PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
building: CU019
room: 011

supervisor: Prof.ssa Stefania Cesa
advisor: Prof.ssa Stefania Cesa

Research: Valorisation of agro-food waste

November 2023: Matriculation in the first year of the doctoral program in Pharmaceutical Sciences. October 2023: Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology with an experimental thesis in Food Chemistry titled: "Study of a sustainable approach in pomegranate valorization: from polyphenol extraction to recycling of cellulose components." Academic years 2021/22 and 2022/23: Collaboration scholarship at the Medicinal Analysis laboratory. August 2022 - March 2023: Internship in a pharmacy. Academic year 2020/21: Collaboration scholarship at the NMR laboratory. October 2017: Matriculation in the single-cycle Master's degree program in Pharmaceutical Chemistry andTechnology. Skills acquired and instrumentation: - Practicality in all laboratory activities - Extractive techniques - Quantitative-qualitative characterization techniques - HPLC - UV-VIS Spectrophotometry - FT-IR Spectroscopy

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