Associate professor

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Current Position:
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine and Surgery D, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology V. Erspamer, University Sapienza, Roma
President of the Degree in Techniques of Medical Radiology for Imaging and Radiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Sapienza, Roma, Sede Regione Molise - I.R.C.C.S. Neuromed, Pozzilli (IS)
1983 - Secondary School
1990 - Degree in Medicine and Surgery (110/110 cum laude), University of Catania
2001 - Phylosophy Doctor in Neurobiology, University of Catania
2016 - National Scientific Abilitation to Associate and Full Professor in SSD Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy
1988-1992 Young Research Scientist - Fidia Research Laboratories, Siracusa
1992-1994 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Catania
1995-1997 Postdoctoral Fellow at Eli Lilly & Company, Lilly Research Laboratories, Central Nervous System Research, Indianapolis, IN, USA
1997-1997 Visiting Researcher at Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (USA)
1997-2019, Senior Researcher Scientist at the I.R.C.C.S. Neuromed, Pozzilli (IS)
2012-2014 Member of the Review Committee in Medicine, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
2019- Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University Sapienza, Roma
2019- President of the Degree in Techniques of Medical Radiology for Imaging and Radiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Sapienza, Roma, Sede Regione Molise - I.R.C.C.S. Neuromed, Pozzilli (IS)
Honors and Awards:
1998 - Winner of the “Professor Mosè da Prada” Award, from The Italian League Against Parkinson’s Disease, Extrapiramidal Disorders and Dementias, Sponsor: Roche Pharmaceuticals S.P.A.
2003 - Winner of the Award for Pharmacological Research of The Italian Society of Pharmacology for young researchers under 40 years of age.
2003 - Winner of the Poster Session “Pharmacological control of cell death and degenerative mechanisms” at the 31° National Meeting of The Italian Society of Pharmacology.
2017 - Grünenthal Foundation Award in Pain Research, Madrid, Spain
American Society for Neuroscience
Referee of International Journals:
Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmacological Reviews, Neuropsycopharmacology, Neuropharmacology, British Journal of Pharmacology, Current Neuropharmacology, Behavioural Pharmacology, Molecular Psychiatry, Journal of Neurochemistry, Neuroscience Letters, European Journal of Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neuroscience, Parkinson’s Disease, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Scientific Reports, International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
1. Bruno V., Copani A., Battaglia G., Raffaele R., Shinozaki H., Nicoletti F. Protective effect of metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, DCG-IV, against excitotoxic neuronal death. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 1994, 256: 109-112.
2. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Sortino M. A., Canonico P.L., Nicoletti F. Protective actions of idebenone against excitoxic degeneration in cultured cortical neurons. Neurosci. Lett., 1994, 178: 193-196.
3. Copani A., Bruno V.M.G., Barresi V., Battaglia G., Condorelli D.F., Nicoletti F. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors prevents neuronal apoptosis in culture. J. Neurochem., 1995, 64: 101-108.
4. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Giffard R.G., Dell Albani P., Raciti G., Condorelli D.F., Nicoletti F. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes negatively linked to adenylyl cyclase protects cultured cortical neurons against excitotoxic degeneration. Eur. J. Neurosci., 1995, 7: 1906-1913.
5. Copani A., Bruno V., Dell'Albani P., Battaglia G., Barresi V., Caruso A., Nicoletti F., Condorelli D.F. Growth conditions differentialy affect the constitutive expression of primary response genes in cultured cerebellar granule cells. Neurochemical Res., 1995, 20: 611-616.
6. Copani A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Leanza G., Pellitteri A., Russo S., Stanzani S., Nicoletti F. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors protect cultured neurons against apoptosis induced by -amiloyd peptide. Mol. Pharmacol., 1995, 47: 890:897.
7. Di Iorio P., Giuliani P., Ciccarelli R., Ballerini P., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Caciagli F. Effect of DCG-IV-sensitive metabotropic glutamate receptors on purine and glutamate release from rat hippocampal slices and cultured astrocytes. Res. Commun. Mol. Path. Pharm., 1995, 87 (1): 57-58.
8. Di Iorio P., Battaglia G., Ciccarelli R., Ballerini P., Giuliani P., Poli A., Nicoletti F., Caciagli F. Interaction between A1 Adenosine and class II metabotropic glutamate receptors in the regulation of purine and glutamate release from rat hippocampal slices. J. Neurochem., 1996, 67: 302-309.
9. Bruno V., Copani A., Battaglia G., Dell'Albani P., Condorelli D.F., Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptors and neuronal degeneration in culture. Adv. Neurol., 1996, 71: 47-51.
10. Battaglia G., Monn J.A., Schoepp D.D. In vivo inhibition of veratridine-evoked release of striatal excitatory amino acids by the group II metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist LY354740 in rats. Neurosci Lett., 1997, 229: 161-164.
11. Battaglia G., Bruno V., Ngomba T.R., Di Grezia R., Copani A., Nicoletti F. Selective activation of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors is protective against excitotoxic neuronal death. E. J. Pharmacol., 1998, 356: 271-274.
12. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Casabona G., Copani A., Caciagli F., Nicoletti F. Neuroprotection by glial metabotropic glutamate receptors is mediated by transforming growth factor- . J. Neurosci., 1998, 18: 9594-9600.
13. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Casabona G., Storto M., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Ngomba R.T., Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptors and neurodegeneration. Prog. Brain Res., 1998, 116: 209-221.
14. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Kingston A., O Neill J.M., Catania M.V., Di Grezia R., Nicoletti F. Neuroprotective activity of the potent and selective mGlu1a metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist, (+)-2-methyl-4-carboxyphenilglycine (LY367385): comparison with LY367366, an antagonist of mGlu1a and mGlu5 receptors. Neuropharmacology, 1999, 38: 199-207.
15. Gasparini F., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Lukic S., Leonhardt T., Inderbitzin W., Laurie D., Sommer B., Varney M.A., Hess S.D., Johnson C.E., Kuhn R., Urwyler S., Sauer D., Portet C., Schmutz M., Nicoletti F., Flor J. P. (R,S)-PPG, a potent and selective group III metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, is anticonvulsive and neuroprotective in vivo. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 1999, 289: 1678-1687.
16. Ciccarelli R., Di Iorio P., Bruno V., Battaglia G., D Alimonte I., D Onofrio M., Nicoletti F., Caciagli F. Activation of A1 adenosine or mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors enhances the release of nerve growth factor and S-100 protein from cultured astrocytes. Glia, 1999, 27: 275-281.
17. Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Catania M.V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Barbagallo G., Ceña V., Sanchez-Prieto J., Spano P.F., Pizzi M. Group-I metabotropic glutamate receptors: hypoteses to explain their dual role in neurotoxicity and neuroprotection. Neuropharmacology, 1999, 38: 1477-1484.
18. Kingston A.E., O'Neill M.J., Bond A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Harris J.R., Clark B.P., Monn J.A., Lodge D., Schoepp D.D. Neuroprotective actions of novel and potent ligands of group I and group II metabotropic glutamate receptors. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1999, 890: 438-849.
19. Battaglia G., La Russa M., Bruno V., Arenare L., Ippolito R., Copani A., Bonina F., Nicoletti F. Systemically administered D-glucose conjugates of 7-chlorokynurenic acid protect against N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced seizure in mice. Brain Res., 2000, 860: 149-156.
20. Bonina F.P., Arenare L., Ippolito R., Boatto G.P., Battaglia G., Bruno V., De Capraris P. Sinthesys, pharmacokinetics and anticonvulsant activity of 7-chlorokynurenic acid prodrugs. Int. J. Pharm., 2000, 202: 79-88.
21. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Ksiazek I., v.d. Putten H., Lukic S., Leonhardt T., Inderbitzin W., Gasparini F., Kuhn R., Hampson D., Nicoletti F., Flor P.J. Neuroprotective activity of group-III metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists in cultured cortical neurons is mediated by the mGluR4 subtype. J. Neurosci., 2000, 20: 6413-6420.
22. Storto M., De Grazia U., Battaglia G., Felli M.P., Maroder M., Gulino A., Ragona G., Nicoletti F., Screpanti I., Calogero A. Expression of metabotropic glutamate receptors in mouse thymic cells. J. Neuroimmunol., 2000, 109: 112-120.
23. Bruno V., Ksiazek I., Battaglia G., Lukic S., Leonhardt T., Sauer D., Gasparini F., Kuhn R., Nicoletti F., Flor P.J. Selective blockade of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 is neuroprotective. Neuropharmacology, 2000, 39: 2223-2230.
24. Battaglia G.*, Rassoulpour A.*, Wu Q. H., Hodgkins P.S., Kiss C., Nicoletti F., Schwarcz R. Metabotropic glutamate receptor ligands reduce kynurenate synthesis by intracellular inhibition of kynurenine amino transferase II. J. Neurochem., 2000, 75: 2051-2060. *co-first authors
25. Fornai F., Battaglia G., Gesi M., Giorgi F.S., Orzi F., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S. Time-course and dose-response study on the effects of chronic L-DOPA administration on striatal dopamine levels and dopamine transporter following MPTP toxicity. Brain Res., 2000, 887: 110-117.
26. Fornai F., Battaglia G., Gesi M., Orzi F., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S. Dose-dependent protective effects of apomorphine against methamphetamine-induced nigrostriatal damage. Brain Res., 2001, 898: 27-35.
27. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., Cespédes M.V, Galindo M. F., Ceña V, Sánchez-Prieto J., Gasparini F., Kuhn R., Flor P.J., Nicoletti F. An activity-dependent switch from facilitation to inhibition in the control of excitotoxicity by group-I metabotropic glutamate receptors. Eur. J. Neurosci., 2001, 13: 1469-1478.
28. Battaglia G., Bruno V., Pisani A., Centonze D., Catania M.V., Calabresi P., Nicoletti F. Selective blockade of type-I metabotropic glutamate receptors induces neuroprotection by enhancing GABAergic transmission. Mol. Cell. Neurosci., 2001, 17: 1071-1083.
29. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Copani A., D Onofrio M., Di Iorio P., De Blasi A., Melchiorri D., Flor J.P., Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes as targets for neuroprotective drugs. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab., 2001, 21: 1013-1033.
30. Flor P.J., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Gasparini F., Bruno V. Neuroprotective activity of metabotropic glutamate receptor ligands. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 2002, 513: 197-223.
31. Battaglia G., Fornai F., Busceti L.C., Aloisi G., Cerrito F., De Blasi A., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F. Selective blockade of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors is protective against methamphetamine neurotoxicity. J. Neurosci., 2002, 22: 2135-2141.
32. Battaglia G., Busceti L.C., Cuomo L., Giorgi S. F., Orzi F., De Blasi A., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S., Fornai F. Continuous subcutaneous infusion of apomorphine rescues nigro-striatal dopaminergic terminals following MPTP injection in mice. Neuropharmacology, 2002, 42: 367-373.
33. Besong G.*, Battaglia G.*, D Onofrio M.*, Di Marco R., Ngomba T.R., Storto M., Castiglione M., Mangano K., Busceti L.C., Nicoletti R.F., Bacon K., Tusche M., Valenti O., Conn J.P., Bruno V., Nicoletti F. Activation of group-III metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits the production of rantes in glial cell cultures. J. Neurosci., 2002, 22: 5403-5411. *co-first authors
34. Battaglia G., Gesi M., Lenzi P., Busceti L.C., Soldani P., Orzi F., Rampello L., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S., Fornai F. Morphological and biochemical evidence that apomorphine rescues striatal DA terminals and prevents methamphetamine toxicity. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 2002, 965: 254-266.
35. Picconi B., Pisani A., Centonze D., Battaglia G., Storto M., Nicoletti F., Bernardi G., Calabresi P. Striatal metabotropic glutamate receptor function following experimental parkinsonism and chronic levodopa treatment. Brain, 2002, 125: 2635-2645.
36. Copani A., Sortino M.A., Caricasole A., Chiechio S., Chisari M., Battaglia G., Giuffrida-Stella A.M., Vancheri C., Nicoletti F. Erratic expression of DNA polymerases by -amyloid causes neuronal death. FASEB J. 2002, 16:2006-2008.
37. Storto M., Ngomba T.R., Battaglia G., Freitas I., Griffino P., Richelmi P., Nicoletti F., Vairetti M. Selective blockade of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors is protective against acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in mice. J. Hepatol., 2003, 38: 179-187.
38. D Onofrio M., Arcella A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Ngomba T.R., Lombari V., Ragona G., Calogero A., Nicoletti F. Pharmacological blockade of mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptors reduces cell proliferation in cultured human glioma cells. J. Neurochem., 2003, 84: 1288-1295.
39. Scaccianoce S., Matrisciano F., Del Bianco P., Caricasole A., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Cappuccio I., Melchiorri D., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. Endogenous activation of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Neuropharmacology, 2003, 44: 555-561.
40. Battaglia G., Busceti L.C., Pontarelli F., Fornai F., Paparelli A., Bruno V., Ruggieri S., Nicoletti F. Protective role of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors against nigro-striatal degeneration induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in mice. Neuropharmacology, 2003, 45: 155-166.
41. Poli A., Beraudi A., Villani L., Storto M., Battaglia G., Di Giorgi Gerevini V., Cappuccio I., Caricasole A., D Onofrio M., Nicoletti F. Group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors regulate the vulnerability to hypoxic brain damage. J. Neurosci., 2003, 23: 6023-6029.
42. Battaglia G., Fornai F., Busceti L.C., Lembo G., Nicoletti F., De Blasi A. Alpha-1b adrenergic receptor knockout mice are protected against methamphetamine toxicity. J. Neurochem., 2003, 86: 413-421.
43. Maj M., Bruno V., Dragic Z., Battaglia G., Inderbitzin W., Stein T., Gasparini F., Kuhn R., van der Putten H., Nicoletti F., Flor J.P. (-)-PHCCC, a positive allosteric modulator selective for metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 4: pharmacological and molecular characterization. Neuropharmacology 2003, 45: 895-906.
44. Stocchi F., Vacca L., Grassini P., Battaglia G., Onofrj M., Valente M., Ruggieri S. Optimizing levodopa pharmacokinetics in Parkinson s disease: the role of COMT inhibitor. Neurol. Sci., 2003, 24: 217-218.
45. Fornai F., Lenzi P., Gesi M., Soldani P, Ferrucci M, Lazzeri G., Capobianco L., Battaglia G., De Blasi A., Nicoletti F., Paparelli A. Methamphetamine produces neuronal inclusions in the nigrostriatal system and in PC12 cells. J. Neurochem., 2004, 88: 114-123.
46. Battaglia G., Busceti L.C., Molinaro G., Biagioni F., Storto M., Fornai F., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Endogenous activation of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors contributes to the development of nigro-striatal damage induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in mice. J. Neurosci., 2004, 24: 828-835.
47. Storto M., Battaglia G., Gradini R., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Vairetti M.P. Mouse hepatocytes lacking mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors are less sensitive to hypoxic damage. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 2004, 497: 25-27.
48. Chandra S., Fornai F., Kwon H.B., Yazdani U., Atasoy D., Liu X., Hammer E.R., Battaglia G., German C.D., Castello E.P., Südhof C.T. Double knockout mice for - and -synucleins: effect on synaptic functions. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 2004, 101: 14966-14971.
49. Fornai F., Lenzi P., Gesi M., Ferrucci M., Lazzeri G., Capobianco L., De Blasi A., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S., Paparelli A. Similarities between methamphetamine toxicity and proteasome inhibition. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 2004, 1025: 162-170.
50. Fornai F., Gesi M., Lenzi P., Ferrucci M., Lazzeri G., Pizzanelli C., Pellegrini A., Battaglia G., Ruggieri S., Paparelli A. Effects of repeated low doses of MDMA on EEG activity and fluoro-jade B histochemistry. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 2004, 1025: 181-188.
51. Canudas A.M., DiGiorgi Gerevini V., Iacovelli L., D Onofrio M., Arcella A., Giangaspero F., Busceti C.L., RicciVitiani L., Battaglia G., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F. PHCCC, a specific enhancer of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptors, reduces proliferation and promotes differentiation of cerebellar granule cell neuroprecursors. J. Neurosci., 2004, 24: 10343-10352.
52. Fornai F., Schlüter O.M., Lenzi P., Gesi M., Ruffoli R., Ferrucci M., Lazzeri G., Busceti C.L., Pontarelli F., Battaglia G., Pellegrini A., Nicoletti F., Ruggieri S., Paparelli A., Südhof C.T. Parkinson-like syndrome induced by continuous MPTP infusion: convergent roles of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and -synuclein. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 2005, 102: 3413-3418.
53. Cappuccio I., Calderone A., Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Pontarelli F., Bruno V., Storto M., Calderone A., Terstappen G.T., Gaviraghi G., Fornai F., Battaglia G., Melchiorri D., Zukin S., Nicoletti F., Caricasole A. Induction of Dickkopf-1, a negative modulator of the Wnt pathway, is required for the development of ischemic neuronal death. J. Neurosci., 2005, 25: 2647-2657.
54. Rampello L., Alvano A., Battaglia G., Raffaele R., Vecchio I., Malaguarnera M. Different clinical and evolutional patterns in late idiopathic and vascular parkinsonism. J. Neurol., 2005, 252: 1045-1049.
55. Matrisciano F., Scaccianoce S., Del Bianco P., Panaccione I., Canudas A.M., Battaglia G., Riozzi B., Ngomba R.T., Molinaro G., Tatarelli R., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptors and neuroadaptation to antidepressants: imipramine-induced down-regulation of -adrenergic receptors in mice treated with mGlu2/3 receptor ligands. J. Neurochem., 2005, 93: 1345-1352.
56. Arcella A., Carpinelli G., Battaglia G., D Onofrio M., Santoro F., Ngomba T.R., Bruno V., Casolini P., Giangaspero F., Nicoletti F. Pharmacological blockade of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors reduces the growth of glioma cells in vivo. Neuro-Oncology, 2005, 7: 236-245.
57. Di Giorgi-Gerevini V., Melchiorri D., Battaglia G., Busceti L.C., Biagioni F., Ricci-Vitiani L., Iacovelli L., Canudas A.M., Bez A., Parati E., De Maria R., Nicoletti F. Endogenous activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors supports the proliferation and survival of neural stem cells. Cell Death Diff., 2005, 12: 1124-1133.
58. Caraci F., Chisari M., Frasca G., Canonico P.L., Battaglia A., Calafiore M., Battaglia G., Bosco P., Nicoletti F., Copani A., Sortino M.A. Nicergoline, a drug used for age-dependent cognitive impairment, protects cultured neurons against beta-amyloid toxicity. Brain Res. 2005, 1047: 30-37.
59. Ngomba R.T., Biagioni F., Casciato S., Willems-van Bree E., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., van Luijtelaar E.L.J.M. The preferential mGlu2/3 receptor antagonist, LY341495, reduces the frequency of spike-wave discharges in the WAG/Rij rat model of absence epilepsy. Neuropharmacology, 2005, 49: 89-103.
60. Conn J.P., Battaglia G., Marino M.J., Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptors in the basal ganglia motor circuit. Nat. Rev. Neurosci., 2005, 6: 787-798.
61. Cappuccio I., Spinsanti P., Porcellini A., Desiderati F., De Vita T., Storto M., Capobianco L., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D. Endogenous activation of mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors supports self-renewal of cultured mouse embryonic stem cells. Neuropharmacology, 2005, 49: 196-205.
62. Rampello L., Battaglia G., Raffaele R., Vecchio I., Alvano A. Is it safe to use antidepressants after a stroke? Expert Opin. Drug Saf., 2005, 4: 885-897.
63. Rampello L., Butta V., Raffaele R., Vecchio I., Battaglia G., Cormaci G., Alvano A. Progressive supranuclear palsy: a systematic review. Neurobiol. Dis., 2005, 20: 179-186.
64. Calafiore M., Battaglia G., Zappalà A., Trovato-Salinaro E., Caraci F., Caruso M., Vancheri C., Sortino M.A., Nicoletti F., Copani A. Progenitor cells from the adult mouse brain acquire a neuronal phenotype in response to -amyloid. Neurobiol. Aging, 2006, 27: 606-613.
65. Rampello L., Alvano A., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Raffaele R., Nicoletti F. Tic disorders: from pathophysiology to treatment. J. Neurol., 2006, 253: 1-15.
66. Storto M., Capobianco L., Battaglia G., Molinaro G., Gradini R., Riozzi B., Mitchel J.K., Bruno V., Vairetti M.P., Rutter G.Y., Nicoletti F. Insulin secretion is under the control of type-5 metabotropic glutamate receptors. Mol. Pharmacol., 2006, 69: 1234-1241.
67. Calò L., Cinque C., Patanè M., Schillaci D., Battaglia G., Melchiorri D., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Interaction between ephrins/Eph receptors and excitatory amino acid receptors: possible relevance in the regulation of synaptic plasticity and in the pathophysiology of neuronal degeneration. J. Neurochem., 2006, 98: 1-10.
68. Battaglia G., Busceti C.L., Molinaro G., Biagioni F., Traficante F., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Pharmacological activation of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptors reduces nigro-striatal degeneration in mice treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine. J. Neurosci., 2006, 26: 7222-7229.
69. Castri P., Busceti C., Battaglia G., Girardi F., Cavallari M., Orzi F., Fornai F. Protection by apomorphine in two independent models of acute inhibition of oxidative metabolism in rodents. Clin. Exp. Hypertens., 2006, 28: 387-94.
70. Iacovelli L., Arcella A., Battaglia G., Pazzaglia S., Aronica E., Spinsanti P., Caruso A., De Smaele E., Saran A., Gulino A., D Onofrio M., Giangaspero F., Nicoletti F. Pharmacological activation of mGlu4 metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibits the growth of medulloblastomas. J. Neurosci., 2006, 26: 8388-8397.
71. Stocchi F., Vacca L., Grassini P., De Pandis M.F., Battaglia G., Cattaneo C., Fariello R.G. Symptom relief in Parkinson disease by safinamide: Biochemical and clinical evidence of efficacy beyond MAO-B inhibition. Neurology, 67(7 Suppl 2): S24-29, 2006.
72. Biagioni F., Busceti C.L., Molinaro G., Battaglia G., Giorgi F.S., Ruggieri S., Fornai F. Dopamine stimulation via infusion in the lateral ventricle. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 2006, 1074: 337-343.
73. Giorgi F.S., di Poggio A.B., Battaglia G., Pellegrini A., Murri L., Ruggieri S., Paparelli A., Fornai F. A short overview on the role of alpha-synuclein and proteasome in experimental models of Parkinson's disease. J. Neural Transm. Suppl., 2006, 70: 105-109.
74. Battaglia G.*, Farrace M.G.*, Mastroberardino P.G., Viti I., Fimia G.M., Van Beeumen J., Devreese B., Molinaro G., Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Nicoletti F., Piacentini M. Transglutaminase 2 ablation leads to defective function of mitochondrial respiratory complex I affecting neuronal vulnerability in experimental models of extrapyramidal disorders. J. Neurochem., 2007, 100: 36-49. *co-first authors
75. Beraudi A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Rampello L., Nicoletti F., Poli A. Pharmacological activation of mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptors protects retinal neurons against anoxic damage in the goldfish carassius auratus. Exp. Eye Res., 2007, 84: 544-552.
76. Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Aronica E., Riozzi B., Storto M., Battaglia G., Giorgi F.S., Gradini R., Fornai F., Caricasole A., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Induction of the Wnt inhibitor, dickkopf-1, is associated with neurodegeneration related to temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2007, 48: 694-705.
77. Nicoletti F., Arcella A., Iacovelli L., Battaglia G., Gìangaspero F., Melchiorri D. Metabotropic glutamate receptors: new targets for the control of tumor growth? Trends Pharmacol, 2007, 28: 206-213.
78. Corti C*., Battaglia G.*, Molinaro G., Riozzi B., Pittaluga A., Corsi M., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. The use of knockout mice unravels distinct roles for mGlu2 and mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors in mechanisms of neurodegeneration/neuroprotection. J. Neurosci., 2007, 27: 8297-8308. *co-first authors
79. Nicoletti F., Battaglia G., Storto M., Ngomba R., Iacovelli L., Arcella A., Gradini R., Sale P., Rampello L., De Vita T., Di Marco R., Melchiorri D., Bruno V. Metabotropic glutamate receptors: beyond the regulation of synaptic transmission. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2007, 32: S40-S45
80. Traficante A., Riozzi B., Cannella M., Rampello L., Squitieri F., Battaglia G. Reduced activity of striatal glutamatergic fibres in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington s disease. NeuroReport, 2007, 18: 1997-2000.
81. Ngomba R.T., Ferraguti F., Badura A., Citraro R., Santolini I., Battaglia G., Bruno V., De Sarro G., Simonyi A., van Luijtelaar G., Nicoletti F. Selective activation of metabotropic glutamate 4 (mGlu4) receptors enhances spontaneous and evoked absence seizures. Neuropharmacology, 2008, 54: 344-354.
82. Matrisciano F., Zusso M., Panaccione I., Turriziani B., Caruso A., Iacovelli L., Noviello L., Togna G., Melchiorri D., Debetto P., Tatarelli R., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Giusti P., Girardi P. Synergism between fluoxetine and the mGlu2/3 receptor agonist, LY379268, in an in vitro model for antidepressant drug-induced neurogenesis. Neuropharmacology, 2008, 54: 428-437.
83. Molinaro G., Battaglia G., Riozzi B., Storto M., Fucile S., Eusebi F., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. GABAergic drugs become neurotoxic in cortical neurons pre-exposed to brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Mol. Cell. Neurosci., 2008, 37: 312-322.
84. Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Riozzi B., Battaglia G., Storto M., Cinque C., Molinaro G., Gradini R., Caricasole A., Canudas A.M., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Fornai F. Enhanced tau phosphorylation in the hippocampus of mice treated with 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine ( ecstasy ). J. Neurosci., 2008, 28: 3234-3245. Recensito in Nature Medicine, 2008, 14(5):492.
85. Sarichelou I., Cappuccio I., Ferranti F., Mosillo P., Ciceroni C., Sale P., Stocchi F., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D. Metabotropic glutamate receptors regulate differentiation of embryonic stem cells into GABAergic neurons. Cell Death Differ., 2008, 15: 700-707.
86. Caraci F., Battaglia G., Busceti C., Biagioni F., Mastroiacovo F., Bosco P., Drago F., Nicoletti F., Sortino M.A., Copani A. TGF-beta 1 protects against Abeta-neurotoxicity via the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathway. Neurobiol Dis., 2008, 30: 234-342.
87. Caraci F., Busceti C., Biagioni F., Aronica E., Mastroiacovo F., Cappuccio I., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Caricasole A., Nicoletti F., Copani A. The Wnt antagonist, Dickkopf-1, as a target for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. Neurochem. Res., 2008, 33: 2401-2406.
88. Messina S., Molinaro G., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Spinsanti P., Di Pardo A., Nicoletti F., Frati L., Porcellini A. Enhanced expression of Harvey ras induced by serum deprivation in cultured astrocytes. J. Neurochem., 2008, 106: 551-559.
89. Matrisciano F., Caruso A., Orlando R., Marchiafava M., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Gruber S.H.M., Melchiorri D., Tatarelli R., Girardi P., Mathè A.A., Nicoletti F. Defective group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors in the hippocampus of spontaneously depressed rats. Neuropharmacology, 2008, 55: 525-531.
90. Fazio F., Notartomaso S., Aronica E., Storto M., Battaglia G., Gatti S., Bruno V., Biagioni F., Gradini R., Nicoletti F., Di Marco R. Switch in the expression of mGlu1 and mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the cerebellum of mice developing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and in autoptic cerebellar samples from patients with multiple sclerosis. Neuropharmacology, 2008, 55: 491-499.
91. Ciceroni C., Arcella A., Mosillo P., Battaglia G., Mastrantoni E., Oliva M.A., Carpinelli G., Santoro F., Sale P., Ricci-Vitiani L., De Maria R., Pallini R., Giangaspero F., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D. Type-3 metabotropic glutamate receptors negatively modulate bone morphogenetic protein receptor signaling and support the tumourigenic potential of glioma-initiating cells. Neuropharmacology, 2008, 55: 568-576.
92. Musante V., Neri E., Feligioni M., Puliti A.M., Pedrazzi M., Conti V., Usai C., Diaspro A., Ravazzolo R., Henley J.M., Battaglia G., Pittaluga A. Presynaptic mGlu1 and mGlu5 autoreceptors facilitate glutamate exocytosis from mouse cortical nerve endings. Neuropharmacology, 2008, 55: 474-482
93. Mastroiacovo F., Busceti C.L., Biagioni F., Moyanova S.G., Meisler M.H., Battaglia G., Caricasole A., Bruno V., Nicoletti F. Induction of the Wnt antagonist, Dickkopf-1, contributes to the development of neuronal death in models of brain focal ischemia. J. Cereb. Blood. Flow. Metab., 2009, 29: 264-272.
94. Seeman P., Battaglia G., Corti C., Corsi M., Bruno V. Glutamate receptor mGlu2 and mGlu3 knockout striata are dopamine supersensitive, with elevated D2High receptors and marked supersensitivity to the dopamine agonist (+)PHNO. Synapse, 2009, 63: 247-251.
95. Rampello L., Battaglia G., Rampello L., Malaguarnera M. Bilateral benign blepharoclonus. Clin. Neurol. Neurosur., 2009, 111: 480-481.
96. Iacovelli L., Molinaro G., Battaglia G., Motolese M., Di Menna L., Alfiero M., Blahos J., Matrisciano F., Corsi M., Corti C., Bruno V., De Blasi A., Nicoletti F. Regulation of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors by G protein-coupled receptor kinases: mGlu2 receptors are resistant to homologous desensitization. Mol. Pharmacol., 2009, 75: 991-1003.
97. Molinaro G., Battaglia G., Riozzi B., Di Menna L., Rampello L., Bruno V., Nicoletti F. Memantine treatment reduces the expression of the K+/Cl- cotransporter KCC2 in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, and attenuates behavioural responses mediated by GABAA receptor activation in mice. Brain Res., 2009, 1265: 75-79.
98. Molinaro G., Traficante A., Riozzi B., Di Menna L., Curto M., Pallottino S., Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Battaglia G. Activation of mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptors negatively regulates the stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis mediated by 5-HT2A serotonin receptors in the frontal cortex of living mice. Mol. Pharmacol., 2009, 76: 379-387.
99. Battaglia G., Molinaro G., Riozzi B., Storto M., Busceti C.L., Spinsanti P., Bucci D., Di Liberto V., Mudò G., Corti C., Corsi M., Nicoletti F., Belluardo N., Bruno V. Activation of mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors enhances the production of glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor. Plos One, 2009, 4: e6591.
100. Piccinin S., Cinque C., Calò L., Molinaro G., Battaglia G., Maggi L., Nicoletti F., Melchiorri D., Eusebi F., Massey P., Bashir I.Z. Interaction between ephrins and mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the induction of long-term synaptic depression in the hippocampus. J. Neurosci., 2010, 30(8): 2835-2843.
101. Musante V., Summa M., Neri E., Puliti A., Godowicz TT., Severi P., Battaglia G., Raiteri M., Pittaluga A. The HIV-1 viral protein Tat increases glutamate and decreases GABA exocytosis from human and mouse neocortical nerve endings. Cereb. Cortex, 2010, 20: 1974-1984.
102. Chiechio S., Copani A., Zammataro M., Battaglia G., Gereau IV W.R., Nicoletti F. Transcriptional regulation of type-2 metabotropic glutamate receptors: an epigenetic path to novel treatments for chronic pain. Trends Pharmacol. Sci., 2010, 31: 153-60.
103. Molinaro G., Pietracupa S., Di Menna L., Pescatori L., Usiello A., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. D-aspartate activates mGlu receptors coupled to polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis in neonate rat brain slices. Neurosci. Lett., 2010, 478: 128-130.
104. Fallarino F., Volpi C., Fazio F., Notartomaso S., Vacca C., Busceti C.L., Bicciato S., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Puccetti P., Fioretti C.M., Nicoletti F., Grohmann U., Di Marco R. Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 impacts adaptive immunity restraining neuroinflammation. Nat. Med., 2010, 16: 897-902.
105. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. The advent of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of chronic autoimmune diseases. Neurol. Sci., 2011, 31 Suppl 3: 283-8.
106. Moyanova S., Mastroiacovo F., Kortenska L., Mitreva R., Fardone E., Santolini I., Sobrado M., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Ngomba T.R. Protective role for type-4 metabotropic glutamate receptors against ischemic brain damage. J. Cereb. Blood. Flow. Metab., 2011, 31: 1107-18.
107. Caraci F., Molinaro G., Battaglia G., Giuffrida M.L., Riozzi B., Traficante A., Bruno V., Cannella M., Merlo S., Wang X., Heinz B.A., Nisenbaum E.S., Britton T.C., Drago F., Sortino M.A., Copani A., Nicoletti F. Targeting group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors for the treatment of psychosis associated with Alzheimer s disease: dual activation of mGlu2 and mGlu3 receptors is neuroprotective, whereas selective activation of mGlu2 receptors amplifies -amyloid toxicity. Mol. Pharm., 2011, 79: 618-626.
108. Battaglia G., Cannella M., Riozzi B., Orobello S., Maat-Schieman M.L., Aronica E., Busceti C.L., Ciarmiello A., Sassone J., Ciammola A., Pouladi M.A., Hayden M.R., Sipione S., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Squitieri F. Early defect of transforming growth factor -1 formation in Huntington s disease. J. Cell. Mol. Med., 2011, 15: 555-571.
109. Matrisciano F., Busceti C.L., Bucci D., Orlando R.M., Caruso A., Molinaro G., Cappuccio I., Riozzi B., Gradini R., Caraci F., Copani A., Scaccianoce S., Melchiorri D., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. Induction of the Wnt antagonist, dickkopf-1, is required for stress-induced hippocampal damage in mice. PlosOne 2011, 6: e16447.
110. D Antoni S., Berretta A., Seminara G., Longone P., Giuffrida-Stella A.M., Battaglia G., Sortino M.A., Nicoletti F., Catania M.V. Pharmacological blockade of type-5 metabotropic glutamate receptors protects cultured spinal cord motor neurons against excitotoxic death. Neurobiol. Dis., 2011, 42: 252-264.
111. Ngomba R.T., Santolini I., Biagioni F., Molinaro G., Simonyi A., van Rijn C.M., D Amore V., Mastroiacovo F., Olivieri G., Gradini R., Ferraguti F., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Puliti A., van Luijtelaar G., Nicoletti F. Protective role for type-1 metabotropic glutamate receptors against spike and wave discharges in the WAG/Rij rat model of absence epilepsy. Neuropharmacology, 2011, 60: 1281-1291.
112. Caraci F., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Bosco P., Carbonaro V., Giuffrida M.L., Drago F., Sortino M.A, Nicoletti F., Copani A. TGF- 1 pathway as a new target for neuroprotection in Alzheimer s disease. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2011, 17: 237-249.
113. Ngomba R.T., Santolini I., Salt T., Ferraguti F., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Van Lujtelaar G. Metabotropic glutamate receptors as potential targets for the treatment of absence epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2011, 52: 1211-1222.
114. Berrade L., Aisa B., Ramirez M.J., Galiano S., Guccione S., Moltzau L.R., Levy F.O., Nicoletti F., Battaglia G., Molinaro G., Aldana I., Monge A., Perez-Silanes S. Novel benzo[b]thiophene derivatives as new potential antidepressants with rapid onset of action. J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54: 3086-90.
115. Rampello L., Casolla B., Rampello L., Pignatelli M., Battaglia G., Gradini R., Orzi F., Nicoletti F. The conditioned eyeblink reflex: a potential tool for the detection of cerebellar dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. Mult. Scler., 2011, 17: 1155-61.
116. Spampinato S.F., Molinaro G., Merlo S., Iacovelli L., Caraci F., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Sortino M.A. Estrogen receptors and type-1 metabotropic glutamate receptors are interdependent in protecting cortical neurons agains -amyloid toxicity. Mol. Pharmacol., 2012, 81: 12-20.
117. Fazio F., Lionetto L., Molinaro G., Bertrand H.O., Acher F., Ngomba R.T., Notartomaso S., Curini M., Rosati O., Scarselli P., Di Marco R., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Simmaco M., Pin J.P, Nicoletti F., Goudet C. Cinnabarinic acid, an endogenous metabolite of the kynurenine pathway, activates type-4 metabotropic glutamate receptors. Mol. Pharmacol., 2012, 81: 643-56.
118. Caraci F., Spampinato S., Sortino M.A., Bosco P., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Drago F., Nicoletti F., Copani A. Dysfunction of TGF- 1 signaling in Alzheimer's disease: perspectives for neuroprotection. Cell Tissue Res. 2012, 347: 291-301.
119. Caraci F., Battaglia G., Sortino M.A., Spampinato S., Molinaro G., Copani A., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors in neurodegeneration/neuroprotection: still a hot topic? Neurochem. Int. 2012, 61: 559-565.
120. Busceti C.L., Bucci D., Molinaro G., Paola Di Pietro, Zangrandi L., Gradini R., Rosario Moratalla, Battaglia G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Fornai F. Lack or inhibition of dopaminergic stimulation induces a developmental increase of striatal tyrosine hydroxylase-positive interneurons. PlosOne, 2012, 7: e44025.
121. Rampello L, Malaguarnera M, Rampello L, Nicoletti G, Battaglia G. Stabbing headache in patients with autoimmune disorders. Clin Neurol Neurosurg., 2012, 114: 751-3.
122. Bernabucci M., Notartomaso S., Zappulla C., Fazio F., Cannella M., Motolese M., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Gradini R., Nicoletti F. N-Acetyl-cysteine causes analgesia by reinforcing the endogenous activation of type-2 metabotropic glutamate receptors. Mol. Pain, 2012, 8: 77.
123. Spampinato S.F., Merlo S., Molinaro G., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Sortino M.A. Dual effect of estrogen on NMDA-induced neuronal death: involvement of metabotropic glutamate receptor. Endocrinology, 2012, 153: 5940-8.
124. Amalric M., Lopez S., Goudet C., Fisone G., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Pin J.-P., Acher F.C. Group III metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists: discovery and pathophysiological applications in Parkinson s disease. Neuropharmacology, 2013, 66: 53-64.
125. Panaccione I., King R., Molinaro G., Riozzi B., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Bashir I.Z. Constitutively active PKMzeta: an essential regulator of synaptic transmission in developing cerebral cortex. Neuropharmacology 2013, 66: 143-150.
126. Pignatelli M., Vollmayr B., Richter S.H., Middei S., Matrisciano F., Molinaro G., Nasca C., Battaglia G., Ammassari-Teule M., Nisticò R., Nicoletti F., Gass P. Enhanced mGlu5-receptor dependent long-term depression at the schaffer collateral-ca1 synapse of congenitally learned helpless rats. Neuropharmacology, 2013, 66: 339-347.
127. Nasca C., Orlando R., Marchiafava M., Boldrini P., Battaglia G., S. Scaccianoce, Matrisciano F., Pittaluga A., Nicoletti F. Exposure to predator odor and resultant anxiety enhances the expression of the 2 subunit of voltage-sensitive calcium channels in the amygdala. J. Neurochem., 2013, 125: 649-56.
128. Pieretti S., Mastriota M., Tucci P., Battaglia G., Trabace L., Nicoletti F., Scaccianoce S. Brain nerve growth factor unbalance induced by anabolic androgenic steroids in rat. Med. Sci. Sports Exer., 2013, 45: 29-35.
129. Ciceroni C., Bonelli M., Mastrantoni E., Niccolini C., Laurenza M., Traficante A., Spinsanti P., Ricci-Vitiani L., Arcella A., De Maria R., Nicoletti F., Battaglia G.*, Melchiorri D*. Type-3 metabotropic glutamate receptors regulate chemoresistance in glioma stem cells, and their levels are inversely related to survival in patients with malignant gliomas. Cell Death Diff., 2013, 20: 396-407. *co-last author.
130. Di Menna L., Molinaro G., Di Nuzzo L., Zappulla C., Pozzilli C., Turrini R., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Activation of type-1 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors is protective against excitotoxiC neuronal death in culture. Pharmacol. Res., 2013, 67: 1-9.
131. Romanelli P., Battaglia G., Bräuer-Krisch E., Prezado Y., Requardt H., Anschel D.J., Le Duc G., Fardone E., Bravin A. Synchrotron-generated microbeam sensorimotor cortex transections induce seizure control without disruption of neurological functions. PlosOne, 2013, 8: e53549.
132. Nasca C., Xenos D., Barone Y., Caruso A., Scaccianoce S., Matrisciano F., Battaglia G., Mathé A., Pittaluga A., Nicoletti F. The acetylating drug, l-acetylcarnitine, induces a rapid and long-lasting antidepressant effect involving the induction of type-2 metabotropic glutamate receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2013, 110: 4804-9.
133. Cartelli D., Casagrande F., Busceti C.L., Bucci D., Molinaro G., Traficante A., Passarella D., Giavini E., Pezzoli G., Battaglia G.*, Cappelletti G*. Microtubules occur early in experimental parkinsonism and the microtubule stabilizer epothilone D is neuroprotective. Sci. Rep., 2013, 3: 1837. *Co-last authors.
134. Macaluso A., Bernabucci M., Trabucco A., Ciolli L., Troisi F., Baldini R., Gradini R., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Collini S. Analgesic effect of a single preoperative dose of the antibiotic, ceftriaxone, in humans. J. Pain, 2013, 14: 604-12.
135. Marrocco J., Mairesse J., Bucci D., Lionetto L., Battaglia G., Consolazione M., Ravasi L., Simmaco M., Morley-Fletcher S., Maccari S., Nicoletti F. Early life stress causes refractoriness to haloperidol-induced catalepsy. Mol. Pharmacol., 2013, 84: 244-51.
136. Di Pardo A., Alberti S., Maglione V., Amico E., Cortes E.P., Elifani F., Concetti F., Battaglia G., Busceti C.L., Nicoletti F., Vonsattel J.P.G., Squitieri F. Peripheral changes of TGF- 1 mediated by macrophages are stage-dependent in Huntington disease. Mol. Brain, 2013, 6: 55.
137. Notartomaso S., Zappulla C., Biagioni F., Cannella M., Bucci D., Mascio G., Scarselli P., Fazio F., Weisz F., Lionetto L, Simmaco M., Gradini R., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. Pharmacological enhancement of mGlu1 metabotropic glutamate receptors causes a prolonged symptomatic benefit in a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 1. Mol. Brain, 2013, 6: 48.
