Curriculum vitae updated in January 2021
Giovanna Leone, Psychologist (Sapienza University of Rome, 1977, cum laude) and psychotherapist. Full Professor of Social Psychology at Sapienza University of Rome, where she teaches Social and Communication Psychology, and Psychology of Politics. Previously (1980-1994) she was a psychologist and a psychotherapist at the Santo Spirito Hospital in Rome. Later (1994-2005), she was a researcher and then an associate professor at the Aldo Moro University of Bari.
Full member of several national and international academic associations, including: AIP (Italian Association of Psychology), EASP (European Association of Social Psychology), International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP).
Member of the Board of the Italian Journal of Community Psychology (Giornale Italiano di Psicologia di comunità).
Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Personality and Social Psychology (specialty section of Frontiers in Psychology).
Associate Editor of the Journal of Social and Political Psychology.
Italian member of the MC of COST European action IS1205 “Social psychological dynamics of historical representations in the enlarged European Union”.
Coordinator of the Ethics Committee that, on behalf of the AIP (Italian Psychology Association), revised the Code of Ethics currently used by the association.
Department of Sociology and Communication
University of La Sapienza in Rome
via Salaria 113
I- 00198 Rome
mobile phone +39.3405332805
Research topics
historical narratives of violence and reconciliation between groups;
multimodal analysis of political communication;
ambivalent effects of intergroup help in intercultural societies.
Recent publications (2020 -)
The most recent publications are listed, grouped by main areas of research. The asterisks preceding some publications indicate that the publication is included in the databases scopus o web of science
Historical narratives of violence and reconciliation between groups
*Hasbún López, P.; Martinović, B.; Bobowik, M.; Chryssochoou, X.; Cichocka, A.; Ernst‐Valle, A.; Franc, R.; Fulop, E.; GhilaniD. Kochar, A.; Lamberty, P.; Leone, G.; Licata, L.; Žeželj, I. (2019). Support for collective action against refugees: The role of national, European, and global identifications, and autochthony beliefs. European journal of social psychology, 49(7), pp. 1439-1455 Open Access
*Leone, G. (2019). Is there a Space for Post-Colonial Theory in the Socio-Psychological Research on Consequences of Colonial Past? Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 53(1), 14-23.
*Custom, N., Leone, G., Sarrica, M. (2019). ‘The debate almost came to a fight…’ Results of a cross-national explorative study concerning history teachers´ shared beliefs about teaching historical sensitive issues. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 27(1), 111-132.
*Leone, G., Giner-Sorolla, R., D'Errico, F., Migliorisi, S. & Sessa, I. (2018). It's time to be ashamed! Reactions to the breaking of a long-lasting self-censorship on ingroup war crimes. TPM: Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 25(4), 519-535.
Leone, G. (2018) Beyond historical guilt: intergenerational narratives of violence and
reconciliation (pp. 458-478). In A. Rosa, J. Valsiner (eds) The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
*Leone, G., d'Ambrosio- Wikipedia, M., Migliorisi, S.,Sessa, I. (2018) Facing the crimes of older generations: Emotional and cognitive reactions of young Italian students reading an historical text on the colonial invasion of Ethiopia, Journal of Intercultural Relations, 62, 55-67.
Leone, G. (2017) When History Teaching Turns into Parrhesia: The Case of Italian Colonial Crimes. In: Psaltis C., Carter M., Chehajić,-Clancy S. (eds) History Education and Conflict Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (open source Freely Available at
*Leone, G., Sarrica, M. (2017) The making of a civic discourse on controversial historical past: from denial to parrhesia, ESSACHESS, Journal for Communication Studies, Vol 10, No 1(19) (2017): Rhetoric and Peace at Crossroads: Public and Civic Discourse, Culture and Communication Perspectives, vol 10, n.1 (19), pp. 33-53 (open source, Freely Available at
*Leone, G., d'Ambrosio- Wikipedia, M., Migliorisi, S.,Sessa, I. (2018) Facing the crimes of older generations: Emotional and cognitive reactions of young Italian students reading an historical text on the colonial invasion of Ethiopia, Journal of Intercultural Relations,62, 55-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2017.06.007
*Leone, G., Sarrica, M. (2014) Making room for negative emotions about the national past: An explorative study of effects of parrhesia on Italian colonial crimes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 43, 126-138. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2014.08.008.
Leone,G. (2012) May clarity about in-group crimes be a better choice, when narrating the story of past war to perpetrators descendents?. In: 11th International Conference on Social Representations. Social Representations in Changing Societies. Evora, Portugal, 25-28 Jun 2012
Leone, G. (2012) How Can Memories of Past In-Group Crimes Be Integrated in Positive
National Identity?. In: Historical Justice and Memory Conference. Melbourne, 14-17 February 2012
*Leone, G., Sarrica, M. (2012) When ownership hurts: Remembering the in-group wrongdoings after a long lasting collective amnesia, Human affairs, 22(4), 603-612.ISSN: 1210-3055, Two: 10.2478/s13374-012-0048-6
*Leone, G., Mastrovitus, T. (2010). Learning About Our Shameful Past: A Socio- Psychological Analysis of Present-Day Historical Narratives of Italian Colonial Wars. International journal of conflict and violence, 4 (1), p. 11-27, ISSN: 1864-1385 (open source Freely Available at
*Leone, G., Curigliano, G. (2009) Coping with collective responsibilities an explorative study on Italian historical identity across three generations, Journal of Language and Politics, 8 (2), p. 305-326, ISSN: 1569-2159
Multimodal analysis of political communication
Leone, G., Antenore, M., Crescenzi, L.S.(2018). Social sharing and empowerment. The use of autobiographical memories in two speeches by Barack Obama, aimed at students of high or low social class | Condivisione ed empowerment: l'uso dei ricordi autobiografici in due discorsi di barack obama a studenti di alta o bassa classe sociale, Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 2018, 45(1), pp. 217–242.
* Leone G., Di Murro F., Serlupi Crescenzi L. (2015) From Personalization to Parrhesia: A Multimodal Analysis of Autobiographical Recalls in Barack Obama’s Political Speech. In: D'Errico F., Poggi I., Vinciarelli A., Vincze L. (eds) Conflict and Multimodal Communication. Computational Social Sciences. Springer, Cham,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-14081-0_17
*Leone G. (2013) Sometimes I, Sometimes Me: A Study on the Use of Autobiographical Memories in Two Political Speeches by Barack Obama. In: Poggi I., D'Errico F., Vincze L., Vinciarelli A. (eds) Multimodal Communication in Political Speech. Shaping Minds and Social Action. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7688. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-41545-6_11
G. Leone (2010). 'I have the blood of Africa within me': The case of Obama's reminder of his grandfather humiliation during colonial times, in his speech to African leaders . In: SSPNET- International Workshop on Political speech. Roma, Italy, November 2010
Ambivalent effects of intergroup help in intercultural societies
D'Errico, F., Leone, G., Schmid, M., D'Anna, C. (2020). Prosocial Virtual Reality, Empathy, and EEG Measures: A Pilot Study Aimed at Monitoring Emotional Processes in Intergroup Helping Behaviors. Applied Sciences, 10(4), 1196.
*Leone, G. (2012) Observing social signals in scaffolding interactions: How to detect when a helping intention risks falling short, Cognitive Processing,13 ( 2), pp. 477-85. DOI: 10.1007/s10339-011-0422-z
*D'Errico -, F., Leone, G., Mastrovitus, T. (2012) When teachers' intervention makes an immigrant child more dependent (Book Chapter). In: Spinthourakis J.A., lalor j., Berg w. (Eds). Cultural Diversity in the Classroom. A European Comparison, p. 129-143, Berlin, Heidelberg:Springer-Publisher, ISBN: 9783531182926, Two: 10.1007/978-3-531-93494-5_8
*D'Errico - F., Leone G., Poggi I. (2010) Types of Help in the Teacher’s Multimodal Behavior. In: Salah A.A., Gevers T., Yourself N. Vinciarelli - Wikipedia A. (eds) Human Behavior Understanding. HBU 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6219. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14715-9_13
*Poggi, I., D'Errico -, F., and Leone, G. (2012). Pedagogical stances and their multimodal signals. In Chair N.C.C. et al., editors, Proceedings of the Eigth InternatD'Errico, F., Leone, G., Schmid, M., & D'Anna, C. (2020). Prosocial Virtual Reality, Empathy, and EEG Measures: A Pilot Study Aimed at Monitoring Emotional Processes in Intergroup Helping Behaviors. Applied Sciences, 10(4), 1196.y. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), pp.3233-3240, ISBN: 978-2-9517408-7-7
*D'Errico - F., Leone G., Poggi I., (2012) Pedagogical stance. Teacher position and her social signal. Proceedings of IEEE Social Computation, Amsterdam, 3-5 september IEEE Computer Society, p. 926-931, ISBN/ISSN:978-0-7695-4848- 7, doi:10.1109/SocialCom-PASSAT.2012.121
Other recent publications
*Sessa, I., D'Errico -, F., Poggi, I., & Leone, G. (2020). Attachment styles and communication of displeasing truths. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
*Leone, G., Migliorisi, S., Sessa, I. (2017) Detecting social signals of honesty and fear of appearing deceitful: A methodological proposal, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, CogInfoCom 2016, pp. 000289-000294.
*Sarrica, M., Rose gardens, A., Brondi, S., Cervelli, P., Leone, G. (2016) Flooded by a wall of water: Parent–child reminiscing about local environment and unwanted changes, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 13(3), p. 209-230.
*Leone, G. (2013) Nodding without understanding: An explorative study of how adolescents listen to their teachers, Proceedings of the 2012 ASE International Conference on Social Informatics, SocialInformatics 2012, p.137-144.
*Liu, J.H., Paez, D., Hanke, K., Leone, G. (...), Atsumi, T., Suwa, K.-i. (2012) Cross-cultural dimensions of meaning in the evaluation of events in world history?: Perceptions of historical calamities and progress in cross-cultural data from thirty societies, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43 (2), pp. 251-272 DOI: