Associate professor



- Architect since 1981, founder and associate until 2017 with Massimo Sacchi and Sergio Gianoli in "SBG Architetti," Milan, Italy.
Has designed and built housing, sports facilities, public spaces, (
- Associate Professor of Architectural Composition at Politecnico di Milano Department ABC,
teaches Architectural Design at the Master's degree program in Construction Architecture.
- Gold Medal of Italian Architecture 2018 6th ed.; Honorable Mention for the Reconversion/Restoration category.
- Member, of the Teaching Board of: PhD in Architecture and Construction, La Sapienza University of Rome
- Member of the Scientific Committee of "Association les Pierres Sauvages de Belcastel - Fernand Pouillon"
- Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the "Aldo Favini and Anna Gatta Foundation"
- Scientific Director of the "Angelo Mangiarotti Foundation"
- Author and curator of the volumes: Provence, Monuments and Cities of the Rhone (1992), Aldo Favini architecture and engineering at work (2004), Bruno Morassutti 1920-2008 works and projects (2009), The Glass Church of Mangiarotti, Morassutti and Favini, the history and restoration (2015); In the Shadow of Pouillon, (2016); Pier Luigi Nervi, the model as a tool for design and construction, (2017);
- Curator of exhibitions on the works of Fernand Pouillon (2018-2020); of Aldo Favini (2004); of Bruno Morassutti (2008), Pier Luigi Nervi (2017); of the exhibition-workshop Digital Takes Command for the Milan Triennale (2015); Curator of the section "Italian Engineering between the 1950s and the 1980s" in "The Architecture of the World," the Milan Triennale (2012)
- Essays on architectural design and construction are published in reference volumes. Projects, articles and contributions are published in Casabella, Domus, Archi and other architectural periodicals.

- Giulio Barazzetta collaborates with continuity in the research activities of the Faculties of Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano in the disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/14 ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN COMPOSITION, since 1985. The activity as associate professor continues that carried out as a tenured researcher and previous ones.
- The research concerns the role of ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN TECHNIQUES: the integration and separation of disciplines in architectural design today; the tools and means of representation in their partiality and multiplicity; the project as a procedure considering the program-project relationship and the themes of representation between text and figures. The question evokes the themes proper to the construction of architecture, and involves the relationship to the field of disciplines based on physics, the properties of materials and the environment, which extend in their complements to the procedures of building, to the building site as a place of the production and commissioning of architecture through its constructive elements, and finally to the appropriate functioning of buildings as organisms.
- The subjects of study are focused on the INTEGRATED DESIGN OF ARCHITECTURE. The objective of these studies is to help clarify the nexus between design and construction in the contemporary scenario of the representation of architecture, thus rediscovering the project as a substantial locus of theory.
- This field of study concerns the links between ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING IN THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ARCHITECTURE. Thus circumscribed, the research topic identifies construction as a design technique. It seeks to study its ways and means by analyzing the relationship between architects and engineers-the very architecture of engineers in design and the formulation of the procedures of construction and commissioning where they are considered as the foundation of the built form.


1. 2021 - G. Barazzetta, Saggi di “ordinamento” urbano, in Pietro Lingeri, catalogo della mostra, La Triennale, Milano 2021
2. 2021 - G. Barazzetta, ed., L’eredità dell’opera di Robert Maillart, numero monografico Archi_5 2021
3. 2020 - G. Barazzetta, E. Mossa, C. Poggi, M. Simoncelli, the Airplane Hangars of Pier Luigi Nervi, J. IASS, 2020
4. 2019 - G. Barazzetta, R. Capozzi, Fernand Pouillon, Costruzione Città Paesaggio, viaggio in Italia, Aion ed., Firenze 2019
5. 2019 - G. Barazzetta, ed., L’ingegneria di Silvano Zorzi tra Svizzera e Italia, numero monografico Archi_5 2019
6. 2018 - G. Barazzetta, ed., L’ingegneria di Giovanni Lombardi, numero monografico Archi_3 2018
7. 2017 - G. Barazzetta, ed., Pier Luigi Nervi, Il modello come strumento di progetto e costruzione; Quodlibet, Macerata 2017;
8. 2016 - G. Barazzetta, All'ombra di Pouillon, Lettera Ventidue Edizioni, Siracusa 2016;
9. 2015 - G. Barazzetta, ed., La chiesa di vetro, la storia e il restauro, Electa, Milano 2015;
10. 2015 - G. Barazzetta, ed., Digital Takes Command orizzonti di progetto e produzione digitale, La Triennale, Milano 2015;
11. 2014, G. Barazzetta, M. Landsberger, Produrre_muoversi_abitare, Fondazione Ordine Architetti, P.P.C., Milano 2014;
12. 2013 - G. Barazzetta, Climat de France Algeri, Fernand Pouillon; in Architettura del Novecento – 2, Einaudi, Torino 2013;
13. 2013 - G. Barazzetta, Costruzione e progetto in A. Mangiarotti, B. Morassutti A. Favini,
in La Concezione Strutturale, Allemandi, Torino 2013;
14. 2012 - G. Barazzetta, Costruzione/cantiere, in Architettura del Novecento – 1, Einaudi, Torino 2012;
15. 2012 - G. Barazzetta, L'ingegneria italiana tra gli anni Cinquanta e gli anni Ottanta,
in L'architettura del mondo. Infrastrutture, mobilità, nuovi paesaggi. La Triennale, Milano 2012;

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