Professore ordinario

telefono: 06.49912870
edificio: Genetics
stanza: 3-02

Part I - General information

Name Isabella Saggio

Part II - Education

1993 PhD Genetics and Molecular Biology Sapienza University
1988 Laurea full marks cum laude Genetics Sapienza University

Part III - Academic profile and appointments

IIIA - Academic profile
2023 to date Full Professor of Genetics BIO/18 Sapienza University
2017 National scientific qualification Full Professor of Genetics 05/I1-BIO/18 (passed 3/3)
2017 to date Visiting Professor College of Science Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
2005 2023 Associate Professor of Genetics BIO/18 Sapienza University
1996 2004 Assistant Professor of Genetics BIO/18 Sapienza University

IIIB - Accademic appointments
2024 to date Selected member of evaluation committee Honours Programmes, Sapienza University
2023 to date Select coordinator of the doctoral school in Genetics and Molecular Biology Sapienza University
2022 to date Selected member Fellowship Add SAPIExcellence 2022 , Panel LS, evaluation committee, Sapienza University
2021 to date Selected member Sc MMFFNN Faculty outreaching committee Sapienza University
2021 to date Selected member Center for preclinical research and animal welfare Sapienza University
2019 to date Director International Winter School Genetics and Molecular Medicine 5 CFU Sapienza University
2019 to date Selected member Strategic board Dept. Biology and Biotechnology Sapienza University
2019 to date Third mission delegate Dept. Biology and Biotechnology Sapienza University
2019 to date Vice president, delegate for internationalization Master degree of Genetics and Molecular Biology Sapienza University
2016 to date Selected member Superior School of Advanced Studies Sapienza University
2016 to date Promoter and coordinator Sapienza University/Nanyang Technological University of Singapore agreements (for teacher mobility, student mobility and
framework agreement)
2015 2016 Selected member Sapienza committee for evaluation of scientific projects
2011 to date Promoter and coordinator Double Degree Sapienza University with Master en Génétique Université de Paris
2008 to date Board member PhD school in Genetics and Molecular Biology Sapienza University
2005 to date Founder and Director Master degree of Science Journalism 60CFU Sapienza University
2005 to date Erasmus project coordinator Sapienza University/Université de Paris, >100 outgoing and incoming students

IIIC - Research appointments
2020 to date Associate scientist CNR Institute of molecular biology and pathology
2015 2017 Visiting scientist Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
2010 Jan Visiting scientist as CNR fellow Pasteur Institute Paris France
2008 Sept Visiting scientist as CNR fellow Salk Institute La Jolla CA USA
2004 Jan Feb Visiting scientist as CNR fellow Lyon Laennec University France
2003 2018 Associate scientist CNR Institute of molecular biology and pathology
2003 2010 Associate scientist and group leader San Raffaele Science Park Rome
1995 1996 EU postdoctoral fellow Gustave Roussy Institute Paris France
1991 1994 PhD fellow IRBM MSD Research Institute Rome Italy
1989 1990 Researcher (in 1990 with permanent position group B) National Institute of Health Rome Italy

Part IV - Funding information

IV - Grants as PI -principal Investigator or I-investigator
2022 - 2026 National spoke coordinator and Sapienza spoke coordinator PNRR CN5-NBFC. PI 4100K
2022 - 2024 Italian Ministry of Health, Fighting doping (No doping). PI 85000
2023 - 2024 Ministry of Health Singapore, National Innovation Challenge (NIC) on Active and Confident Ageing Nanoscale, Nuclear Patterning to Detect Nuclear
Envelope Remodeling During Skin Cell Aging. Collaborator
2022 - 2023 Pasteur Cenci Bolognetti 2020 Nuclear Envelope and Cancer PI 40000
2021 2026 AIRC IG Nuclear Envelope and telomere stability in lymphomagenesis PI 432000
2017 2020 Progeria Research Foundation USA Progerias PI 150000$
2016 Telethon EG project AKTIP and progerias PI 45404
2015 2018 AIRC IG Telomeric genes I 446000
2013 2016 EU FP7 Marie Curie Industry-Academia IAPP Brainvectors - Gene therapy PI 38776
2007 2012 EU FP7 BrainCAV -Gene therapy PI and work-package leader 227376
2006 2018 Sponsoring MSD, Pfizer, Abbott, Novartis, Roche to Science communication initiatives PI avg5000 /year
2006 2007 MIUR PRIN Modeling and correcting organogenetic and pathogenetic skeletal processes using stem cells I 25000
2004 2009 Telethon IG Stem cell disease fibrous dysplasia I 320000
2004 MIUR 6-2000 Science communication PI 20000
2004 2021 MIUR Sapienza internal annual funding PI avg 4000 /year
2002 MIUR 6-2000 Openlab PI 20milioni lire
2001 2002 Inter-University Biotechnology Consortium Phage vectors for gene transfer PI 200milioni lire
2000 2001 Pasteur Cenci Bolognetti Phage technology for the study of Adenovirus-receptor interaction PI 20milioni lire
2000 2001 SIGMA TAU Adenoviral vectors for gene therapy PI 400milioni lire
2000 CNR Structure-function analysis of Adenovirus penton base PI 30milioni lire

IVB - Grants to I. Saggio lab members (selection)
2023 - 2026 PNRR funded 2xRTDA positions SSD Genetics BIO/18 300000
2021 Be for ERC When Borders Lose integrity: study of the impact of Nuclear Envelope and telomere fragility in lymphomagenesis (BLiNET) 50000
2019 Buzzati Traverso Foundation 2019 Nuclear envelope organization and genome instability in cancer diffusion 20000
2019 Veronesi Foundation 2019 Nuclear envelope organization and genome instability in cancer diffusion 15000
2019 FIRC Nuclear envelope organization and genome instability in cancer diffusion 25000
2012 Pasteur Cenci Bolognetti Telomeric genes 18600
2012 Inter-University Biotechnology Consortium Comparative investigation of the toxicogenomic signature of adenovirus vectors 10000
2010 Sapienza AST Gene therapy of neurodegenerative disorders 19000

IVC - Revision of projects (selection)
2023 Poland National Science center
2020 USA-Israel Binational Science Foundation
2019 Dutch Research council
2019 Medical Research Council UK
2019 to date Transnational research projects to accelerate diagnosis and/or explore disease progression and mechanisms of rare diseases
2017 Leonardo da Vinci EU programme
2015 2016 Italian Ministry of University and Research MIUR
2014 INSERM-CNRS ATIP Avenir, France
2008 to date Association Nationale Recherche (ANR) France
2008 Université de Montpellier
2007 2009 Unity Through Knowledge Fund

Part V - Society memberships

2019 2023 Elected counselor in the board of the Italian Association of Genetics (AGI)
2000 2014 Member European Association of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT), American Society of Gene Therapy (ASGT), American Society of Bone and Mineral
Research (ASBMR)
2000 to date Member Italian Association of Genetics (AGI), Italian Federation of Life Sciences (FISV)

Part VI - Teaching experience

VIA - National teaching
2023 Director and teacher of Nature and politics Advanced training course Sapienza University (2 CFU; 1CFU BIO/18)
2023 Director and teacher of Writers' week science and literature Advanced training course Sapienza University (1CFU BIO/18)
2022 Director and teacher of Rare Diseases: Genetics, biomedicine and political challenges, International Winter School Sapienza University (5CFU; 1CFU
2022 Director and teacher of Science, Knowledge, Democracy and decisional processes Advanced training course Sapienza University (2CFU; 1CFU BIO/18 )
2022 Director and teacher of OneHealth and Biodiversity - Governance and Geopolitical challenges Advanced training course (2CFU; 1CFU BIO/18) Sapienza
2021 to date Communication processes in science and medicine Sapienza University BIO/18 (9CFU)
2021 Director and teacher of Communication in science Advanced training course, Sapienza University (1CFU BIO/18)
2021 Director and teacher of Science and Democracy Advanced training course (3CFU; 2CFU BIO/18)
2021 Director and teacher of Stem Cell and Molecular Medicine, International Winter School Sapienza University (5CFU; 1CFU BIO/18)
2021 Director and teacher of Creating a journal, Advanced training course Sapienza University (3CFU; 2CFU BIO/18)
2021 Director and teacher of Public speaking Advanced training course Sapienza University (BIO/18 1CFU)
2020 Director and teacher of Molecular Medicine International Winter School Sapienza University (5CFU; 1CFU BIO/18)
2019 Director and teacher of Molecular Medicine International Winter School Sapienza University (5CFU; 2 CFU BIO/18)
2018 to date Organizer Public speaking course PhD School Genetics and Molecular Biology Sapienza University
2018 to date Genetic medicine Superior School of Advanced studies Sapienza University (3CFU BIO/18)
2017 2018 Models in biology Superior School of Advanced studies Sapienza University (3CFU)
2017 2021 The biology of stem cells and their applications Sapienza University (3CFU BIO/18)
2017 2022 Founder, co-director and teacher of Stem cell and genome editing in memoriam of Paolo Bianco Master degree (in English) Sapienza University (60CFU; 10
2013 to date Gene therapy and Neuroscience Sapienza University (6CFU BIO/18)
2005 to date Director and teacher Master degree of Science Journalism Sapienza University (60CFU; 21 CFU BIO/18)
2001 to date Gene Therapy Sapienza University (in English) (6CFU BIO/18)
2001 2013 Genetics Sapienza University BIO/18
2001 2005 Genetics University of Urbino BIO/18

VIB - International teaching experience
2021 Lecture 3D structured illumination microscopy for studies on nuclear integrity and cancer invasion CIVIS - Project for a European Civic University
2017 to date Visiting professor Nanyang Technological University of Singapore College of Science (6-8 weeks per year)
2011 to date Gene Therapy Université de Paris France (1CFU per year)
2011 to date Stage and thesis tutoring of >20 foreign students
2011 to date Member of thesis committees at Master Génétique Université de Paris France

VIC - Mentoring experience
2001 to date Thesis tutoring > 20 graduate students, >15 PhD students and >100 Master students
2001 to date Young researcher mentoring (selection - name and current position) Y Martina Vice president Grünenthal Group London UK, G Cherubini Permanent
position Achilles Therapeutics London UK, R Burla CNR permanent position Rome Italy, E Di Matteo permanent position Nuscom Rome Italy, S Del Giudice
fellow CNR Naples Italy, L Astrologo Research associate University of Bern Switzerland, P Caruso Research associate University of Cambridge UK

Part VII Science and society - Terza missione

VIIA Science communication, outreaching and public engagement
2022 Founder and director Sapienza STAR Magazine ISSN 2785-5058
2022 Invited speaker Economics Festival Trento (Italy)
2022 Invited speaker at Association for Cultural Reinascence Aging and immmortality , Italy
2022 Member of the scientific committee in charge of the organization of SapienzAmbiente event
2022 Invited speaker Science Festival Genova (Italy): "Forever young"
2022 Saggio I, Le parole per dirlo, RAI TV
2022 Saggio I, A cena coi telomeri RaiRadio3 Scienza; Saggio I
2021 to date Registered journalist at the national association
2021 Saggio I. Genetics in the history of science RAI TV
2016 to date Organizer of >30 meetings for >800 journalists, recognized as educational CFPs by the National association of journalism (ODG)
2015 to date Founder and Director online journal Stoccolmaaroma (40,000 visitors/year)
2006 to date Promoter and coordinator of student training agreements between Sapienza Job soul and (selection) CNR, RAI, IFO, INFN, Telethon, APRE, IGMM CNRS
(Montpellier), Institut Pasteur (Paris), IFOM Cogentech (Milan), IEO (Milan), NIH (Bethesda, US)

VIIB Articles in the press
2022-to date Sapienza STARMagazine ISSN 2785-5058: Saggio I. Editoriale Pop STARs (2023); #7; Saggio I. la scienza non veste Prada #allebasi (2023); #7; Saggio I. sui
gener* starPinioni (2023); #7; Saggio I. Editoriale Pop STARs (2022); #6; Saggio I. Editoriale Pop STARs (2022); #4-5; Saggio I. no beach no party? starPinioni
(2022); #4-5; Saggio I. Editoriale Pop STARs (2022); #3; Saggio I. Editoriale Pop STARs (2022); #2; Saggio I. Editoriale Pop STARs (2021); #1
2012 to date Ce l ho nel Dna (2012) La Stampa
2012 - to date Longitude Italian Monthly on World Affairs: Saggio I. Intimations of immortality (2016); #63; Saggio I. Ebola: What is to be done? (2014); #43; Saggio I.
Keeping resistance at bay. (2013); #27; Saggio I. Deadly friends. (2012) #06

VIIC - Transfer of technology, patents
Saggio I, Di Giovine M, Salone B, Martina Y. Chimeric vectors and their use for gene transfer. Granted Italian and international patent (2002; WO 02/24934)

Laufer R, Saggio I, Gloaguen I, Di Marco A, Demartis A. Variants of human ciliary neurotrophic factor (hCNTF) with improved receptor-selectivity, and methodology for their selection. Granted Italian and international patent. (1998; WO 98/41625)

Ciliberto G, Saggio I, Savino R, Perricaudet M. Adenoviral vectors for mutants of human interleukin 6 (hIL-6) with hIL-6 antagonist activity over hIL-6. Pharmaceutical compositions there with and their uses. Granted Italian and international patent. (1998; WO 98/13383)

Laufer R, Saggio I. Variants of human ciliary neurotrophic factor (hCNTF) with improved receptor binding affinity. Granted Italian patent. (1994; n. 012878094)

Laufer R, Saggio I. Method for production of Filamentous phages displaying on the surface of the capsids peptides capable of binding biotin, and Filamentous phages and peptides thus obtained. Granted Italian patent. (1993; n. 1261693)

PART VIII Scientific activities

VIIIA Research activity
Telomeres and genome integrity in aging and cancer. I. Saggio identified the first human telomere-associated factor linked with the nuclear envelope. Telomere dysfunction causes genome instability and is a driver of cancer and premature aging (Burla et al Plos Genetics 2015; Cenci et al Plos Genetics 2015; Burla et al Open Biology 2016; La Torre et al Aging Cell 2018, Chen et al. Cell Reports 2019). More recently, building on the link between telomeres and the nuclear envelope, I. Saggio developed new research focusing on the implication of nuclear integrity in aging and cancer. The model systems used by I. Saggio are primarily mammalian cells and mice. In addition, comparative studies were performed in D. melanogaster. Research by I. Saggio and the work of her group have been recognized internationally and she has been funded, as PI, based on open competition and peer reviewing, by national and international agencies, including, in the last 5 years, Telethon, the Progeria Research Foundation USA and AIRC.
Gene and stem cell therapy During the association with the laboratories of San Raffaele Science Park, I. Saggio has been involved in the study of stem cells and contributed to unravel the characterization of stem cell progenitors as organizers of the hematopoietic microenvironment (Sacchetti et al Cell 2007; Sacchetti et al Stem cell reports 2016). In addition, I. Saggio laboratory has experience in vectors for gene and cell therapies, including lentiviral, adenoviral and humanized phages (patented WO 02/24934). I. Saggio developed growth factor antagonists and expressed them with adenoviral vectors as proof of principle studies of disease customized gene therapy (Saggio et al Gene therapy 1997; Di Marco et al PNAS 1996; and patent on viral vectors WO 98/13383).

VIIIB Last 5year publications (IF publication year)
1.La Torre M; Merigliano C; Maccaroni K; Chojnowski A; Goh WI; Giubettini M; Vernì F; Capanni C; Rhodes D; Wright G; Burke B; Soddu S; Burla R; Saggio I (2022). Combined alteration of lamin and nuclear morphology influences the localization of the tumor-associated factor AKTIP. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. IF 12.658

1.Zeng Y, Zhuang Y, Vinod B, Guo X, Mitra A, Chen P, Saggio I, Shivashankar GV, Gao W, and Zhao W (2022). Guiding Irregular Nuclear Morphology on Nanopillar Arrays for Malignancy Differentiation in Tumor Cells. Nanoletters, IF 11.38

2.Maccaroni K, La Torre M, Burla R and Saggio I (2022). Phase Separation in the Nucleus and at the Nuclear Periphery during Post Mitotic Nuclear Envelope Reformation. Cells, 11, 1749. IF 6.6

3.Riminucci M, Palmisano B, Labella R, Donsante S, Remoli C, Spica E, Coletta I, Farinacci G, Dello Spedale Venti M, Saggio I, Serafini M, Robey P, and Corsi A. (2022) Gs R201C and estrogen reveal different subsets of bone marrow adiponectin expressing osteogenic cells. Bone Research. IF: 13.567

4.Merigliano C, Burla R, La Torre M, Del Giudice S, Teo Hsiang L, Chong Wai L, Chojnowski A, Goh WI, Olmos Y, Maccaroni K, Giubettini M, Chiolo I, Carlton J, Raimondo D, Verni F, Stewart CL, Rhodes D, Wright G, Burke B and Saggio I (2021) Human AKTIP interacts with ESCRT proteins and functions at the midbody in cytokinesis. Plos Genetics. 17(8):e1009757. IF: 5.917

5.Burla R, La Torre M, Maccaroni K, Verni F, Giunta S and Saggio I (2020). Interplay of the nuclear envelope with chromatin in physiology and pathology. Nucleus. Dec11(1):205-218. IF:2.792

6.Chen L, Roakel CM, Galati A, Bavasso F, Saggio I, Schoeftner S, Cacchione S, Gatti M, Artandi SE, Raffa GD (2020) Loss of human TGS1 hypermethylase promotes increased telomerase RNA and telomere elongation. Cell Reports. 30(5):1358-1372. IF: 8.109

7.Raimondo D, Remoli C, Astrologo L, Burla R, La Torre M, Vernì F, Tagliafico E, Corsi A, Del Giudice S, Persichetti A, Giannicola G, Robey PG, Riminucci R and Saggio I (2020) Changes in gene expression in human skeletal stem cells transduced with constitutively active Gs correlates with hallmark histopathological changes seen in fibrous dysplastic bone. Plos One. 15(1):e0227279. IF:2.74

8.Sechi S, Frappaolo A, Karimpour-Ghahnavieh A, Gottardo M, Burla R, Di Francesco L, Szafer-Glusman E, Schininà E, Fuller M T, Saggio I, Riparbelli M G, Callaini G, and Giansanti M G (2019) Drosophila Doublefault protein coordinates multiple events during male meiosis by controlling mRNA translation. Development. 146(22). IF: 5.611

9.Mascolo E, Barile A, Stufera Mecarelli L, Amoroso N, Merigliano C, Massimi A, Saggio I Hansen T, Tramonti A, Di Salvo ML, Barbetti F, Contestabile R and Vernì F (2019) The expression of four pyridoxal kinase (PDXK) human variants in Drosophila impacts on genome integrity. Scientific Reports. 9(1):14188. IF: 3.998

10.Mascolo E, Amoroso N, Saggio I, Merigliano C, Vernì F (2019) Pyridoxine/pyridoxamine 5 -phosphate oxidase (Sgll/PNPO) is important for DNA integrity and glucose homeostasis maintenance in Drosophila. J. Cell. Physiology. 235(1):504-512. IF: 5.546
11.Merigliano C, Mascolo E, Cesta A, Saggio I, Vernì F (2019) A new role for Drosophila Aurora-A in maintaining chromosome integrity. Chromosoma, 128(1):41-52. IF: 3.442

12.del Rio D, Beucher B, Lavigne M, Wehbi A, Saggio I & Kremer EJ (2019) CAV-2 Vector Development and Gene Transfer in the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience, 12:71. IF: 4.057

13.Saggio I (2019) Perils and Promises of Therapeutic Approaches for the Stem Cell Disease Fibrous Dysplasia. Stem cells translational medicine 8(2):110-111. IF: 6.429
14.Burla R, La Torre M, Zanetti G, Bastianelli A, Merigliano C, Del Giudice S, Vercelli A, Di Cunto F, Boido M, Vernì F and Saggio I (2018) p53-sensitive epileptic behavior and inflammation in Ft1 hypomorphic mice. Frontiers in Genetics 9:581. IF: 3.517

15.Merigliano C, Mascolo E, Burla R, Saggio I and Vernì F (2018) The relationship between Vitamin B6, diabetes and cancer. Frontiers in Genetics 9(SEP):388. IF: 3.517

16.Merigliano C, Mascolo E, La Torre M, Saggio I and Vernì F (2018) Protective role of vitamin B6 (PLP) against DNA damage in Drosophila models of type 2 diabetes. Scientific Reports 8(1):11432. IF: 4.011

17.Burla R, La Torre M, Merigliano C, Verni F and Saggio I (2018). Genomic instability and DNA replication defects in progeroid syndromes. Nucleus 9(1):368-379. IF: 2.157

18.La Torre M, Burla R, Merigliano C et al. (2018). Mice with reduced expression of the telomere-associated protein Ft1 develop p53-sensitive progeroid traits. Aging cell 17(4):e12730. IF: 7.346

19.Mestre-Francés N, Serratrice N, Gennetier A, Devau G, Cobo S, Trouche S, Fontes P, Zussy C, De Deurwaerdere P, Salinas S, Mennechet FKJD, Dusonchet J, Schneider B, Saggio I, Kalatzis V, Luquin-Piudo MRJ, Verdier M, and Kremer EJ (2018) Exogenous LRRK2G2019S induces parkinsonian-like pathology in a nonhuman primate. JCI Insight 3(14):98202. IF: 6.014

20.Burla R, La Torre M, Saggio I (2016) Mammalian telomeres and their partnership with lamins. Nucleus 7(2):187-202. IF: 2.387

21.Burla R, Carcuro MT, La Torre M, Fratini F, Crescenzi M, D Apice MR, Spitalieri P, Raffa GD, Astrologo L, Lattanzi G, Cundari E, Raimondo D, Biroccio AM, Gatti M, Saggio I (2016) The telomeric protein AKTIP interacts with A- and B-type lamins and is involved in regulation of cellular senescence. Open Biology 6(8):160103. IF: 3.481

22.Sacchetti B, Funari A, Remoli C, Giannicola G, Robey PG, Kogler G, Liedtke S, Cossu G, Serafini M, Sampaolesi M, Tagliafico E, Tenedini E, Saggio I, Riminucci M, Bianco P. (2016) No identical "mesenchymal stem cells" at different times and sites: Human committed progenitors of distinct origin and differentiation potential are incorporated as adventitial cells in microvessels. Stem cell reports 6(6):897-913. IF: 7.338

23.Simão D, Pinto C, Fernandes P, Peddie CJ, Piersanti S, Collinson LM, Salinas S, Saggio I, Schiavo G, Kremer EJ, Brito C, Alves PM. (2016) Evaluation of helper-dependent canine adenovirus vectors in a 3D human CNS model. Gene therapy 23(1):86 94. IF: 3.11

VIIIC - Books and book chapters
Saggio I. L'eta' se esiste (Aging. If it exists) (2022). Editor Il Mulino
Saggio I. In Genetica, Terapia genica (2014) Casa Editrice Ambrosiana Rozzano (Mi) 550-559
Saggio I. Terapia genica. I virus usati per curare (2008) Enciclopedia medica 52-58.
Saggio I. Targeting bacteriophage vectors. (2002) In Vector targeting for therapeutic gene delivery. Edited by Curiel DT and Douglas JT Published by Wiley, New York. 20: 429-456.

VIIID - Board of editors/ reviewer in scientific journals
2020 to date Cells, editor
2018 to date PLOS One, editor
2018 to date Nucleus, reviewer
2018 Stem cell translational medicine, reviewer
2017 Molecular therapy, reviewer
2016 to date BMC Medical Genomics, reviewer
2014 to date Stem Cell Research, reviewer
2009 Experimental Cell Research, reviewer

VIIIE - Speaker at conferences and invited seminars (selection)
2019 Talk Science communication TIGEM Naples It
2019 Talk Laminopathy meeting London UK
2019 Seminar Mechanobiology Institute NUS Singapore
2019 Seminar Nanyang Technological University College of Science Singapore
2018 Talk Progeria research Foundation Boston USA
2018 Talk Italian laminopathy meeting Bologna It
2018 Talk Telomere Embo meeting Singapore
2018 Seminar Nanyang Technological University College of Science Singapore
2017 Talk Telomere CSH Cold Spring Harbor NY USA
2017 Talk FISV Rome It
2017 Talk Italian laminopathy meeting Bologna It
2017 Talk p53 international meeting Singapore
2016 Talk Nuclear organization and function CSH Cold Spring Harbor NY USA
2016 Talk Telethon Skelethon convention Rome It

Part IX - Bibliometrics

Total scientific articles 61 (Scopus)
Total citations 3535 (Scopus)
Total H index 26 (scopus)
Average citations/publication 57.95 (Scopus)
Total impact factor 329.97 (JCR- publication year)
Average impact factor/publication 5.41 (JCR- publication year)
Impact factor first, last, co-last, corresponding co-corresponding 134.57 (JCR- publication year)
Normalized H index 0.82

Part X ASN 05/I1- BIO/18 parameters

Articles 2013-2023 (Scopus) 34 (above threshold commissario=24)
Citations 2008-2023 (Scopus) 1173 (above threshold commissario=866)
H index 2006-2021 (Scopus) 17 (above threshold commissario=15)

Produzione scientifica

11573/526298 - 9999 - Terapia genica
Saggio, Isabella - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Genetica - ()

11573/1709938 - 2024 - Biodiversity and planetary health: a call for integrated action
Hellas, Cena; Massimo, Labra; Fraschetti, Simonetta; Sarà, Gianluca; Marco Luna, Gian; Chiantore, Mariachiara; Frati, Francesco; Rebecchi, Lorena; Spano, Donatella; Calfapietra, Carlo; Chiara Pastore, Maria; Bertoli, Gloria; Porro, Danilo; Saggio, Isabella; Gigli, Giuseppe; Carmela Basile, Maria; Coratella, Riccardo; Di Minin, Alberto; Fiorentino, Luigi; Chiara Carrozza, Maria; Guzzo, Flavia; Martellos, Stefano; Galimberti, Andrea; Pievani, Telmo; De Giuseppe, Rachele - 01f Lettera, Nota
rivista: THE LANCET (Lancet Limited:42 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3SL United Kingdom:011 44 207 4364981, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 207 3236433) pp. 1985-1986 - issn: 0140-6736 - wos: WOS:001259656700001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85193070015 (2)

