PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

supervisor: Spartaco Paris
advisor: Spartaco Paris

Giulia Famiglietti was born in Rome in 1998. She attended the scientific high school “B. Touschek” in Grottaferrata (RM). After graduating, she enrolled in the Bachelor’s degree program in Architecture Sciences at the Department of Architecture at the University of Rome “Roma Tre.” She graduated with a thesis titled “Measuring Sustainability: an Overview of Environmental Assessment Schemes.” Subsequently, she continued her studies in the Master’s degree program in Project Management and Construction of Building Systems at the Faculty of Architecture - Civil and Industrial Engineering of the University of Rome “La Sapienza.” She graduated with a thesis in Architectural Technology titled “Interventions for the Enhancement of Italian School Buildings: Between Extraordinary Maintenance and Building Replacement,” a thesis awarded with honors. After completing her Master’s degree, she had the opportunity to work as a designer in the architectural and structural field at an engineering firm. She was involved in various project drafting activities with accompanying documentation for projects at different scales, including both public and private projects, some with historical and architectural significance. Simultaneously, she pursued a Second-level Master’s program at “La Sapienza” University titled “Construction Digital Twin and Artificial Intelligence.” Starting in November 2023, she began an internship at “La Sapienza” University in collaboration with ISTAT to develop guidelines for the construction and management of an Asset Information Model for ISTAT’s future new headquarters in Rome. Currently, she is pursuing a Ph.D. in Architecture and Construction at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome.

Research products

11573/1714090 - 2024 - Identity and regenerated landscape - An opportunity for the 'new' paper mill-museum in Tivoli.
Famiglietti, Giulia; Landa, Antonio; Paris, Spartaco; Vannini, Carlo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Changing Cities VI (Rodhes)
book: Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on Changing Cities VI: Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage & Socio-Economic dimensions - (978-618-5765-03-3)

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