PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

supervisor: Prof.ssa S. Stopponi, Prof. S. Bruni, Prof. J. Tabolli

Research: Arezzo and the sacred: a study of the sanctuaries of La Catona, Castelsecco and Pieve a Sòcana

PhD student in Archaeology-curriculum of Etruscology, Sapienza University of Rome, XXXIX cycle.
The object of my research are three sacred contexts in the Etruscan city of Arezzo, the purpose of which is a reconstructive and systematic study aimed at shedding new light on the city and on the theme of the geography of the sacred through the recovery and analysis of archive data and materials from all three contexts.

My academic education took place at the Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, where I first obtained a Bachelor's degree in Letters, classical specialisation, with a thesis in Introduction to Etruscology entitled "Geography of ALDILÀ: between Etruria and Greece, the figure of Charon", supervisor Prof. Elisabetta Govi; then a Master's degree in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World at the same university with a thesis in Etruscology and Italic Archaeology entitled "Geography of the Sacred, an urban perspective", supervisor Prof. Elisabetta Govi, co-supervisor Prof. Andrea Gaucci.
Subsequently, specialisation student at the School of Specialisation in Archaeological Heritage of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna (a.y. 2021-2022 - ongoing).

I participate in the excavation campaigns of the Etruscan cities of Kainua-Marzabotto (BO) and Spina (FE) with roles of responsibility and do educational activities at the archaeological area of Kainua-Marzabotto (BO).
I have participated in the arrangement of archaeological exhibitions and worked as a freelancer in archaeological supervisory activities in the territory of Emilia-Romagna.

Research products

11573/1716618 - 2023 - Giorgia Bandini, Coloni e mercanti del Mediterraneo centrale e occidentale tra VIII e VI secolo a.C., in Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza. Guida alle Collezioni. Ceramica classica, Milano 2023, pp. 26-31
Bandini, G. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza. Guida alle Collezioni. Ceramica classica - (9788836655311)

11573/1716619 - 2023 - Giorgia Bandini, schede cat. nn. 2, 38, 64, 116, 235, 337, 338, 348, 349, 350, 351, in Spina etrusca. Un grande porto nel Mediterraneo, Catalogo della Mostra (Ferrara 2022-2023), 2023
Bandini, G. - 02f Scheda di catalogo
book: Spina etrusca. Un grande porto nel Mediterraneo - (9788898816262)

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