11573/1710200 - 2024 - Arriva il Master sulla salute globale, nasce l'One health analyst per Repubblica salute
Saggio, Isabella - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
rivista: LA REPUBBLICA (Roma : Gruppo editoriale L'espresso) pp. - - issn: 2499-0817 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1691923 - 2023 - Impact of diffused versus vasculature targeted DNA damage on the heart of mice depleted of telomeric factor Ft1
La Torre, Mattia; Centofante, Eleonora; Nicoletti, Carmine; Burla, Romina; Giampietro, Alessandro; Cannistrà, Federica; Schirone, Leonardo; Valenti, Valentina; Sciarretta, Sebastiano; Musarò, Antonio; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: AGING CELL (-MALDEN:WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC. -Oxford : Blackwell, 2002-) pp. 1-16 - issn: 1474-9718 - wos: WOS:001104818700001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85176915477 (0)

11573/1654072 - 2022 - Combined alteration of lamin and nuclear morphology influences the localization of the tumor-associated factor AKTIP
La Torre, Mattia; Merigliano, Chiara; Maccaroni, Klizia; Chojnowski, Alexandre; Ing Goh, Wah; Giubettini, Maria; Verni', Fiammetta; Capanni, Cristina; Rhodes, Daniela; Wright, Graham; Burke, Brian; Soddu, Silvia; Burla, Romina; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH (London : BioMed Central) pp. - - issn: 1756-9966 - wos: WOS:000853082900001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85137716628 (5)

11573/1636831 - 2022 - Phase separation in the nucleus and at the nuclear periphery during post-mitotic nuclear envelope reformation
Maccaroni, Klizia; La Torre, Mattia; Burla, Romina; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: CELLS (Basel: mdpi-Molecular Diversity Preservation International) pp. - - issn: 2073-4409 - wos: WOS:000809059900001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85130807468 (3)

11573/1642770 - 2022 - GsαR201C and estrogen reveal different subsets of bone marrow adiponectin expressing osteogenic cells
Palmisano, Biagio; Labella1, Rossella; Donsante, Samantha; Remoli, Cristina; Spica, Emanuela; Coletta, Ilenia; Farinacci, Giorgia; Dello Spedale Venti, Michele; Saggio, Isabella; Serafini, Marta; Gehron Robey, Pamela; Corsi, Alessandro; Riminucci, Mara - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: BONE RESEARCH (Chengdu : Sichuan University Press, 2013-) pp. - - issn: 2095-4700 - wos: WOS:000827751400001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85135088053 (10)

11573/1622356 - 2022 - L'età, se esiste. Saremo tutti immortali?
Saggio, Isabella - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1652689 - 2022 - Guiding Irregular Nuclear Morphology on Nanopillar Arrays for Malignancy Differentiation in Tumor Cells
Zeng, Yongpeng; Zhuang, Yinyin; Vinod, Benjamin; Guo, Xiangfu; Mitra, Aninda; Chen, Peng; Saggio, Isabella; Shivashankar, G. V.; Gao, Weibo; Wenting Zhao, And - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: NANO LETTERS (Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2000-) pp. - - issn: 1530-6992 - wos: WOS:000863678700001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85136676971 (10)

11573/1567244 - 2021 - AKTIP interacts with ESCRT I and is needed for the recruitment of ESCRT III subunits to the midbody
Merigliano, Chiara; Burla, Romina; La Torre, Mattia; Del Giudice, Simona; Teo, Hsiangling; Liew, Chong Wai; Chojnowski, Alexandre; Goh, Wah Ing; Olmos, Yolanda; Maccaroni, Klizia; Giubettini, Maria; Chiolo, Irene; Carlton, Jeremy G; Raimondo, Domenico; Vernì, Fiammetta; Stewart, Colin L; Rhodes, Daniela; Wright, Graham D; Burke, Brian E; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PLOS GENETICS (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, c2005-) pp. - - issn: 1553-7404 - wos: WOS:000692720600001 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85114446003 (12)

11573/1441392 - 2020 - Interplay of the nuclear envelope with chromatin in physiology and pathology
Burla, R; La Torre, M; Maccaroni, K; Vernì, Fiammetta; Giunta, S; Saggio, I. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: NUCLEUS (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience) pp. 205-218 - issn: 1949-1034 - wos: WOS:000561995700001 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85089748237 (19)

11573/1363774 - 2020 - Loss of Human TGS1 Hypermethylase Promotes Increased Telomerase RNA and Telomere Elongation
Chen, Lu; Roake, Caitlin M.; Galati, Alessandra; Bavasso, Francesca; Micheli, Emanuela; Saggio, Isabella; Schoeftner, Stefan; Cacchione, Stefano; Gatti, Maurizio; Artandi, Steven E.; Raffa, Grazia Daniela - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: CELL REPORTS (Elsevier B.V. Cambridge MA: Cell Press) pp. 1358-1372 - issn: 2211-1247 - wos: WOS:000511294400009 (28) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85078803864 (28)

11573/1358024 - 2020 - Changes in gene expression in human skeletal stem cells transduced with constitutively active Gsα correlates with hallmark histopathological changes seen in fibrous dysplastic bone
Raimondo, Domenico; Remoli, Cristina; Astrologo, Letizia; Burla, Romina; La Torre, Mattia; Verni', Fiammetta; Tagliafico, Enrico; Corsi, Alessandro; Del Giudice, Simona; Persichetti, Agnese; Giannicola, Giuseppe; Robey, Pamela G.; Riminucci, Mara; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. - - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000534612400014 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85078709920 (8)

11573/1254930 - 2019 - CAV-2 Vector Development and Gene Transfer in the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
Del Rio, Danila; Beucher, Bertrand; Lavigne, Marina; Wehbi, Amani; Gonzalez Dopeso-Reyes, Iria; Saggio, Isabella; Kremer, Eric J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE (Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2008-) pp. - - issn: 1662-5099 - wos: WOS:000462823600001 (32) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85064216649 (35)

11573/1324356 - 2019 - The expression of four pyridoxal kinase (pdxk) human variants in drosophila impacts on genome integrity
Mascolo, E.; Barile, A.; Stufera Mecarelli, Lorenzo; Amoroso, N.; Merigliano, C.; Massimi, A.; Saggio, I.; Hansen, T.; Tramonti, A.; Di Salvo, M. L.; Barbetti, F.; Contestabile, R.; Verni', F. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (London: Springer Nature London: Nature Publishing Group) pp. - - issn: 2045-2322 - wos: WOS:000488481500051 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85072935487 (11)

11573/1299581 - 2019 - Pyridoxine/pyridoxamine 5′‐phosphate oxidase (Sgll/PNPO)is important for DNA integrity and glucose homeostasis maintenance in Drosophila
Mascolo, Elisa; Amoroso, Noemi; Saggio, Isabella; Merigliano, Chiara; Verni', Fiammetta - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY (John Wiley & Sons Incorporated:Customer Service, 111 River Street:Hoboken, NJ 07030:(800)225-5945, (201)748-6000, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (212)748-6551) pp. - - issn: 0021-9541 - wos: WOS:000485370700001 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85072217732 (19)

11573/1211550 - 2019 - A new role for Drosophila Aurora-A in maintaining chromosome integrity
Merigliano, Chiara; Mascolo, Elisa; Cesta, Anthony; Saggio, Isabella; Vernì, Fiammetta - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: CHROMOSOMA (Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergartenstrasse 17, D 69121 Heidelberg Germany:011 49 6221 3450, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 49 6221 345229) pp. 41-52 - issn: 0009-5915 - wos: WOS:000459275000006 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85059522210 (4)

11573/1205135 - 2019 - Perils and Promises of Therapeutic Approaches for the Stem Cell Disease Fibrous Dysplasia
Saggio, Isabella - 01b Commento, Erratum, Replica e simili
rivista: STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE (Durham, NC : The AlpaMed Press) pp. 110-111 - issn: 2157-6580 - wos: WOS:000456894900002 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85056426772 (3)

11573/1334563 - 2019 - Drosophila doublefault protein coordinates multiple events during male meiosis by controlling mRNA translation
Sechi, S.; Frappaolo, A.; Karimpour-Ghahnavieh, A.; Gottardo, M.; Burla, R.; Di Francesco, L.; Szafer-Glusman, E.; Schinina, E.; Fuller, M. T.; Saggio, I.; Riparbelli, M. G.; Callaini, G.; Giansanti, M. G. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: DEVELOPMENT (Cambridge: Company of Biologists.) pp. - - issn: 1477-9129 - wos: WOS:000500216700014 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85075225990 (5)

