PhD Student

PhD program:: XL

supervisor: Prof.ssa Orsolya Vincze
co-supervisor: Prof. Mauro Sarrica

Research: The collective memory of the Nanjing Massacre during World War II

I’m Haoxuan Diao, born in Yangzhou, China. I hold a B.A. in Journalism from China University of Political Science and Law (2016-2020) and an M.A. in Strategic Communication from Loughborough University, UK (2021-2022). My academic journey, coupled with my passion for fan-fiction writing, traveling, and cooking, has deepened my interest in diverse cultures and perspectives.

My research investigates the collective memory of the Nanjing Massacre during World War II, focusing on how governmental and media narratives have shaped public understanding over time. Through archival research and media analysis, I aim to track shifts in narrative and public perception across different periods and regions. This study seeks to reveal how historical events are reframed to serve contemporary political agendas, providing insights into memory politics and identity construction.

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