Giuseppe Scandurra

Associate professor


He teaches Cultural Anthropology at the Department of Humanities - University of Ferrara. He has

published numerous essays and books on the subject of urban anthropology. Among his most recent

publications “Ibridi ferraresi” (Meltemi 2021). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Gramsci Institute Emilia-Romagna and of the group of trans-disciplinary study “Tracce Urbane” ( Director (with A. Alietti) of the Laboratory of Urban Studies - University of Ferrara (, director (with C. Cellamare) of the journal “Italian Journal of Urban Studies”, director of the Master “Design della Comunicazione” – University of Ferrara (, and director of (with B. Pizzo and G. Pozzi) the review “Territori” (

Giuseppe Scandurra

University of Ferrara

Via Paradiso 12 – 44121


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