Gianluca Contaldi, is Full Professor of European Union law, in the Law Department of the University of Macerata
He has held various positions in that University (President of the degree course in Law; member of the Academic Senate; he is currently a member of the Board of Directors). He is also the scientific director of the European Documentation Center established at that University.
He has taught in all subjects traditionally referable to the scientific fields of international law and European Union law. He has also held lectures and courses at the Universities of Leicester, Paris Nanterre, PUC of Sao Paulo (Brazil).
He is the author of multiple publications in European Union law, Conflict of laws, International law.
He worked on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, in particular, was among the consultants in charge in the context of the twinning project for the adaptation of the legislation of the Czech Republic in view of the accession of that State to the European Union.
In 2011 he was part of the study group, coordinated by the Ismeri Europa study center, which developed the following work: Preparatory Study for an Impact Assessment Concerning the Possible Revision of the Legislative Framework on the Posting of Workers in the Context of the Provision of Services (a project funded by the European Commission, aimed at formulating and evaluating the proposals for the revision of Directive 96/71 on the transactional posting of workers).
He has been coordinator of various research projects funded by the Ministry of University (MIUR) or the European Commission
He participates in the management and editorial committees of various scientific journals (such as the Rivista di diritto della Sicurezza sociale and Diritto, mercato e tecnologia). He is also referee for many law journals.