11573/1122355 - 2018 - Genomic instability and DNA replication defects in progeroid syndromes
Burla, Romina; La Torre, Mattia; Merigliano, Chiara; Verni', Fiammetta; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: NUCLEUS (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience) pp. - - issn: 1949-1034 - wos: WOS:000446537800001 (32) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85054408727 (38)

11573/1200219 - 2018 - p53-sensitive epileptic behavior and inflammation in Ft1 hypomorphic mice
Burla, Romina; La Torre, Mattia; Zanetti, Giorgia; Bastianelli, Alex; Merigliano, Chiara; Del Giudice, Simona; Vercelli, Alessandro; Di Cunto, Ferdinando; Boido, Marina; Verni', Fiammetta; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: FRONTIERS IN GENETICS (Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation, 2010-) pp. - - issn: 1664-8021 - wos: WOS:000451482300001 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85077990827 (11)

11573/1090295 - 2018 - Mice with reduced expression of the telomere-associated protein Ft1 develop p53-sensitive progeroid traits
La Torre, Mattia; Merigliano, Chiara; Burla, Romina; Mottini, Carla; Zanetti, Giorgia; Del Giudice, Simona; Carcuro, Mariateresa; Ilaria, Virdia; Bucciarelli, Elisabetta; Isabella, Manni; Rampioni Vinciguerra, Gian Luca; Giulia, Piaggio; Riminucci, Mara; Ana, Cumano; Bartolazzi, Armando; Verni', Fiammetta; Silvia, Soddu; Gatti, Maurizio; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: AGING CELL ([Oxford] : Blackwell Science Ltd, 2002-) pp. - - issn: 1474-9726 - wos: WOS:000439767700002 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85045190427 (15)

11573/1143773 - 2018 - The Relationship Between Vitamin B6, Diabetes and Cancer
Merigliano, Chiara; Mascolo, Elisa; Burla, Romina; Saggio, Isabella; Verni', Fiammetta - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: FRONTIERS IN GENETICS (Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation, 2010-) pp. - - issn: 1664-8021 - wos: WOS:000444470900001 (41) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85055211222 (48)

11573/1136658 - 2018 - Protective role of vitamin B6 (PLP) against DNA damage in Drosophila models of type 2 diabetes
Merigliano, Chiara; Mascolo, Elisa; La Torre, Mattia; Saggio, Isabella; Verni', Fiammetta - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (London: Springer Nature London: Nature Publishing Group) pp. - - issn: 2045-2322 - wos: WOS:000440144400049 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85050800899 (29)

11573/1118963 - 2018 - Exogenous LRRK2G2019S induces parkinsonian-like pathology in a nonhuman primate
Mestre-Francés, Nadine; Serratrice, Nicolas; Gennetier, Aurélie; Devau, Gina; Cobo, Stéphanie; Trouche, Stéphanie G.; Fontès, Pascaline; Zussy, Charleine; De Deurwaerdere, Philippe; Salinas, Sara; Mennechet, Franck J. D.; Dusonchet, Julien; Schneider, Bernard L.; Saggio, Isabella; Kalatzis, Vasiliki; Rosario Luquin-Piudo, M.; Verdier, Jean-Michel; Kremer, Eric J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JCI INSIGHT (Ann Arbor, Michigan : American Society for Clinical Investigation, [2016]-) pp. - - issn: 2379-3708 - wos: WOS:000441193400002 (17) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85062246316 (20)

11573/978101 - 2016 - The telomeric protein AKTIP interacts with A- and B-type lamins and is involved in regulation of cellular senescence
Burla, Romina; Carcuro, Mariateresa; La Torre, Mattia; Fratini, Federica; Crescenzi, Marco; D'apice, Maria Rosaria; Spitalieri, Paola; Raffa, Grazia Daniela; Astrologo, Letizia; Lattanzi, Giovanna; Cundari, Enrico; Raimondo, Domenico; Biroccio, Annamaria; Gatti, Maurizio; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: OPEN BIOLOGY (London : Royal Society) pp. - - issn: 2046-2441 - wos: WOS:000382945100004 (23) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84990862164 (24)

11573/908654 - 2016 - Mammalian telomeres and their partnership with lamins
Burla, Romina; La Torre, Mattia; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: NUCLEUS (Austin, Tex. : Landes Bioscience) pp. 187-202 - issn: 1949-1034 - wos: WOS:000380238600010 (33) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84976479946 (32)

11573/908657 - 2016 - No identical "mesenchymal stem cells" at different times and sites: Human committed progenitors of distinct origin and differentiation potential are incorporated as adventitial cells in microvessels
Sacchetti, Benedetto; Funari, Alessia; Remoli, Cristina; Giannicola, Giuseppe; Kogler, Gesine; Liedtke, Stefanie; Cossu, Giulio; Serafini, Marta; Sampaolesi, Maurilio; Tagliafico, Enrico; Tenedini, Elena; Saggio, Isabella; Robey, Pamela G; Riminucci, Mara; Bianco, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: STEM CELL REPORTS (Amsterdam : Elsevier) pp. 897-913 - issn: 2213-6711 - wos: WOS:000378032600012 (319) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84975229318 (350)

11573/1220583 - 2016 - Evaluation of helper-dependent canine adenovirus vectors in a 3D human CNS model
Simão, D; Pinto, C; Fernandes, P; Peddie, Cj; Piersanti, S; Collinson, Lm; Salinas, S; Saggio, Isabella; Schiavo, G; Kremer, Ej; Brito, C; Alves, Pm - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: GENE THERAPY (Attuale: Nature Publishing Group Macmillan Magazines Limited:Porters South Crinian Street, London N1 9XW United Kingdom:011 44 207 8334000, 011 44 171 8434982, Fax: 011 44 207 812358) pp. 86-94 - issn: 0969-7128 - wos: WOS:000369547400010 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84955172274 (19)

11573/781705 - 2015 - AKTIP/Ft1, a new shelterin-interacting factor required for telomere maintenance
Burla, Romina; Carcuro, Mariateresa; Raffa, Grazia Daniela; Galati, Alessandra; Raimondo, Domenico; Rizzo, Angela; La Torre, Mattia; Micheli, Emanuela; Ciapponi, Laura; Cenci, Giovanni; E., Cundari; A., Musio; A., Biroccio; Cacchione, Stefano; Gatti, Maurizio; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PLOS GENETICS (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, c2005-) pp. e1005167-e1005167 - issn: 1553-7404 - wos: WOS:000357341600003 (33) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84937775616 (36)

11573/783065 - 2015 - The analysis of pendolino (peo) mutants reveals differences in the fusigenic potential among Drosophila telomeres
Cenci, Giovanni; Ciapponi, Laura; Marzullo, Marta; Raffa, Grazia Daniela; Morciano, Patrizia; Raimondo, Domenico; Burla, Romina; Saggio, Isabella; Gatti, Maurizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PLOS GENETICS (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science, c2005-) pp. e1005260-e1005260 - issn: 1553-7404 - wos: WOS:000357341600017 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84937779983 (19)

11573/825138 - 2015 - Transcriptional response of human neurospheres to helper-dependent CAV-2 vectors involves the modulation of DNA damage response, microtubule and centromere gene groups
Piersanti, Stefania; Burla, Romina; Licursi, Valerio; Brito, Catarina; La Torre, Mattia; Alves, Paula M.; Simao, Daniel; Mottini, Carla; Salinas, Sara; Negri, Rodolfo; Tagliafico, Enrico; Kremer, Eric J.; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. e0133607- - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000358622000110 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84941710940 (11)

11573/816095 - 2015 - Osteoblast-specific expression of the fibrous dysplasia (FD)-causing mutation Gsα(R201C) produces a high bone mass phenotype but does not reproduce FD in the mouse
Remoli, Cristina; Michienzi, Stefano; Sacchetti, Benedetto; Di Consiglio, Alberto; Cersosimo, Stefania; Spica, Emanuela; Robey, Pamela G; Holmbeck, Kenn; Cumano, Ana; Boyde, Alan; Davis, Graham; Saggio, Isabella; Riminucci, Mara; Bianco, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH (Blackwell Science Incorporated:350 Main Street, Sixth Floor:Malden, MA 02148:(888)661-5800, (781)388-8250, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (781)388-8232) pp. 1030-1043 - issn: 0884-0431 - wos: WOS:000354624500012 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84929353731 (25)

11573/935137 - 2015 - Site- and time-specific emergence of adipogenic competence in skeletal stem cells determines the natural history of Fibrous Dysplasia of bone
Remoli, Cristina; Saggio, Isabella; Labella, Rossella; Palmisano, Biagio; Sacchetti, Benedetto; Gehron Robey, Pamela; Holmbeck, Kenn; Riminucci, Mara; Bianco, Paolo - 04f Poster
congresso: ISSCR 2015 (Stoccolma)

