11573/1712979 - 2024 -
Paediatric endoscopic endonasal middle skull base reconstruction: retrospective analysis of 78 patients treated in a single tertiary care paediatric center Di Giorgio, D.; Giovannetti, F.; Priore, P.; Scagnet, M.; Mussa, F.; Raponi, I.; Valentini, V.; Genitori, L. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BRITISH JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY (Abingdon Oxon: Taylor & Francis
London: Informa Healthcare
Abingdon Oxfordshire: Carfax International Publishers, [1987]-) pp. - - issn: 1360-046X - wos: WOS:001194341200001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85189649755 (1)
11573/1712641 - 2023 -
The `Maxillary Pull-through' technique: A minimally invasive endoscopic-assisted approach to nasal septum neoformations with maxillary bone infiltration Priore, Paolo; Giovannetti, Filippo; Battisti, Andrea; Di Giorgio, Danilo; Della Monaca, Marco; Raponi, Ingrid; Cassoni, Andrea; Valentini, Valentino - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CRANIOMAXILLOFACIAL TRAUMA & RECONSTRUCTION (New York, NY : Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.) pp. 78-83 - issn: 1943-3875 - wos: WOS:000740738000001 (3) - scopus: (0)
11573/1630431 - 2022 -
Orbital lesions, an interdisciplinary pathology. The experience of the maxillo-facial surgeons Terenzi, Valentina; Cassoni, Andrea; Pucci, Resi; Marenco, Marco; Fadda, Maria Teresa; Raponi, Ingrid; Della Monaca, Marco; Valentini, Valentino - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA (-Roma : Luigi Pozzi, 2005-
-Bologna : Cappelli Licinio) pp. - - issn: 2239-253X - wos: WOS:000886953900002 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85137137666 (1)
11573/1471710 - 2021 -
Head and neck cancer treatment during COVID-19 pandemic: a central experience in Rome. Emergency management, infection prevention and control Cassoni, Andrea; Pucci, Resi; Mangini, Nicolò; Fadda, Maria Teresa; Battisti, Andrea; Giovannetti, Filippo; Terenzi, Valentina; Della Monaca, Marco; Priore, Paolo; Raponi, Ingrid; Valentini, Valentino - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CANCERS (Basel: MDPI) pp. - - issn: 2072-6694 - wos: WOS:000605811000001 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85098800144 (5)
11573/1620712 - 2021 -
Endoscopic sinus and skullbase surgery in pediatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Giovannetti, F.; Priore, P.; Scagnet, M.; Mussa, F.; Raponi, I.; Valentini, V.; Genitori, L. - 01f Lettera, Nota
paper: BRITISH JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY (Abingdon Oxon: Taylor & Francis
Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Carfax Publishing Limited) pp. 803-804 - issn: 0268-8697 - wos: WOS:000538746400001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85085627807 (0)
11573/1620704 - 2021 -
Management of orbital and brain complications of sinusitis: A practical algorithm. Raponi, I.; Giovannetti, F.; Buracchi, M.; Priore, P.; Battisti, A.; Scagnet, M.; Genitori, L.; Valentini, V. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 1124-1129 - issn: 1010-5182 - wos: WOS:000731323100006 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85116350785 (13)
11573/1516177 - 2020 -
anosmia in COVID-19. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 through the nasoliary epithelium and a possible spreading way to the central nervous system—a purpose to study Armocida, Daniele; Pesce, Alessandro; Raponi, Ingrid; Pugliese, Francesco; Valentini, Valentino; Santoro, Antonio; Pugliese, Francesco - 01f Lettera, Nota
paper: NEUROSURGERY (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:530 Walnut Street:Philadelphia, PA 19106:(800)638-3030, (301)223-2300, EMAIL: orders@lww.com, INTERNET: http://www.lww.com, Fax: (301)223-2320, (301)223-2320) pp. E246-E247 - issn: 0148-396X - wos: WOS:000593120500058 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85084616803 (5)
11573/1438550 - 2020 -
Secondary rhinoplasty in Binder Syndrome: considerations and management of complex problem with heterologous bone graft Barbera, Giorgio; Raponi, Ingrid; Nocini, Riccardo; Della Monaca, Marco; Priore, Paolo; Valentini, Valentino - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:530 Walnut Street:Philadelphia, PA 19106:(800)638-3030, (301)223-2300, EMAIL: orders@lww.com, INTERNET: http://www.lww.com, Fax: (301)223-2320, (301)223-2320
Publisher: Burlington, Ont. : B.C. Decker, c1990-
Boston Ma Little, Brown And Company.
altri editori: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 530 WALNUT ST, PHILADELPHIA, USA, PA, 19106-3621.; B.C. Decker Inc.) pp. 1-4 - issn: 1049-2275 - wos: WOS:000612955800003 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85099325250 (4)
11573/1543886 - 2020 -
Masseter-facial neurorrhaphy for facial palsy reanimation: What happens after masseter denervation? Histomorphometric and stomatognathic functional analysis Cassoni, A.; Catalano, C.; Di Giorgio, D.; Raponi, I.; Di Brino, M.; Perotti, S.; Valentini, V. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 680-684 - issn: 1010-5182 - wos: WOS:000542279900009 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85085949382 (9)
11573/1472006 - 2020 -
“Pull-through” resection for total and subtotal glossectomy involving the posterior third of tongue Della Monaca, Marco; Terenzi, Valentina; Raponi, Ingrid; Priore, Paolo; Battisti, Andrea; Cassoni, Andrea; Nocini, Riccardo; Tenore, Gianluca; Brauner, Edoardo; Romeo, Umberto; Polimeni, Antonella; Valentini, Valentino - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: APPLIED SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI AG, 2011-) pp. 1-9 - issn: 2076-3417 - wos: WOS:000597068100001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85096906149 (2)
11573/1408185 - 2020 -
Tobacco, alcohol and family history of cancer as risk factors of oral squamous cell carcinoma: case-control retrospective study Tenore, Gianluca; Nuvoli, Alessandro; Mohsen, Ahmed Amir Mohamed; Cassoni, Andrea; Battisti, Andrea; Terenzi, Valentina; Della Monaca, Marco; Raponi, Ingrid; Brauner, Edoardo; De Felice, Francesca; Musio, Daniela; Di Gioia, Cira Rosaria Tiziana; Messineo, Daniela; Mezi, Silvia; Di Carlo, Stefano; Botticelli, Andrea; Valentini, Valentino; Marchetti, Paolo; Tombolini, Vincenzo; De Vincentiis, Marco; Polimeni, Antonella; Romeo, Umberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: APPLIED SCIENCES (Basel: MDPI AG, 2011-) pp. 1-11 - issn: 2076-3417 - wos: WOS:000543385900233 (35) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85086119458 (33)
11573/1407260 - 2020 -
MRONJ and ORNJ: When a single letter leads to substantial differences Terenzi, Valentina; Della Monaca, Marco; Raponi, Ingrid; Battisti, Andrea; Priore, Paolo; Barbera, Giorgio; Romeo, Umberto; Polimeni, Antonella; Valentini, Valentino - 01f Lettera, Nota
paper: ORAL ONCOLOGY (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 1368-8375 - wos: WOS:000584539100009 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85086401303 (10)
11573/1471925 - 2019 -
Endoscopy-assisted intraoral removal of elongated styloid process: mini-invasive surgical treatment of Eagle syndrome Terenzi, Valentina; Giovannetti, Filippo; Barbera, Giorgio; Raponi, Ingrid; Valentini, Valentino - 01i Case report
paper: THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:530 Walnut Street:Philadelphia, PA 19106:(800)638-3030, (301)223-2300, EMAIL: orders@lww.com, INTERNET: http://www.lww.com, Fax: (301)223-2320, (301)223-2320
Publisher: Burlington, Ont. : B.C. Decker, c1990-
Boston Ma Little, Brown And Company.
altri editori: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 530 WALNUT ST, PHILADELPHIA, USA, PA, 19106-3621.; B.C. Decker Inc.) pp. e775-e776 - issn: 1049-2275 - wos: WOS:000509687200031 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85074619868 (5)
11573/968527 - 2019 -
Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma in a patient previously treated for an intestinal-type adenocarcinoma: metachronous neoplasms or recurrence of a different tumor type? Valentini, Valentino; Giovannetti, Filippo; Cassoni, Andrea; Terenzi, Valentina; Priore, Paolo; Raponi, Ingrid; Bosco, Sandro; Alesini, Francesco; Mezi, Silvia; Musio, Daniela; Tombolini, Vincenzo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INDIAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND HEAD AND NECK SURGERY (Association of Otolaryngologists of India:West Bengal Branch, 53 Creek Row, Calcutta 700 014 India:011 91 33 27 8092, Fax: 011 91 33 26 3598) pp. 1779-1781 - issn: 2231-3796 - wos: WOS:000515733400026 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85018506651 (3)
11573/1291664 - 2018 -
Metastasis from pancreatic adenocarcinoma to the cheekbone Terenzi, V.; Cassoni, A.; Raponi, I.; Di Benedetto, G.; Fadda, M. T.; Valentini, V. - 01i Case report
paper: ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA (-Roma : Luigi Pozzi, 2005-
-Bologna : Cappelli Licinio) pp. 1-2 - issn: 2239-253X - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85060727234 (0)
11573/1151519 - 2018 -
Maxillo-mandibular reconstruction in pediatric patients: how to do it? Valentini, Valentino; Califano, Luigi; Cassoni, Andrea; Della Monaca, Marco; Raponi, Ingrid; Priore, Paolo; Fadda, Maria Teresa; Dell'aversana Orabona, Giovanni; Terenzi, Valentina - 01i Case report
paper: THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY (Philadelphia, Pa. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) pp. 761-766 - issn: 1536-3732 - wos: WOS:000434303800099 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85052680357 (15)
11573/1024195 - 2017 -
Our experience in the surgical management of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia: what has changed in the last 10 years? Valentini, V; Cassoni, A; Terenzi, V; Della Monaca, M; Fadda, M. T; Rajabtork Zadeh, O; Raponi, I; Anelli, A; Iannetti, G. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ACTA OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICA ITALICA (Pisa : Pacini Editore) pp. 436-443 - issn: 1827-675X - wos: WOS:000417369800012 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85034451875 (20)
11573/870277 - 2016 -
Adalimumab: another medication related to osteonecrosis of the jaws? Cassoni, Andrea; Romeo, Umberto; Terenzi, Valentina; Della Monaca, Marco; Rajabtork Zadeh, Oriana; Raponi, Ingrid; Fadda, Maria Teresa; Polimeni, Antonella; Valentini, Valentino - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CASE REPORTS IN DENTISTRY (Cairo: Hindawi Publishing Corporation) pp. 1-6 - issn: 2090-6447 - wos: WOS:000379068200001 (33) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84964836903 (33)
11573/788096 - 2015 -
Treatment timing and multidisciplinary approach in Apert syndrome Fadda, Maria Teresa; Ierardo, Gaetano; Ladniak, Barbara; Di Giorgio, Gianni; Caporlingua, Alessandro; Raponi, Ingrid; Silvestri, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ANNALI DI STOMATOLOGIA (Roma: CIC Edizioni Internazionali) pp. 58-63 - issn: 1971-1441 - wos: WOS:000385699600005 (8) - scopus: (0)
11573/850255 - 2015 -
Metastases to oro-maxillo-facial region from distant sites: are they so rare? A single centre 8-years experience Terenzi, Valentina; Cassoni, Andrea; Zadeh, Oriana Rajabtork; Raponi, Ingrid; Della Monaca, Marco; Bartoli, Davina; Battisti, Andrea; Valentini, Valentino - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA (-Roma : Luigi Pozzi, 2005-
-Bologna : Cappelli Licinio) pp. 5-8 - issn: 2239-253X - wos: WOS:000415141800003 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85008311836 (1)
11573/857099 - 2015 -
Mini invasive transoral approach to the glenoid fossa: benign lesion removal using endoscopy Valentini, Valentino; Giovannetti, Filippo; Priore, Paolo; Raponi, Ingrid; Terenzi, Valentina; Cassoni, Andrea - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: LARYNGOSCOPE (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:530 Walnut Street:Philadelphia, PA 19106:(800)638-3030, (301)223-2300, EMAIL: orders@lww.com, INTERNET: http://www.lww.com, Fax: (301)223-2320, (301)223-2320) pp. 2054-2057 - issn: 0023-852X - wos: WOS:000360231700019 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84939773220 (5)
11573/718320 - 2014 -
Endoscopic sinus surgery in sinus-oral pathology. Giovannetti, Filippo; Priore, Paolo; Raponi, Ingrid; Valentini, Valentino - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:530 Walnut Street:Philadelphia, PA 19106:(800)638-3030, (301)223-2300, EMAIL: orders@lww.com, INTERNET: http://www.lww.com, Fax: (301)223-2320, (301)223-2320
Publisher: Burlington, Ont. : B.C. Decker, c1990-
Boston Ma Little, Brown And Company.
altri editori: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, 530 WALNUT ST, PHILADELPHIA, USA, PA, 19106-3621.; B.C. Decker Inc.) pp. 991-994 - issn: 1049-2275 - wos: WOS:000337098200103 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84900836716 (27)