pp. 1-10 - issn: 1942-0900 - wos: WOS:000335030300001 (21) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84900316322 (26)

11573/610600 - 2014 - Epicatechin and catechin modulate endothelial activation induced by platelets of patients with peripheral artery disease.
Carnevale, Roberto; Loffredo, Lorenzo; Nocella, Cristina; Bartimoccia, Simona; Bucci, T.; De Falco, Elena; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Chimenti, Isotta; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Pignatelli, Pasquale; Violi, Francesco; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY (London: Hindawi AUSTIN, USA, TX: LANDES BIOSCIENCE) pp. Article number 691015- - issn: 1942-0900 - wos: WOS:000340465800001 (21) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84925884549 (33)

11573/552003 - 2014 - Total adiponectin is inversely associated with platelet activation and CHA2DS2-VASc score in anticoagulated patients with atrial fibrillation
Carnevale, Roberto; Pastori, Daniele; Peruzzi, Mariangela; De Falco, Elena; Chimenti, Isotta; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Greco, Ernesto; Marullo, Antonino; Nocella, Cristina; Violi, Francesco; Pignatelli, Pasquale; Calvieri, Camilla; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION (Taylor & Francis Limited:Rankine Road, Basingstoke RG24 8PR United Kingdom:011 44 1256 813035, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1256 330245 Oxford: Rapid Communications.) pp. 1-6 - issn: 0962-9351 - wos: WOS:000332540900001 (19) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84897017357 (22)

11573/536963 - 2014 - Serum and supplement optimization for EU GMP-compliance in cardiospheres cell culture
Chimenti, Isotta; Gaetani, Roberto; Forte, Elvira; Angelini, Francesco; De Falco, Elena; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; Messina, Elisa; Frati, Giacomo; Giacomello, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE (Bucharest : University Press "Carol Davila" Bucharest: Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2000-) pp. 624-634 - issn: 1582-4934 - wos: WOS:000333853000006 (34) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84897963100 (39)

11573/527933 - 2013 - A novel closed-chest porcine model of chronic ischemic heart failure suitable for experimental research in cardiovascular disease
Biondi Zoccai, Giuseppe; De Falco, Elena; Peruzzi, Mariangela; Cavarretta, Elena; Mancone, Massimo; Omar, Leoni; Maria Emiliana, Caristo; Marzia, Lotrionte; Marullo, Antonino; Antonio, Amodeo; Luca, Pacini; Calogero, Antonella; Petrozza, Vincenzo; Chimenti, Isotta; Fabrizio, D'ascenzo; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL (London: Hindawi, [2001]-) pp. - - issn: 2314-6141 - wos: WOS:000325013500001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84885620424 (10)

11573/482136 - 2013 - Biochemistry and biology. Heart-to-heart to investigate cardiac progenitor cells
Chimenti, Isotta; Forte, Elvira; Angelini, Francesco; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 2459-2469 - issn: 0304-4165 - wos: WOS:000315304500020 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84872487476 (8)

11573/536200 - 2013 - Analysis of pregnancy-associated plasma protein a production in human adult cardiac progenitor cells
Piera, D'elia; Ionta, Vittoria; Chimenti, Isotta; Angelini, Francesco; Miraldi, Fabio; Pala, Alessandro; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL ([London]: [Hindawi] Cairo: Hindawi Publishing Corporation) pp. -9 - issn: 2314-6133 - wos: WOS:000327344200001 (19) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84890040468 (17)

11573/443277 - 2012 - Functional impairment of human resident cardiac stem cells by the cardiotoxic antineoplastic agent trastuzumab
A. S., Barth; Y., Zhang; T. S., Li; R. R., Smith; Chimenti, Isotta; I., Terrovitis; D. R., Davis; E., Kizana; A. S., Ho; B., O'rourke; A. C., Wolff; G., Gerstenblith; E., Marban - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE (New York: AlphaMed Press) pp. 289-297 - issn: 2157-6564 - wos: WOS:000312571600009 (31) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84873712445 (34)

11573/482133 - 2012 - From ontogenesis to regeneration: Learning how to instruct adult cardiac progenitor cells
Chimenti, Isotta; Forte, Elvira; Angelini, Francesco; Giacomello, Alessandro; Messina, Elisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: GENETICS OF STEM CELLS, PT A - (9780123984593)

11573/435127 - 2012 - Isolation and expansion of adult cardiac stem/progenitor cells in the form of cardiospheres from human cardiac biopsies and murine hearts
Chimenti, Isotta; Gaetani, Roberto; Barile, Lucio; Forte, Elvira; Ionta, Vittoria; Angelini, Francesco; Frati, Giacomo; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Somatic stem cells: methods and protocols - (978-1-61779-814-6)

11573/467215 - 2012 - TGFβ-dependent epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition is required to generate cardiospheres from human adult heart biopsies
Forte, Elvira; Miraldi, Fabio; Chimenti, Isotta; Angelini, Francesco; Ann, Zeuner; Giacomello, Alessandro; Mark, Mercola; Messina, Elisa - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT (MARY ANN LIEBERT INC, 2 MADISON AVENUE, LARCHMONT, USA, NY, 10538) pp. 3081-3090 - issn: 1547-3287 - wos: WOS:000310840500002 (32) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84869061537 (34)

11573/126719 - 2011 - Bone marrow-derived cells can acquire cardiac stem cells properties in damaged heart
Barile, Lucio; F., Cerisoli; Frati, Giacomo; Gaetani, Roberto; Chimenti, Isotta; Forte, Elvira; L., Cassinelli; L., Spinardi; C., Altomare; E., Kizana; Giacomello, Alessandro; Messina, Elisa; Silvia, Ottolenghi; M. C., Magli - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE (Bucharest : Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine.) pp. 63-71 - issn: 1582-1838 - wos: WOS:000286513900010 (23) - scopus: 2-s2.0-78751685504 (25)

11573/350267 - 2011 - Evidence for the Existence of Resident Cardiac Stem Cells
Chimenti, Isotta; Gaetani, Roberto; Barile, Lucio; Forte, Elvira; Ionta, Vittoria; Angelini, Francesco; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Regenerating the heart. Stem Cells and the Cardiovascular System. - (9781617790201; 9781617790218)

11573/385404 - 2011 - Human cardiosphere-seeded gelatin and collagen scaffolds as cardiogenic engineered bioconstructs
Chimenti, Isotta; Rizzitelli, Giuseppe; Gaetani, Roberto; Angelini, Francesco; Ionta, Vittoria; Forte, Elvira; Frati, Giacomo; Olivier, Schussler; Barbetta, Andrea; Messina, Elisa; Dentini, Mariella; Giacomello, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BIOMATERIALS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 9271-9281 - issn: 0142-9612 - wos: WOS:000296684200013 (51) - scopus: 2-s2.0-80053612908 (50)

11573/433367 - 2011 - Thrombin and thrombin-derived peptides promote proliferation of cardiac progenitor cells in the form of cardiospheres without affecting their differentiation potential
Fabrizi, Cinzia; Angelini, Francesco; Chimenti, Isotta; Pompili, Elena; Somma, Francesca; Gaetani, Roberto; Messina, Elisa; Fumagalli, Lorenzo; Giacomello, Alessandro; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL REGULATORS & HOMEOSTATIC AGENTS (Wichtig Editore:Via Friuli 72 74, I 20135 Milan Italy:011 39 02 5455122, 011 39 2 55195443, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 39 2 55195971) pp. 43-51 - issn: 0393-974X - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84855171771 (15)

11573/396467 - 2011 - Cardiac cell therapy: the next (re)generation
Forte, Elvira; Chimenti, Isotta; Barile, Lucio; Gaetani, Roberto; Angelini, Francesco; Ionta, Vittoria; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: STEM CELL REVIEWS (Totowa, N.J. : Humana Press, 2005-) pp. 1018-1030 - issn: 1550-8943 - wos: WOS:000297597800023 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-82355164949 (27)

11573/363724 - 2010 - Relative roles of direct regeneration versus paracrine effects of human cardiosphere-derived cells transplanted into infarcted mice
Chimenti, Isotta; R., Ruckdeschel Smith; T. S., Li; G., Gerstenblith; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro; E., Marban - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CIRCULATION RESEARCH (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:530 Walnut Street:Philadelphia, PA 19106:(800)638-3030, (301)223-2300, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (301)223-2320, (301)223-2320 PRimo editore: Baltimore, Md. : Grune & Stratton, c1953-) pp. 971-980 - issn: 0009-7330 - wos: WOS:000275825300018 (530) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77950890007 (572)

11573/361759 - 2010 - Cardiospheres and tissue engineering for myocardial regeneration: potential for clinical application
Gaetani, Roberto; Rizzitelli, Giuseppe; Chimenti, Isotta; Barile, Lucio; Forte, Elvira; Ionta, Vittoria; Angelini, Francesco; Jpg, Sluijter; Barbetta, Andrea; Messina, Elisa; Frati, Giacomo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE (Bucharest : Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine.) pp. 1071-1077 - issn: 1582-1838 - wos: WOS:000278802200009 (36) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77954748270 (35)

11573/336984 - 2010 - Identification and functionality of proteomes secreted by rat cardiac stem cells and neonatal cardiomyocytes
S., Miroslava; Chimenti, Isotta; Eduardo, Marban; Jennifer E., Van Eyk - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PROTEOMICS (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmBH:PO Box 101161, D 69451 Weinheim Germany:011 49 6201 606147, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 49 6201 606328) pp. 245-253 - issn: 1615-9853 - wos: WOS:000274338500008 (82) - scopus: 2-s2.0-76749154121 (90)

