
ciclo: XXXIX
edificio: A - Piano 2 - Area Architettura e Urbanistica
stanza: 5

supervisore: Maria Argenti

Ricerca: Riconciliare l'architettura con il tempo. Nuovi scenari di valorizzazione e riuso per reinventare la Cittadella di Ancona

Giovanna Badaloni is a licensed and registered architect, civil and environmental engineer, journalist, and tenured teacher of Drawing and History of Art at the Liceo Scientifico of Fermo, also certified to teach Philosophy and History.

She is a PhD candidate in Architectural and Urban Design at the Sapienza University of Rome, where she earned her Master's degrees with top marks in Institutional and Corporate Communication (thesis in Marketing, 2004), Philosophy and Theoretical-Critical Studies (thesis in Philosophy of Language, 2007), and Architecture (thesis in Environmental Design, 2014). With a strong multidisciplinary background and diverse interests, she holds several university master's degrees in educational fields and numerous qualifications in various sectors.

She is a member of highly regarded national and international scientific societies. She has been selected as a speaker at various international conferences and is the author of several research papers in progress for publication. Among the main areas of investigation, which are addressed in her master's and doctoral theses, is the enhancement of public heritage, with particular attention to military architecture and fortifications in central Italy between the 15th and 19th centuries.

Keywords: adaptive reuse, cultural heritage, fortifications, military architecture, urban regeneration.

Main Research Interests

Enhancement and Reuse of Architectural Heritage: This theme involves studying and enhancing architectural heritage, focusing on public and abandoned heritage. It delves into conservation interventions, energy requalification, and innovative proposals for retrofitting and repurposing to revitalise and renew historical architectures. An area of particular interest is military architecture, especially fortifications in central Italy between the 15th and 19th centuries, particularly the works of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, and post-unification fortifications.

Public Space and Urban Regeneration: Exploration of the role and potential of public spaces as places of encounter, exchange, and transformation, with particular attention to historic cities. The research focuses on the versatility of urban spaces in addressing contemporary challenges and promoting social inclusion, sustainability, and innovation through urban regeneration processes.

Cultural Spaces and Architectural Innovation: Design of artistic and performance spaces, including theatres, concert halls, and museums, focusing on innovation and cultural interaction. Research on cutting-edge educational spaces that promote experiential learning and creativity. Analysis of the relationship between architecture and music, exploring how spaces can be optimised for cultural events and artistic performances.

Media Architecture, AI, and Iconic Structures: The intersections between architecture, AI, and media technologies are explored, particularly in large iconic structures and interactive facades. This theme investigates how architectural surfaces can become dynamic and immersive communication platforms, incorporating AI to enhance interaction and user experience, and transforming the urban environment into a large-scale interaction and storytelling space.

Hypogean Architecture, Extreme Environments, and Future Cities: This theme explores the design, functionality, and environmental impact of underground architectures and hypogean cities, as well as architectural solutions in extreme climatic and environmental conditions, such as deserts, polar regions, and underwater environments, to respond to contemporary needs sustainably and innovatively. It also includes research on future cities, integrating advanced urban technologies and smart city solutions to create resilient and sustainable urban environments.

Architectural Humanities and Interdisciplinary Synergies: Analysis of the relationship between architecture and other disciplines: communication, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, experiential and transformative marketing. This research theme explores how architecture can dialogue by transcending traditional rigid disciplinary boundaries and proposing new integrated design perspectives centred on user experience and well-being. [Updated: January 27, 2025]

Produzione scientifica

11573/1719921 - 2024 - Heritage is Plural. Recovery and Adaptive Reuse of the Polveriera Castelfidardo in Ancona
Badaloni, Giovanna - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH) - 8th Edition, 2024 (Cagliari, Italy)
libro: Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH) - 8th Edition, 2024. A Book of Abstracts - ()

11573/1724397 - 2024 - Oltre il muro. Verso nuovi scenari di valorizzazione e riuso della Cittadella di Ancona / Beyond the Wall. Towards New Scenarios of Valorisation and Reuse of the Cittadella of Ancona
Badaloni, Giovanna - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: International Conference ReUSO 2024. Documentation, Restoration and Reuse of Heritage - 12th Edition (Bergamo, Italy)
libro: ReUSO 2024: Documentazione, restauro e rigenerazione sostenibile del patrimonio costruito - (9788899586454)

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