11573/816085 - 2015 - Modeling human neural functionality in vitro: three-dimensional culture for dopaminergic differentiation
Simão, Daniel; Pinto, Catarina; Piersanti, Stefania; Weston, Anne; Peddie, Christopher J; Bastos, André E. P; Licursi, Valerio; Schwarz, Sigrid C; Collinson, Lucy M; Salinas, Sara; Serra, Margarida; Teixeira, Ana P; Saggio, Isabella; Lima, Pedro A; Kremer, Eric J; Schiavo, Giampietro; Brito, Catarina; Alves, Paula M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: TISSUE ENGINEERING. PARTS A, B AND C (New Rochelle, NY : Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.) pp. 654-668 - issn: 2152-4947 - wos: WOS:000349611600024 (31) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84923296267 (35)

11573/623786 - 2014 - Soma-to-Germline Transmission of RNA in Mice Xenografted with Human Tumour Cells: Possible Transport by Exosomes
Cossetti, Cristina; Lugini, Luana; Astrologo, Letizia; Saggio, Isabella; Fais, Stefano; Spadafora, Corrado - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. e101629- - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000341253400100 (113) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84903751435 (124)

11573/526296 - 2014 - DNA microarray to analyze adenovirus-host interactions
Piersanti, Stefania; Enrico, Tagliafico; Saggio, Isabella - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Adenovirus - (9781627036788; 9781627036795)

11573/1094954 - 2014 - Epigenetica
Pimpinelli, Sergio; Nicoletta, Archidiacono; Roberto, Barale; Guido, Barbujani; Bozzetti, Maria Giuseppina; Camilloni, Giorgio; Cattivelli, Luigi; Bianca Maria Ciminelli, ; Corbo, Rosa Maria; Costa, Rodolfo; Cruciani, Fulvio; Gianni, Dehò; Dimitri, Patrizio; Primetta, Faccioli; Fanti, Laura; Bernardini, Fantini; Enza, Ferrero; Fabio, Malavasi; Adriano, Marocco; Guido, Modiano; Miriam, Odoardi; Nicola, Pecchioni; Piacentini, Lucia; Mariano, Rocchi; Rufo, Fabrizio; Saggio, Isabella; Scozzari, Rosaria; Stanca, Antonio Michele; Valeria, Terzi; Ulizzi, Laura; Giampiero, Valè - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Genetica - (978-8808-18368-2)

11573/763324 - 2014 - PRINCIPI DI GENETICA
S., Aceto; Ciapponi, Laura; S., Dolfini; R., Elli; D., Ghisotti; E., Giordano; R., Mantovani; L., Marcucci; P. V., Riva; G., Saccone; Saggio, Isabella; M., Venturin; Verni', Fiammetta - 03e Traduzione di libro
libro: Principi di genetica - D.P. Snustad, M.J. Simmons ()

11573/1634868 - 2014 - Ebola: what is to be done?
Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: LONGITUDE (ROMA: [s.n]) pp. 118-119 - issn: 2039-554X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/558368 - 2014 - Constitutive Expression of Gsα(R201C) in Mice Produces a Heritable, Direct Replica of Human Fibrous Dysplasia Bone Pathology and Demonstrates Its Natural History.
Saggio, Isabella; Remoli, Cristina; Spica, Emanuela; Cersosimo, Stefania; Sacchetti, Benedetto; Pamela G., Robey; Kenn, Holmbeck; Ana, Cumano; Alan, Boyde; Bianco, Paolo; Riminucci, Mara - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH (Blackwell Science Incorporated:350 Main Street, Sixth Floor:Malden, MA 02148:(888)661-5800, (781)388-8250, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (781)388-8232) pp. 2357-2368 - issn: 0884-0431 - wos: WOS:000329152400003 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84911194498 (60)

11573/912725 - 2014 - Pre-clinical evaluation of helper-dependent canine adenovirus in a human CNS 3D in vitro model
Simao, D.; Pinto, C; Fernandes, P; Peddie, C. J.; Piersanti, Stefania; Collinson, L. M.; Salinas, S.; Saggio, Isabella; Schiavo, G.; Kremer, E. J; Brito, C.; Alves, P. M. - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: HUMAN GENE THERAPY (Mary Ann Liebert Incorporated:2 Madison Avenue:Larchmont, NY 10538:(914)834-3100, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:, Fax: (914)834-3688) pp. - - issn: 1043-0342 - wos: WOS:000344774700258 (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/623792 - 2014 - High Throughput Comparative Analysis of the Response of Human and Nonhuman Primate Neurons To Viral Vectors
Stefania, Piersanti; Licursi, Valerio; Catarina, Brito; Burla, Romina; Alves, Paula; Daniel, Simao; Gina, Devau; Mottini, Carla; Negri, Rodolfo; Enrico, Tagliafico; Kremer, Eric J.; Saggio, Isabella - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: MOLECULAR THERAPY (San Diego, CA : Academic Press, 2000-) pp. S192-S192 - issn: 1525-0024 - wos: WOS:000337231300494 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: 17th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Gene-and-Cell-Therapy (ASGCT) (Washington, DC)

11573/623793 - 2013 - Towards improved predictability in pre-clinical research: Human dopaminergic 3D in vitro model for development of gene delivery strategies
D., Simao; C., Pinto; P., Fernandes; M., Serra; A. P., Teixeira; Piersanti, Stefania; S., Ibanes; A., Gennetier; Saggio, Isabella; L., Collinson; A., Weston; G., Schiavo; E. J., Kremer; P. M., Alves; C., Brito - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: HUMAN GENE THERAPY (Mary Ann Liebert Incorporated:2 Madison Avenue:Larchmont, NY 10538:(914)834-3100, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:, Fax: (914)834-3688) pp. A118-A118 - issn: 1043-0342 - wos: WOS:000328417900359 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: DECHEMA 3D cell culture 2014 (Freiburg)

11573/517839 - 2013 - Differentiated Neuroprogenitor Cells Incubated with Human or Canine Adenovirus, or Lentiviral Vectors Have Distinct Transcriptome Profiles
Piersanti, Stefania; Astrologo, Letizia; Licursi, Valerio; Costa, Rossella; Enrica, Roncaglia; Aurelie, Gennetier; Sandy, Ibanes; Miguel, Chillon; Negri, Rodolfo; Enrico, Tagliafico; Eric J., Kremer; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. e69808-e69808 - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000322838900086 (16) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84880796476 (14)

11573/540537 - 2013 - Fibrous dysplasia of bone - transgenic models of diseases, and models of therapy
Riminucci, Mara; Saggio, Isabella; Remoli, Cristina; Cersosimo, S.; Sacchetti, Benedetto; Spica, E.; Astrologo, Letizia; Gehron Robey, P.; Davis, G.; Holmbeck, K.; Boyde, A.; Piersanti, Stefania; Comite, P.; Michienzi, S.; Bianco, Paolo - 04f Poster
congresso: XVII Convention Scientifica Telethon 2013 (Riva del Garda, Italia)

11573/526301 - 2013 - Applicazioni della genetica molecolare
Saggio, Isabella - 02e Traduzione in volume
libro: Principi di Genetica V edizione - D.P. Sunstad e M.J. Simmons (8879591894)

11573/540540 - 2012 - High-throughput analysis of downstream effects of activating Gsalpha mutations in skeletal progenitor/stem cells
Astrologo, Letizia; Piersanti, Stefania; Remoli, Cristina; Costa, Rossella; E., Tagliafico; E., Roncaglia; Funari, Alessia; Sacchetti, Benedetto; Riminucci, Mara; Saggio, Isabella; Bianco, Paolo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: FISV 2012, 12th Congress (Roma, Italia)
libro: FISV 2012, 12th Congress - ()

11573/526310 - 2012 - BRAINCAV: a nonhuman adenovirus vector for gene transfer to the brain
P., Alves Marques; A., Baker; A. A., Bosch; M., Carrondo; M., Ej Kremer; R., Luquin; Saggio, Isabella; J., Schwarz; G., Schiavo; J. M., Verdier - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
rivista: HUMAN GENE THERAPY (Mary Ann Liebert Incorporated:2 Madison Avenue:Larchmont, NY 10538:(914)834-3100, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:, Fax: (914)834-3688) pp. A154-A154 - issn: 1043-0342 - wos: WOS:000310364400465 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: Collaborative Congress of the European-Society-of-Gene-and-Cell-Therapy/French-Society-of-Cell-and-Gene-Therapy (Versailles, FRANCE)

11573/540577 - 2012 - Canine adenovirus (CAV-2) vectors induce an innate immune response and a modulation of cell cycle genes in dopaminergic differentiated human midbrain neuronal progenitors.
Piersanti, S.; Astrologo, L.; Licursi, V.; Negri, R.; Roncaglia, E.; Tagliafico, E.; Schwarz, S.; Schwarz, J.; Kremer, E. J.; Saggio, I.; Negri, Rodolfo - 04f Poster
congresso: FISV 2012, 12th Congress (Roma, Italia)

11573/540606 - 2012 - Canine adenovirus (CAV-2) vectors induce an innate immune response and a modulation of cell cycle genes in human dopaminergic neurons.
Piersanti, S.; Astrologo, L.; Licursi, V.; Negri, R.; Roncaglia, E.; Tagliafico, E.; Schwarz, S.; Schwarz, J.; Kremer, E. J.; Saggio, I.; Negri, Rodolfo - 04f Poster
congresso: 10th International Adenovirus Meeting (Umeå, Svezia)

11573/526271 - 2012 - Canine adenovirus (CAV-2) vectors induce an innate immune response and the modulation of cell cycle genes in dopaminergic differentiated human midbrain neuronal precursors
Piersanti, Stefania; Astrologo, Letizia; Licursi, V.; Negri, Rodolfo; Roncaglia, E.; Tagliafico, E.; Kremer, E. J.; Saggio, Isabella - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: HUMAN GENE THERAPY (Mary Ann Liebert Incorporated:2 Madison Avenue:Larchmont, NY 10538:(914)834-3100, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:, Fax: (914)834-3688) pp. A157-A157 - issn: 1043-0342 - wos: WOS:000310364400473 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: Collaborative Congress of the European-Society-of-Gene-and-Cell-Therapy/French-Society-of-Cell-and-Gene-Therapy (Versailles, FRANCE)

11573/501924 - 2012 - Restriction of Neural Precursor Ability to Respond to Nurr1 by Early Regional Specification
Soldati, Chiara; Cacci, Emanuele; Biagioni, Stefano; Carucci, Nicoletta; Lupo, Giuseppe; Carla Perrone, Capano; Saggio, Isabella; Gabriella Augusti, Tocco - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PLOS ONE (San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science) pp. e51798-.. - issn: 1932-6203 - wos: WOS:000312290800101 (12) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84871177951 (12)

11573/378176 - 2011 - The FANC pathway is activated by adenovirus infection and promotes viral replication-dependent recombination
G., Cherubini; V., Naim; Caruso, Paola; Burla, Romina; M., Bogliolo; E., Cundari; K., Benihoud; Saggio, Isabella; F., Rosselli - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (Oxford University Press:Journals Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 556767, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1865 267485 Editore precedente: Information Retrieval ltd., London) pp. 5459-5473 - issn: 0305-1048 - wos: WOS:000293020000001 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-80052230578 (11)

11573/418293 - 2011 - Chemical coupling as a potent strategy for preparation of targeted bacteriophage-derived gene nanocarriers into eukaryotic cells
Mohammad Khalaj, Kondori; Majid, Sadeghizadeh; Mehrdad, Behmanesh; Saggio, Isabella; Paolo, Monaci - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: THE JOURNAL OF GENE MEDICINE (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 622-631 - issn: 1099-498X - wos: WOS:000297954200004 (17) - scopus: 2-s2.0-82455186766 (20)

11573/526302 - 2010 - "Mesenchymal" stem cells in human bone marrow (skeletal stem cells): a critical discussion of their nature, identity, and significance in incurable skeletal disease.
Bianco, Paolo; Pamela Gehron, Robey; Saggio, Isabella; Riminucci, Mara - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: HUMAN GENE THERAPY (Mary Ann Liebert Incorporated:2 Madison Avenue:Larchmont, NY 10538:(914)834-3100, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:, Fax: (914)834-3688) pp. 1057-1066 - issn: 1043-0342 - wos: WOS:000281720700007 (125) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77957853504 (140)

11573/526305 - 2010 - High-throughput transcriptional analysis of gene therapy viral vectors effects on brain cells
Piersanti, Stefania; Astrologo, Letizia; S. C., Schwarz; J., Schwarz; M., Chillon; E. J., Kremer; Saggio, Isabella - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: HUMAN GENE THERAPY (Mary Ann Liebert Incorporated:2 Madison Avenue:Larchmont, NY 10538:(914)834-3100, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:, Fax: (914)834-3688) pp. 1426-1426 - issn: 1043-0342 - wos: WOS:000282955500201 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: 18th Annual Congress of the European-Society-of-Gene-and-Cell-Therapy (Milan, ITALY)

11573/365963 - 2010 - Transfer, Analysis, and Reversion of the Fibrous Dysplasia Cellular Phenotype in Human Skeletal Progenitors
Piersanti, Stefania; Remoli, Cristina; Saggio, Isabella; Funari, Alessia; Michienzi, Stefano; Sacchetti, Benedetto; Pamela Gehron, Robey; Riminucci, Mara; Bianco, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH (Blackwell Science Incorporated:350 Main Street, Sixth Floor:Malden, MA 02148:(888)661-5800, (781)388-8250, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (781)388-8232) pp. 1103-1116 - issn: 0884-0431 - wos: WOS:000278292100021 (71) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77953532926 (78)

11573/103965 - 2010 - Skeletal progenitors and the GNAS gene: fibrous dysplasia of bone read through stem cells
Riminucci, Mara; P., Gehron Robey; Saggio, Isabella; Bianco, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY (Pubblicata da: SOC ENDOCRINOLOGY, 22 APEX COURT, WOODLANDS, BRADLEY STOKE, BRISTOL, ENGLAND, BS32 4JT primo editore: Journal of Endocrinology Limited:17 18 Courtyard Woodlands, Bristol BS12 4NQ United Kingdom:011 44 117 9616046, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 117 9616071) pp. 355-364 - issn: 0952-5041 - wos: WOS:000284593300001 (51) - scopus: 2-s2.0-78650443572 (55)

11573/344879 - 2009 - Prion expression is activated by Adenovirus 5 infection and affects the adenoviral cycle in human cells
Caruso, P; Burla, R.; Piersanti, S; Cherubini, G; Remoli, C; Martina, Y; Saggio, I - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: VIROLOGY (Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. 343-350 - issn: 0042-6822 - wos: WOS:000264252200007 (17) - scopus: 2-s2.0-60649085139 (17)

11573/526307 - 2009 - Phosphodiestarase-mediatd adaptation to Gsalpha mutations is developmentally regulated in embryonicand post-natal stem cells.
Michienzi, Stefano; Piersanti, Stefania; Funari, Alessia; Remoli, Cristina; S., Cersosimo; Costa, Rossella; Saggio, Isabella; Bianco, Paolo; Riminucci, Mara - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: BONE (New York: Pergamon Press, c1985-) pp. - - issn: 8756-3282 - wos: WOS:000265436200345 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: 2nd joint meeting Internation Bone and Mineral Society/Australian-New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (Sidney Australia)

11573/161067 - 2008 - I virus utilizzati per curare
Saggio, Isabella - 02a Capitolo o Articolo

11573/411084 - 2007 - Respective roles of TNF-alpha and IL-6 in the immune response-elicited by adenovirus-mediated gene transfer in mice.
K., Benihoud; S., Esselin; D., Descamps; B., Jullienne; Salone, Barbara; P., Bobé; D., Bonardelle; E., Connault; P., Opolon; Saggio, Isabella; M., Perricaudet - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: GENE THERAPY (Attuale: Nature Publishing Group Macmillan Magazines Limited:Porters South Crinian Street, London N1 9XW United Kingdom:011 44 207 8334000, 011 44 171 8434982, Fax: 011 44 207 812358) pp. 533-544 - issn: 0969-7128 - wos: WOS:000244748700008 (33) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33847796776 (35)

11573/360880 - 2007 - Self-renewing osteoprogenitors in bone marrow sinusoids can organize a hematopoietic microenvironment
Sacchetti, Benedetto; Funari, Alessia; Michienzi, Stefano; Di Cesare, S; Piersanti, Stefania; Saggio, Isabella; Tagliafico, E; Ferrari S., Gehron Robey P; Riminucci, Mara; Bianco, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: CELL (Cell Press:1100 Massachusetts Avenue:Cambridge, MA 02138:(617)661-7057, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (617)397-2850) pp. 324-336 - issn: 0092-8674 - wos: WOS:000250507700022 (1693) - scopus: 2-s2.0-35348921682 (1835)

11573/410885 - 2007 - Different modulation of cellular transcription by adenovirus 5, DeltaE1/E3 adenovirus and helper-dependent vectors
Y., Martina; D., Avitabile; Piersanti, Stefania; G., Cherubini; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: VIRUS RESEARCH (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 71-84 - issn: 0168-1702 - wos: WOS:000251480800009 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-35748948671 (12)

11573/367569 - 2006 - Interactions between ONYX-015 and the host cells: molecular targets of the virus and single adenoviral products
Alteri, Alessandra; Petouchoff, T; Cherubini, G; Saggio, Isabella; Cundari, E; Grossi, Milena - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: 6th Netional Congress of the Italian Society of Virology. . (Orvieto (TR))