11573/361374 - 2009 - c-kit cardiac progenitor cells: What is their potential?
Chimenti, Isotta; Gaetani, Roberto; Barile, Lucio; Frati, Giacomo; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (National Academy of Sciences:2101 Constitution Avenue Northwest:Washington, DC 20418:(877)314-2253, (615)377-3322, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (615)377-0525) pp. E78-E79 - issn: 0027-8424 - wos: WOS:000267972700077 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-67650886076 (6)

11573/325899 - 2009 - Paracrine contribution versus direct regeneration in cardiosphere-derived cell therapy for acute myocardial infarction
Chimenti, Isotta; Ruckdeschel Smith, R; Li, Ts; Messina, E; Giacomello, Alessandro; Marban, E. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
paper: CIRCULATION (Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins) pp. S756-S756 - issn: 0009-7322 - wos: WOS:000271831502236 (1) - scopus: (0)
conference: AHA Scientific Session 2009 (Orlando; United States)
book: Circulation - Supplement - ()

11573/358552 - 2009 - New perspectives to repair a broken heart
Gaetani, Roberto; Barile, Lucio; Forte, Elvira; Chimenti, Isotta; Ionta, Vittoria; Di Consiglio, Alberto; Miraldi, Fabio; Frati, Giacomo; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: CARDIOVASCULAR & HEMATOLOGICAL AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY (Sharjah, U.A.E. ; San Francisco, CA : Bentham Science Publishers, c2006-) pp. 91-107 - issn: 1871-5257 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-67650582001 (24)

11573/358415 - 2009 - Differentiation of human adult cardiac stem cells exposed to Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.
Gaetani, Roberto; Ledda, M; Barile, Lucio; Chimenti, Isotta; De Carlo, F; Forte, Elvira; Ionta, Vittoria; Giuliani, L; D'emilia, E; Frati, Giacomo; Miraldi, Fabio; Pozzi, Deleana; Messina, Elisa; Grimaldi, S; Giacomello, Alessandro; Lisi, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH (Oxford: Oxford University Press Amsterdam: Elsevier London: British Medical Association, 1967-) pp. 411-420 - issn: 0008-6363 - wos: WOS:000266109900007 (92) - scopus: 2-s2.0-66249112518 (108)

11573/325685 - 2008 - Human, cardiac progenitor cells secrete paracrine factors in vitro and in vivo
Chimenti, Isotta; Ruckdeschel Smith, R.; Leppo, Michelle K.; Gery, Gerstenblith; Giacomello, Alessandro; Eduardo, Marban - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
paper: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 802-803 - issn: 0022-2828 - wos: WOS:000255980800227 (0) - scopus: (0)
conference: 28th Annual Meeting of the European Section of the International-Society-for-Heart-Research (Athens; Greece)

11573/325686 - 2008 - Unselected Human Cardiosphere-derived Cells are Functionally Superior to c-Kit- or CD90-Purified Cardiosphere-derived Cells
Ruckdeschel Smith, R; Chimenti, Isotta; Marban, E. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
paper: CIRCULATION (Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins) pp. S_420-S420 - issn: 0009-7322 - wos: WOS:000262104500679 (12) - scopus: (0)
conference: AHA Scientific Session 2008 (New Orleans; United States)
book: Circulation - ()

11573/358418 - 2007 - Cardiac stem cells. Isolation, expansion and experimental use for myocardial regeneration
Barile, Lucio; Chimenti, Isotta; Gaetani, Roberto; Forte, Elvira; Miraldi, Fabio; Frati, Giacomo; Messina, Elisa; Giacomello, Alessandro - 01g Articolo di rassegna (Review)
paper: NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE (London : Nature, 2004-2009.) pp. S9-S14 - issn: 1743-4297 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33846490176 (96)

11573/324997 - 2007 - Secretion of pro-survival and pro-angiogenic growth factors in vitro and in vivo by cardiac progenitor cells from human biopsies
Chimenti, Isotta; Ruckdeschel Smith, R; Leppo, Km; Gerstenblith, G; Giacomello, Alessandro; Messina, E; Marban, E. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
paper: CIRCULATION RESEARCH (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:530 Walnut Street:Philadelphia, PA 19106:(800)638-3030, (301)223-2300, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (301)223-2320, (301)223-2320 PRimo editore: Baltimore, Md. : Grune & Stratton, c1953-) pp. 1209-1209 - issn: 0009-7330 - wos: WOS:000251225000037 (5) - scopus: (0)
conference: AHA Scientific Session 2007 (Orlando; United States)

11573/325683 - 2007 - The secretomes from cardiac stem cells and neonatal myocytes: proteomics-based identification of novel paracrine factors
Stastna, M; Chimenti, Isotta; Terrovitis, J; Marban, E; Van Eyk, J. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
paper: CIRCULATION (Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins) pp. II_103-II_104 - issn: 0009-7322 - wos: WOS:000250394300456 (0) - scopus: (0)
conference: AHA Scientific Session 2007 (Orlando; United States)
book: CIRCULATION - ()

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