138. Pignatelli M., Piccinin S., Molinaro G., Di Menna L., Riozzi B., Cannella M., Motolese M., Vetere G., Catania M.V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Nisticò R., Bruno V. Changes in mGlu5 receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity and coupling to homer proteins in the hippocampus of Ube3A hemizygous mice modeling Angelman syndrome. J. Neurosci., 2014, 34: 4558-66.
139. Bhouri M., Farrow P.A., Motee A., Yan X., Battaglia G., Di Menna L., Riozzi B., Nicoletti F., Fitzjohn S.M., Bashir Z.I. mGlu1 receptor-induced LTD of NMDA receptor transmission selectively at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses mediates metaplasticity. J. Neurosci., 2014, 34: 12223-9.
140. Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Ngomba R.T., Gradini R., Battaglia G. Metabotropic glutamate receptors as drug targets: what s new? Curr. Opin. Pharmacol., 2015, 20: 89-94.
141. Battaglia G., Riozzi B., Molinaro G., Bucci D., Di Menna L., Pallottino S., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Activation of mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors enhances GDNF and GLT-1 formation in the spinal cord and rescues motor neurons in the SOD-1 mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurobiol. Dis., 2015, 74: 126-136.
142. Cannella M., Motolese M., Bucci D., Molinaro G., Gradini R., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Battaglia G. Changes in the expression of genes encoding for mGlu4 and mGlu5 receptors and other regulators of the indirect pathway in acute mouse models of drug-induced parkinsonism. Neuropharmacology, 2015, 95: 50-58.
143. Fratini M., Bukreeva I., Campi G., Brun F., Tromba G., Modregger P., Bucci D., Battaglia G., Spadon R., Mastrogiacomo M., Requard H., Giove F., Bravin A., Cedola A. Simultaneous 3D imaging of micro-vascular network and neuronal system of spinal cord by X-ray phase-tomography. Sci. Rep., 2015, 5: 8514.
144. Di Nuzzo L., Orlando R.M., Tognoli C., Di Pietro P., Bertini G., Miele J., Bucci D., Motolese M., Scaccianoce S., Caruso A., Mauro G., De Lucia C., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Fabene P.F., Nicoletti F. Antidepressant activity of fingolimod in mice. Pharm. Res. Per., 2015, 3: e00135.
145. Truini A., Piroso, S., Pasquale E., Notartomaso S., Di Stefano G., Lattanzi R., Battagia G., Nicoletti F., Cruccu G. N-acetyl-cysteine, a drug that enhances the endogenous activation of group-II metabotropic glutamate receptors, inhibits nociceptive transmission in humans. Mol. Pain, 2015, 11: 14.
146. Busceti C.L., Di Pietro P., Riozzi B., Traficante A., Biagioni F., Nisticò R., Fornai F., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Bruno V. Rave-like conditions cause a serotonin-dependent impairment of hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Pharmacol. Res., 2015, 99: 258-268.
147. Romanelli P., Fardone E., Bucci D., Battaglia G., Bräuer-Krisch E., Requardt H., Le Duc G., Bravin A. Microradiosurgical cortical transections generated by synchrotron radiation. Phys. Med., 2015, 31: 642-646.
148. Giuffrida M.L., Tomasello M.F., Caraci F., Pandini G., Battaglia G., Busceti C., Di Pietro P., Pappalardo G., Attanasio F., Chiechio S., Bagnoli S., Nacmias B., Sorbi S., Vigneri R., Rizzarelli E., Nicoletti F., Copani A. Monomeric -amyloid interact with type-1 insulin-like growth factor receptors to provide energy supply to neurons. Front. Neurosci., 2015, 9: 297.
149. Motolese M., Mastroiacovo F., Cannella M., Bucci D., Gaglione A., Riozzi B., Lutjens R, Poli M.S., Celanire S., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. Targeting type-2 metabotropic glutamate receptors to protect vulnerable hippocampal neurons against ischemic damage. Mol. Brain, 2015, 8: 66.
150. Fazio F., Lionetto L., Curto M., Iacovelli L., Cavallari M., Zappulla C., Ulivieri M., Napoletano F., Capi M., Corigliano V., Scaccianoce S., Caruso A., Miele J., De Fusco A., Di Menna L., Comparelli A., De Carolis A., Nisticò R., De Blasi A., Girardi P., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Simmaco M¬. Serum levels of xanthurenic acid, an endogenous activator of mGlu2/3 metabotropic glutamate receptors, as a trait marker for schizophrenia. Sci. Rep., 2015, 5: 17799.
151. Romano M.R., Di Menna L., Scarselli P., Mascio G., Madonna M., Notartomaso S., Puliti A.M., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. Type-1, but not type-5, metabotropic glutamate receptors are coupled to polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis in the retina. Neurochem. Res., 2016, 41: 924-932.
152. Iacovelli L., Di Menna L., Peterlik D., Stangl C., Orlando R., Molinaro G., De Blasi A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Flor J. P., Uschold-Schmidt N., Nicoletti F. Type-7 metabotropic glutamate receptors negatively regulate 1-adrenergic receptor signalling. Neuropharmacology, 2017, 113: 343-353.
153. Bukreeva I., Campi G., Fratini M., Spanò R., Bucci D., Battaglia G., Giove F., Bravin A. Mastrogiacomo M., Cedola A. Quantitative 3D investigation of Neuronal network in healthy mouse spinal cord model. Sci. Rep., 2017, 7: 41054.
154. Busceti C.L., Marchitti S., Bianchi F., Di Pietro P., Riozzi B., Stanzione R., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Volpe M., Fornai F., Rubattu S., Nicoletti F. Dickkopf-3 upregulates VEGF in cultured human endothelial cells by activating type-I TGF- receptors. Front. Pharmacol., 2017, 8: 111.
155. Mango D., Braksator E., Battaglia G., Mercuri N.B., Bashir Z.I., Nicoletti F., Nisticò R. Acid-sensing ion channel 1a is required for mGlu receptor dependent long-term depression in the hippocampus. Pharmacol. Res. 2017, 119: 12-19.
156. Fazio F., Lionetto L., Curto M., Iacovelli L., Copeland C.S., Neale S.A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Salt T.E., Nicoletti F. Cinnabarinic acid and xanthurenic acid: Two kynurenine metabolites that interact with metabotropic glutamate receptors. Neuropharmacology, 2017, 112: 365-372.
157. Bruno V., Caraci F., Copani A., Matrisciano F., Nicoletti F., Battaglia G. Metabotropic glutamate receptors and neurodegeneration/neuroprotection: the dark side in the development of new symptomatic treatments for neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Neuropharmacology, 2017, 115: 180-192.
158. Notartomaso S., Mascio G., Scarselli P., Martinello K., Fucile S., Gradini R., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. Expression of the K+/Cl- cotransporter, KCC2, in cerebellar Purkinje cells is regulated by group-I metabotropic glutamate receptors. Neuropharmacology, 2017, 115: 51-59.
159. Notartomaso S., Mascio G., Bernabucci M., Zappulla C., Scarselli P., Cannella M., Imbriglio T., Gradini R., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F. Analgesia induced by the epigenetic drug, l-acetylcarnitine, outlasts the end of treatment in mouse models of chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain. Mol. Pain, 2017, 13: 1744806917697009.
160. Font J., López-Cano M., Notartomaso S., Scarselli P., Di Pietro P., Bresolí-Obach R., Battaglia G., Malhaire F., Rovira X., Catena J., Giraldo J., Pin J.P., Fernández-Dueñas V., Goudet C., Nonell S., Nicoletti F., Llebaria A., Ciruela F. Optical control of pain in vivo with a photoactive mGlu5 receptor negative allosteric modulator. ELife, 2017, 6: e23545.
161. Fazio F., Carrizzo A., Lionetto L., Damato A., Capocci L., Ambrosio M.T., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Madonna M., Simmaco M., Nicoletti F., Vecchione C. Vasorelaxing action of the kynurenine metabolite, xanthurenic acid: the missing link in endotoxin-induced hypotension? Front. Pharmacol., 2017, 8: 214.
162. Celli R., Santolini I., Guiducci M., van Luijtelaar G., Parisi P., Striano P., Gradini R., Battaglia G., Ngomba R.T., Nicoletti F. The 2 subunit and absence epilepsy: beyond calcium channels? Curr. Neuropharmacol., 2017, 15: 918-925.
163. Mastroiacovo F., Moyanova S., Cannella M., Gaglione A., Verhaeghe R., Bozza G., Madonna M., Motolese M., Traficante A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Lodge D., Nicoletti F. Genetic deletion of mGlu2 metabotropic glutamate receptors improves the short-term outcome of cerebral transient focal ischemia. Mol. Brain, 2017, 10: 39.
164. Liberatore L., Bucci D., Mascio G., Madonna M., Beneventano M., Puliti A.M., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Romano M.R. Pharmacological blockade of mGlu1 metabotropic glutamate receptors is protective against excitotoxic retinal degeneration. Neuroscience, 2017, 363: 142-149.
165. Miele E., Valente S., Alfano V., Silvano M., Mellini P., Borovika D., Marrocco B., Po A., Mersini Besharat Z., Battaglia G., Abballe L., Zwergel C., Stazi G., Tafani M., Trapencieris P., Mai A., Ferretti E. The histone methyltransferase EZH2 as a druggable target in SHH medulloblastoma cancer stem cells. Oncotarget, 2017, 8: 68557-68570.
166. Santolini I., Celli R., Cannella M., Imbriglio T., Guiducci M., Parisi P., Schubert J., Iacomino M., Zara F., Lerche H., Euroepinomics Cogie Consortium, Genetic Commission Of Italian League Against Epilepsy (LICE), Ngomba R.T., Van Luijtelaar G., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Striano P., Nicoletti F. Alterations in the 2 ligand, thrombospondin-1, in a rat model of spontaneous absence epilepsy and in patients with idiopathic/genetic generalyzed epilepsies. Epilepsia, 2017, 58: 1993-2001.
167. Fardone E., Bravin A., Bräuer-Krisch E., Requardt H., Bucci D., Leclec h C., Le Duc G., Battaglia G., Romanelli P. Rat sensorimotor cortex tolerance to parallel transections induced by synchrotron-generated X ray microbeams. Sci. Rep., 2017, 7: 14290.
168. Olivero G., Bonfiglio T, Vergassola M., Usai C., Riozzi B., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Pittaluga A. Immuno-pharmacological characterization of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors controlling glutamate exocytosis in mouse cortex and spinal cord. Br. J. Pharmacol., 2017, 174: 4785-4796.
169. Di Menna L., Joffe M.E., Iacovelli L., Orlando R., Lindsley C.W., Mairesse J., Gressèns P., Cannella M., Caraci F., Copani A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Conn P.J., Nicoletti F. Functional partnership between mGlu3 and mGlu5 metabotropic glutamate receptors in neurons. Neuropharmacology, 2018, 128: 301-313.
170. Fardone E., Bravin A., Pouyatos B., Bräuer-Krisch E., Requardt H., Le Clec h C., Bucci D., Battaglia G., Le Duc G., Romanelli P. Synchrotron-generated microbeams induce hippocampal transections in rats. Sci. Rep., 2018, 8: 184.
171. Nardecchia F., Orlando R., Iacovelli L., Colamartino M., Fiori E., Leuzzi V., Piccinin S., Nistico R., Puglisi-Allegra S., Di Menna L., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Pascucci T. Targeting mGlu5 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors in the Treatment of Cognitive Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Phenylketonuria. Front. Neurosci. 2018, 12: 154.
172. Battaglia G., Bruno V. Metabotropic glutamate receptors involvement in the pathophysiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: new potential drug targets for therapeutic applications. Curr. Opin. Pharmacol., 2018, 38: 65-71.
173. Barbone G.E., Bravin A., Romanelli P., Mittone A., Bucci D., Gaa T., Le Duc G., Auweter S., Reiser M., Kraiger M.J., Hrab de Angelis M., Battaglia G., Coan P. Micro-imaging of brain cancer radiotherapy using phase-contrast computed tomography. Int. J. Rad. Onc. Biol. Phys., 2018, 101: 965-984.
174. Morley-Fletcher S., Zuena A.R., Mairesse J., Gatta E., Van Camp G., Bouwalerh H., Riozzi B., Battaglia G., Pittaluga A., Olivero G., Mocaer E., Bretin S., Nicoletti F., Maccari S. Reduced glutamate release is predictive of cognitive and emotional alterations, corrected by S 47445, a positive AMPA receptor modulator, in rats with perinatal stress. Neuropharmacology, 2018, 135: 284-296.
175. Zuena A.R., Iacovelli L., Orlando R., Di Menna L., Casolini P., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. In vivo non-radioactive assessment of mglu5 receptor-activated polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis in response to systemic administration of a positive allosteric modulator. Front. Pharmacol., 2018, 9: 804.
176. Moyanova S, De Fusco A, Santolini I, Celli R, Bucci D, Mastroiacovo F, Battaglia G, Nicoletti F, Tchekalarova J. Abnormal Hippocampal Melatoninergic System: A Potential Link between Absence Epilepsy and Depression-Like Behavior in WAG/Rij Rats? Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2018, 19(7).
177. Busceti C.L., Di Menna L., Bianchi F., Mastroiacovo F., Di Pietro P., Traficante A., Niehrs C., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Fornai F., Volpe M., Rubattu S., Nicoletti F. Dickkopf3 causes neuroprotection by inducing vascular endothelial growth factor. Front. Cell. Neurosci., 2018, 12: 292.
178. Papale M., Ferretti E., Battaglia G., Mai A., Tafani M. EZH2, HIF-1and their inhibitors: an overview on pediatric cancers. Front. Pediatr., 2018, 12: 292.
179. Fazia T., Pastorino R., Notartomaso S., Busceti C., Imbriglio T., Cannella M., Gentilini D., Morani G., Ticca A., Bitti P, Berzuini C., Dalmay T, Battaglia G., Bernardinelli L. Acid Sensing Ion Channel 2: a new potential player in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis. Eur. J. Neurosci., 2019, 49: 1233-1243.
180. Murat S., Bigot M., Chapron J., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Bourinet E., Bockaert J., Marin P., Vandermoere F. 5-HT2A receptor-dependent phosphorylation of mGlu2 receptor at Serine 843 promotes mGlu2 receptor-operated Gi/o signaling. Mol. Psych., 2019, 24: 1610-1626.
181. Nicoletti F., Orlando R., Di Menna L., Cannella M., Notartomaso S., Mascio G., Iacovelli L., Matrisciano F., Fazio F., Caraci F., Copani A., Battaglia G., Bruno V. Targeting mGlu receptors for optimization of antipsychotic activity and disease-modifying effect in schizophrenia. Front. Psych., 2019, 10:49.
182. Imbriglio T., Verhaeghe R., Martinello K., Pascarelli M.T., Chece G., Bucci D., Notartomaso S., Quattromani M., Mascio G., Scalabrì F., Simeone A., Maccari S., Del Percio C., Wieloch T., Fucile S., Babiloni C., Battaglia G., Limatola C., Nicoletti F., Cannella M. Developmental abnormalities in cortical GABAergic system in mice lacking mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors. FASEB J., 2019, 33: 14204-14220.
183. Notartomaso S., Scarselli P., Mascio G., Liberatore F., Mazzon E., Mammana S., Gugliandolo A., Cruccu G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Battaglia G. N-Acetylcysteine causes analgesia in a mouse model of painful diabetic neuropathy. Mol. Pain, 2020, 16: 1744806920904292.
184. Lombardo S.D., Battaglia G., Petralia M.C., Mangano K., Basile M.S., Bruno V., Fagone P., Bella R., Nicoletti F., Cavalli E. Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Abnormal Expression of Prion Disease Gene Pathway in Brains from Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Brain Sci., 2020, 10(4).
185. Cavalli E., Battaglia G., Basile M.S., Bruno V., Petralia M.C., Lombardo S.D., Pennisi M., Kalfin R., Tancheva L., Fagone P., Nicoletti F., Mangano K. Exploratory Analysis of iPSCS-Derived Neuronal Cells as Predictors of Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer Disease. Brain Sci., 2020, 10(3).
186. Basile M.S., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Mangano K., Fagone P., Petralia M.C., Nicoletti F., Cavalli E. The Dichotomic Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Neurodegeneration. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2020, 21: 3023.
187. Ulivieri M., Wiero ska J.M., Lionetto L, Martinello K., Cieslik P., Chocyk A., Curto M., Di Menna L., Iacovelli L., Traficante A., Liberatore F., Mascio G., Antenucci N., Giannino G., Vergassola M., Pittaluga A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Fucile S., Simmaco M., Nicoletti F., Pilc A., Fazio F. The trace kynurenine, cinnabarinic acid, displays potent antipsychotic-like activity in mice and its levels are reduced in the prefrontal cortex of individuals affected by schizophr. Schizophr. Bull., 2020, 46: 1471-1481.
188. Palomba L., Motta A., Imperatore R., Piscitelli F., Capasso R., Mastroiacovo F., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Cristino L., Di Marzo V. Role of 2-Arachidonoyl-Glycerol and CB1 Receptors in Orexin-A-Mediated Prevention of Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation-Induced Neuronal Injury. Cells, 2020, 9: 1507.
189. Busceti C.L., Cotugno M., Bianchi F., Forte M., Stanzione R., Marchitti S., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Fornai F., Rubattu S. Brain Overexpression of Uncoupling Protein-2 (UCP2) Delays Renal Damage and Stroke Occurrence in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2020, 21: E4289.
190. Petralia M.C., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Pennisi M., Mangano K., Lombardo S.D., Fagone P., Cavalli E., Saraceno A., Nicoletti F., Basile M.S. The Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Alzheimer's Disease: Conventionally Pathogenetic or Unconventionally Protective? Molecules, 2020, 25: 291.
191. Lazarevic M., Battaglia G., Jevti B., Edovi N., Bruno V., Cavalli E., Miljkovi D., Nicoletti F., Momclinovic M., Fagone P. Upregulation of Tolerogenic Pathways by the Hydrogen Sulfide Donor GYY4137 and Impaired Expression of H2S-Producing Enzymes in Multiple Sclerosis. Antioxidants, 2020, 9:608.
192. Marrocco J., Verhaeghe R., Bucci D., Di Menna L., Traficante A., Bouwalerh H., Van Camp G., Ghiglieri V., Picconi B., Calabresi P., Ravasi L., Cisani F., Bagheri F., Pittaluga A., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Morley-Fletcher S., Nicoletti F., Maccari S. Maternal stress programs accelerated aging of the basal ganglia motor system in offspring. Neurobiol. Stress, 2020, 13: 100265.
193. Mascio G., Bucci D., Notartomaso S., Liberatore F., Antenucci N., Scarselli P., Imbriglio T., Caruso S., Gradini R., Cannella M., Di Menna L., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. Perineuronal nets are under the control of type-5 metabotropic glutamate receptors in the developing somatosensory cortex. Transl. Psychiatry, 2021, 11:109.
194. Imbriglio T., Verhaeghe R., Antenucci N., Maccari S., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Cannella M. Developmental up-regulation of NMDA receptors in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of mGlu5 receptor knock-out mice. Mol. Brain, 2021, 14(1): 77.
195. Di Menna L., Busceti C.L., Ginerete R.P., D'Errico G., Orlando R., Alborghetti M., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Fornai F., Leoni L., Rampioni G., Visca P., Monn J.A., Nicoletti F. The bacterial quorum sensing molecule, 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4-quinolone (PQS), inhibits signal transduction mechanisms in brain tissue and is behaviorally active in mice. Pharmacol. Res., 2021, 170: 105691.
196: Busceti C.L., Ginerete R.P., Di Menna L., D'Errico G., Cisani F., Di Pietro P., Imbriglio T., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Fornai F., Monn J.A., Pittaluga A., Nicoletti F. Behavioural and biochemical responses to methamphetamine are differentially regulated by mGlu2 and mGlu3 metabotropic glutamate receptors in male mice. Neuropharmacology, 2021, 96: 108692.
197: Mastroiacovo F., Zinni M., Mascio G., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Pansiot J., Imbriglio T., Mairesse J., Baud O., Nicoletti F. Genetic Deletion of mGlu3 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Amplifies Ischemic Brain Damage and Associated Neuroinflammation in Mice. Front Neurol., 2021, 12: 668877.
198: Milella M.S., Sansone A., Basili S., Battaglia G., La Torre G., Ferketich A.K., Grassi M.C. E-learning course improves knowledge in tobacco dependence, electronic nicotine delivery systems and heat-not-burn products in Medical School students. Clin Ter., 2021, 172(5): 427-434.
199: Ginerete R.P., Mascio G., Liberatore F., Bucci D., Antenucci N., Di Pietro P., Cannella M., Imbriglio T., Notartomaso S., Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Battaglia G. Repeated episodes of transient reduction of oxygen exposure simulating aircraft cabin conditions enhance resilience to stress in mice. Eur. J. Neurosci., 2021, 54(9): 7109-7124.
200: Mascio G., Notartomaso S., Martinello K., Liberatore F., Bucci D., Imbriglio T., Cannella M., Antenucci N., Scarselli P., Lattanzi R., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Fucile S., Battaglia G. A Progressive Build-up of Perineuronal Nets in the Somatosensory Cortex Is Associated with the Development of Chronic Pain in Mice. J. Neurosci., 2022, 42(14): 3037-3048.
201: Orlando R., Ginerete R.P., Cavalleri L., Aliperti V., Imbriglio T., Battaglia G., Zuena A.R., Nicoletti F., Merlo Pich E., Collo G. Synergic action of L-acetylcarnitine and L-methylfolate in Mouse Models of Stress-Related Disorders and Human iPSC-Derived Dopaminergic Neurons. Front. Pharmacol., 2022, 13: 913210.
202: Notartomaso S., Boccella S., Antenucci N., Ricciardi F., Fazio F., Liberatore F., Scarselli P., Scioli M., Mascio G., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Maione S., Luongo L. Analgesic Activity of Cinnabarinic Acid in Models of Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain. Front. Mol. Neurosci., 2022, 15: 892870.
203: Barbone G.E., Bravin A., Mittone A., Pacureanu A., Mascio G., Di Pietro P., Kraiger M.J., Eckermann M., Romano M., Hrabě de Angelis M., Cloetens P., Bruno V., Battaglia G., Coan P. X-ray multiscale 3D neuroimaging to quantify cellular aging and neurodegeneration postmortem in a model of Alzheimer's disease. Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging, 2022, 49(13): 4338-4357.
204: Liberatore F., Antenucci N., Tortolani D., Mascio G., Fanti F., Sergi M., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Nicoletti F., Maccarrone M., Notartomaso S. Targeting mGlu1 Receptors in the Treatment of Motor and Cognitive Dysfunctions in Mice Modeling Type 1 Spinocerebellar Ataxia. Cells, 2022, 11(23): 3916.
205: Celli R., Striano P., Citraro R., Di Menna L., Cannella M., Imbriglio T., Koko M., Euro Epinomics-Cogie Consortium, De Sarro G., Monn J.A., Battaglia G., Luijtelaar G.V., Nicoletti F., Russo E., Leo A. mGlu3 Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors as a Target for the Treatment of Absence Epilepsy: Preclinical and Human Genetics Data. Curr. Neuropharmacol., 2023, 21(1): 105-118.

Book Chapters
1. Nicoletti F., Aronica E., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Casabona G., Catania M.V., Copani A., Genazzani A.A., L Episcopo M.R., Condorelli D.F. Plasticity of metabotropic glutamate receptors in physiological and pathological conditions. In: Metabotropic glutamate receptors (P.J. Conn and Patel Eds.) Humana Press, 1994, pp 243-269. (ISBN: 0896032914)
2. Nicoletti F., Battaglia G., Bruno V., Casabona G., Copani A., Musco S. Metabotropic glutamate receptors and cerebaral cortex. In: Excitatory Amino Acids and the Cerebral Cortex. (F. Conti and T. P. Hicks Eds.) The MIT Press, London, 1996, pp 73-78. (ISBN: 0262032384)
3. Bruno V., Copani A., Battaglia G., Casabona G., Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptors as a drug target in brain ischemia. In: Primer in Cerebrovascular Diseases. (Welch K. M. A., Caplan R. L., Reis J. D., Siesjö K. B. and Weir B. Eds.) Academic Press, New York, 1996, pp. 199-200 (ISBN: 0127431705)
4. Battaglia G., Perry W.K., Monn A.J., Schoepp D.D. Inhibition of glutamate and aspartate release in vivo by (2R,4R)-4-aminopyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylate, a selective agonist of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors. In: Metabotropic glutamate receptors and brain function, (Moroni F., Nicoletti F. and Pellegrini-Giampietro D. E., Eds.), Portland Press Proceedings, London, 1998, pp 235-241. (ISBN: 1855781174)
5. Flor J.P., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F., Gasparini F., Bruno V. Neuroprotective activity of metabotropic glutamate receptor ligands. In: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Neuroprotection in the CNS. Edited by C. Alzheimer, Kiel, Germany, 2002. (ISBN: 158706104X)
6. Bruno V., Battaglia G., Nicoletti F. Metabotropic glutamate receptors and neurodegeneration. In: Excitotoxicity in neurological diseases, new therapeutic challange. Edited by Carlo Ferrarese and M. Flint Beal, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, USA, 2004. (ISBN: 1402076800).
7. Nicoletti F., Bruno V., Battaglia G. Metabotropic glutamate receptors: molecular biology, pharmacology and cell biology. In: Larry R. Squire, Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Academic Press, Oxford, 2009. (ISBN: 0080450466).

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