Guido Travaini

Associate professor


Education Exeperience

Degree in Law at Milan University

Expert at Criminology and Forensic Psychopathology Faculty of

1996: Qualification in Clinical Criminology at the Specialization School in Criminology at the Medicine and Surgery

Faculty of Milan University

2000: Qualification as a Doctor in Clinical Criminology (XII Cycle) at the Legal Sciences Faculty of Bari and Trento


Accademic Position

Associate Professor of Legal Medicine and Criminology at the “Università Vita e Salute San Raffaele” in Milan

Adjunt Professor of Criminology Franklyn University Switzerland


Milan University

From the academic year 2000 to the academic year 2005: Professor of Criminology for the “Course on new forms of

crime” at the Specialization School of Clinical Criminology of the Medicine Faculty of Milan University (Director:

Prof. Isabella Merzagora)

From the academic year 2002 to the academic year 2007: Professor at the Specialization Course in Forensic Sciences at the Milan University

From the academic year 2005 to 2010: Professor by in charge at the Specialization School of Legal Medicine at Milan

University for the course on “Fundamental and Legal Principles of Criminal Law connected with the Application in the

Forensic Medicine”

From the academic year 2007 to 2012: Professor in charge entitled to teach Principles of Right at the Degree Course in

Medical Biotechnologies at Milan University

Since the academic year 2011 he has been acting as Professor in charge at the Specialization School in Legal Medicine of Milan University in a course on “Victimology”

Since the academic year 2007 he has been teaching Criminology at the University “Vita e Salute” (Life and Health) of

San Raffaele Hospital - Medicine and Surgery Faculty – Master in Forensic Psychopathology and Criminology

Since the academic year 2012 to 2021 he has been coordinating the criminology area at the Master in Criminology and

Forensic Psychopathology of San Raffaele University in Milan

Since the academic year 2014 he has been teaching Criminology at the Master in Economic Security, Geo-policy and

Intelligence at SIOI (Italian Society International Organisation – Italian Association United Nations) - Rome.

Since 2021 Director of M Master in Criminology and Forensic Psychopathology of San Raffaele University in Milan


Member of Board of the Italian Criminology Society.

Member of the European Society of Criminology

Associate Editor of Italian Journal of Criminology

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