PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

Research: The Rise of Tonju. Emergence and development of middle class in North Korea

The project discusses the changing socioeconomic dynamics in North Korea, focusing on the impact of marketization and the emergence of a new middle class, often referred to as "tonju." Despite North Korea's official stance against market activities, there's a growing unofficial presence of capitalist and market-based structures. This has led to the development of a middle class, which remains unrecognized by the regime. The study will highlight how the rise of this middle class has contributed to stratification and inequality in North Korean society, with some suggesting it could lead to significant political change. The project aims to analyze the role of the middle class in North Korea and its potential implications for the country's future.

02/2023-01/2024 Adjunct Lecturer - Korean Philology (LT - LM) - Sapienza University of Rome
03/2023-10/2023 Teaching Assistant for Korean Curriculum Mobility Programs - Sapienza University of Rome
10/2022-06/2023 Teaching Assistant for CIVIS program - Tübingen University

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