PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
phone: 06 77274035 (35035)
building: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale "Antonio Ruberti" (DIAG)
room: A223

supervisor: Jlenia Toppi

Giulia Savina graduated cum Laude in Biomedical Engineering in January 2023 from Sapienza University of Rome, where she is currently attending the PhD Program in Automatic Control, Bioengineering and Operations Research (Bioengineering curriculum) since November 2023. She carries on her research activity at the Laboratory of Neuroelectrical Imaging and BCI (NEILab) of Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCSS in Rome, affliated with Sapienza University of Rome, working on advanced techniques of processing of electroencephalographic and electromyographic signals of healthy and pathological subjects through technological aid to support the Neurorehabilitation of post-stroke patients.

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