11573/363590 - 2006 - E1B55K-deleted adenovirus (ONYX-015) overrides G(1)/S and G(2)/M checkpoints and causes mitotic catastrophe and endoreduplication in p53-proficient normal cells
Gioia, Cherubini; Tatiana, Petouchoff; Grossi, Milena; Piersanti, Stefania; E., Cundari; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: CELL CYCLE (Landes Bioscience, c2002, Georgetown, TX) pp. 2244-2252 - issn: 1538-4101 - wos: WOS:000241519800014 (39) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33749600740 (43)

11573/358528 - 2006 - Lentiviral transduction of human post-natal skeletal (stromal, mesenchymal) stem cells: in vivo transplantation and gene silencing
Piersanti, Stefania; Sacchetti, Benedetto; Funari, Alessia; Di Cesare, S; Bonci, D; Cherubini, G; Peschle, C; Riminucci, Mara; Bianco, Paolo; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL (New York : Springer.) pp. 372-384 - issn: 0171-967X - wos: WOS:000239085300006 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33746068604 (26)

11573/1288088 - 2006 - Fibrous dysplasia as a stem cell disease
Riminucci, Mara; Saggio, Isabella; Robey, Pamela; Bianco, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH (Malden, MA : Blackwell Science, Inc.) pp. 125-131 - issn: 1523-4681 - wos: WOS:000243732800025 (84) - scopus: 2-s2.0-34247857745 (91)

11573/410942 - 2005 - Comparative activity of Sant7 and anti-IL-6, IL-6R monoclonal antibodies in a murine model of B-cell lymphoma
Campo, Silvia; O., Serlupi Crescenzi; B., Arseni; S., Rossi; Saggio, Isabella; Salone, Barbara; G., Cherubini; P., Carminati; Rita De, Santis - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: CYTOKINE (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 368-374 - issn: 1043-4666 - wos: WOS:000231723400005 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-23944515294 (13)

11573/359867 - 2005 - Cell response to ONYX-015 infection: molecular targets of the virus and single adenoviral products.
Petouchoff, T.; Cherubini, G.; Alteri, Alessandra; Saggio, Isabella; Cundari, E.; Grossi, Milena - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: 5th National Congress of the Italian Society of Virology (SIV) (Orvieto, Italy)
libro: 5th National Congress of the Italian Society of Virology (SIV) - ()

11573/411394 - 2004 - Mammalian cell transduction and internalization properties of lambda phages displaying the full-length adenoviral penton base or its central domain
Piersanti, Stefania; G., Cherubini; Y., Martina; Salone, Barbara; D., Avitabile; F., Grosso; E., Cundari; G., Di Zenzo; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE (Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergartenstrasse 17, D 69121 Heidelberg Germany:011 49 6221 3450, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 49 6221 345229) pp. 467-476 - issn: 0946-2716 - wos: WOS:000223173600007 (29) - scopus: 2-s2.0-3843055759 (33)

11573/362360 - 2004 - Use of DNA microarrays to monitor host response to virus and virus-derived gene therapy vectors
Piersanti, Stefania; Yuri, Martina; Gioia, Cherubini; Daniele, Avitabile; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOGENOMICS (Adis International Limited:Private Bag 65901, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 1311 New Zealand:011 64 9 4770741, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 64 9 4770766) pp. 345-356 - issn: 1175-2203 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-11144241331 (22)

11573/364756 - 2003 - Integrin alpha3beta1 is an alternative cellular receptor for adenovirus serotype 5.
Salone, Barbara; Yuri, Martina; Piersanti, Stefania; E., Cundari; G., Cherubini; L., Franqueville; C. M., Failla; P., Boulanger; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY (Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology) pp. 13448-13454 - issn: 0022-538X - wos: WOS:000187025500055 (52) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0344736784 (56)

11573/526308 - 2003 - Gene expression is altered by infection with adenovirus and adeno-derived vectors
Y., Martina; D., Avitabile; Piersanti, Stefania; G., Cherubini; Salone, Barbara; Saggio, Isabella - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: MOLECULAR THERAPY (New York: Elsevier Cell Press San Diego CA: Academic Press, 2000-) pp. S5-S5 - issn: 1525-0016 - wos: WOS:000182740300012 (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: ASGT annual meeting (Washington DC USA)

11573/411146 - 2001 - Binding properties, cell delivery, and gene transfer of adenoviral penton base displaying bacteriophage
Di Giovine, Monica; Salone, Barbara; Yuri, Martina; Amati, Valentina; Giovanna, Zambruno; Enrico, Cundari; Cristina M., Failla; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: VIROLOGY (Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. 102-112 - issn: 0042-6822 - wos: WOS:000167800800011 (40) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0035970313 (49)

11573/151406 - 2001 - Targeting bacteriophage vectors
Saggio, Isabella - 02a Capitolo o Articolo

11573/46774 - 2000 - The role of IL6 in the inflammatory and humoral response to adenoviral vectors
K., Benihoud; Salone, Barbara; S., Esselin; P., Opolon; V., Poli; Di Giovine, Monica; M., Perricaudet; Saggio, Isabella - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: THE JOURNAL OF GENE MEDICINE (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 194-203 - issn: 1099-498X - wos: WOS:000087447700005 (27) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0034184767 (30)

11573/411102 - 1998 - Efficient, repeated adenovirus-mediated gene transfer in mice lacking both tumor necrosis factor alpha and lymphotoxin alpha.
K., Benihoud; Saggio, Isabella; P., Opolon; Salone, Barbara; F., Amiot; E., Connault; C., Chianale; F., Dautry; P., Yeh; M., Perricaudet - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY (Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology) pp. 9514-9525 - issn: 0022-538X - wos: WOS:000076892100011 (49) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0031775491 (51)

11573/411126 - 1997 - Agonistic and antagonistic variants of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) reveal functional differences between membrane-bound and soluble CNTF alpha-receptor.
A., Di Marco; I., Gloaguen; A., Demartis; Saggio, Isabella; R., Graziani; G., Paonessa; R., Laufer - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:9650 Rockville Pike:Bethesda, MD 20814:(301)530-7145, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (301)571-1824) pp. 23069-23075 - issn: 0021-9258 - wos: WOS:A1997XV74400017 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0030823457 (11)

11573/246931 - 1997 - Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of an IL-6 antagonist
Saggio, Isabella; Ciapponi, Laura; R., Savino; G., Ciliberto; M., Perricaudet - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: GENE THERAPY (Attuale: Nature Publishing Group Macmillan Magazines Limited:Porters South Crinian Street, London N1 9XW United Kingdom:011 44 207 8334000, 011 44 171 8434982, Fax: 011 44 207 812358) pp. 839-845 - issn: 0969-7128 - wos: WOS:A1997XP16200013 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0030769757 (13)

11573/411131 - 1996 - Identification of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) residues essential for leukemia inhibitory factor receptor binding and generation of CNTF receptor antagonists
A., Di Marco; I., Gloaguen; R., Graziani; G., Paonessa; Saggio, Isabella; K. R., Hudson; R., Laufer - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (National Academy of Sciences:2101 Constitution Avenue Northwest:Washington, DC 20418:(877)314-2253, (615)377-3322, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (615)377-0525) pp. 9247-9252 - issn: 0027-8424 - wos: WOS:A1996VD43400083 (49) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0029829270 (52)

Saggio, Isabella; I., Gloaguen; Poiana, Giancarlo; R., Laufer - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EMBO JOURNAL (attuale: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 345 PARK AVENUE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1707 Precedente: Oxford University Press:Journals Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 556767, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1865 267485) pp. 3045-3054 - issn: 0261-4189 - wos: WOS:A1995RH80000009 (55) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0029005234 (57)

Saggio, Isabella; Isabelle, Gloaguen; Ralph, Laufer - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: GENE (Amsterdam Netherlands: Elsevier BV) pp. 35-39 - issn: 0378-1119 - wos: WOS:A1995QC92700005 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0028861229 (26)

11573/411190 - 1994 - Nonradioactive receptor binding assay for ciliary neurotrophic factor.
Saggio, Isabella; G., Paonessa; I., Gloaguen; R., Graziani; A., De Serio; R., Laufer - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY (Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. 387-391 - issn: 0003-2697 - wos: WOS:A1994PD58400026 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0027984688 (8)

11573/46781 - 1993 - Detection of biotinylated molecules in solid phase assays using a recombinant biotin binding bacteriophage
Saggio, Isabella; R., Laufer - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY (Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. 352-355 - issn: 0003-2697 - wos: WOS:A1993MA04200060 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0027364861 (1)

Saggio, Isabella; R., Laufer - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL (London: Portland Press Limited London: Biochemical Society, 1984-) pp. 613-616 - issn: 0264-6021 - wos: WOS:A1993LR96800003 (49) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0027247924 (53)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma