Dottoressa di ricerca

ciclo: XXXVI

supervisore: Professor: Sabrina Lucibello

Titolo della tesi: Exploring the Potential of Material Innovation to Revitalize Traditional Crafts in Egypt & Italy

Abstract This PhD thesis explores the intersection of material innovation and the preservation of traditional crafts within the rich cultural context of Egypt. It argues that the sustainability and revitalization of Egyptian traditional crafts depend on the integration of contemporary material innovation with ancient techniques. Facing existential threats from globalization, repetitive designs, and innovation deficits, this study proposes a new pathway to rejuvenate these traditions through modern material science and design principles. The research draws on Italy's renowned material innovation expertise as a comparative and collaborative benchmark, fostering a cross-cultural dialogue that benefits the craft practices of both nations. The methodology is comprehensive and multidisciplinary, organized into a three-phased approach: theoretical exploration, analytical studies, and developmental strategies. The initial phase conducts a detailed investigation into the historical and current states of Egyptian crafts, identifying essential materials, techniques, and challenges. This foundation is crucial for appreciating the modern market potential of these crafts. The analytical studies phase then provides a deep dive into specific materials traditional to Egypt, comparing their use and evolution with those in Italy. This comparison not only underscores the innovation potential but also lays the groundwork for collaborative material development. In the developmental phase, the research shifts towards realizing the innovation opportunities identified earlier. It aims to establish collaborative networks between Egyptian craftsmen and Italian material innovators, examining the concrete outcomes of cross-cultural material development knowledge exchange. This includes creating prototypes and adapting innovative material technologies to traditional Egyptian craft processes, with the goal of not only preserving but also enhancing these crafts to ensure their contemporary market relevance and cultural integrity. A significant addition to this phase is the construction of a structure for a Craft Hub, an online platform designed to further support the creation of new cooperatives among artisans, designers, and companies. This platform will serve as a pivotal tool in developing more competitive and sustainable crafts and business networks initially in countries and subsequently expanding to regions. It includes an online platform, a network, and an offline communication campaign, aiming to foster the development of competitive and sustainable crafts and business networks. The significance of this research extends beyond academia, offering practical insights and strategies for traditional crafts' preservation and revitalization. It highlights the critical role of material innovation in cultural sustainability, setting a precedent for similar initiatives globally. By merging tradition with innovation, this thesis contributes to a broader discourse on traditional crafts' survival in the modern world, advocating for a future where cultural heritage and modern technology unite to promote economic viability, social inclusivity, and environmental sustainability in craft practices. This thesis stands as a testament to the enduring value and adaptability of traditional crafts, championing their significance in a globalized world where innovation intersects with heritage. Its findings and recommendations pave the way for future research and practical applications in material innovation, design, and cultural preservation, heralding a new paradigm for the coexistence of cultural heritage and modern technology. keywords Traditional crafts, Material Innovation, Cultural Industries, Local Materials, Egypt,Italy

Produzione scientifica

11573/1697500 - 2023 - An Analytical Study to develop the Traditional Craft in the field of Creative Industries in Egypt
Aman, Hoda Mohamed - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: the 8th International Forum of Design as a Process (Bologna;Italy)
libro: No. DSI 1 (2023): diid disegno industriale industrial design - (979-12-5477-329-1)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma