1993 B.A. cum laude in Human Sciences, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
1997 PhD University of Chieti “Gabriele d’Annunzio”.
1997-2999 temporary professor of Linguistic Geography, University of Cassino.
2000-2012 fellow in Historical and General Linguistics, University of Cassino.
2012-2017 associate professor in Historical and General Linguistics, University of Cassino.
2017- full professor in Historical and General Linguistics, University of Naples “L’Orientale”.
2009-2012 Board of Directors, University of Cassino.
2012-2017 Deputy Director of the Department of Human Sciences, Society and Health, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.
2015-2017 Member of the elected committee of the Department of Human Sciences, Society and Health, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.
2017- Member of the Quality Assurance Board, University of Naples “L’Orientale”
2019- President of the Quality Assurance Board, University of Naples “L’Orientale”
2007 International conference Gramsci le culture e il mondo (Rome, 27-28 April 2007), Fondazione Gramsci e International Gramsci Society.
2014 Workshop Indagini fonologiche sui dialetti del Lazio e della Campania (Cassino, 20 May 2014), University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.
2015 International Workshop Aspetti della variazione grammaticale in ambito italo-romanzo: fra tradizione dialettologica e prospettive neurolinguistiche (Gaeta, 30-31 October 2015), University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, University of Zurig, Atlante sintattico d’Italia – University of Padua.
2016 Chair of the section of Phonetics and phonology in the XXVIII Congresso internazionale di linguistica e fonologia romanza (Rome, 19-23 July 2016), Société internationale de linguistique romane, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Accademia nazionale dei Lincei.
2018- Member of the Organising Committee of the 49th national conference of the Società italiana di glottologia (scheduled in Naples, in October 2019).
(Co)author of two volumes risptectively published by Carocci (Rome) and Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana (Rome). He published 38 studies in collective volumes, among them are proceedings of conferences and Festschrifen (for Luca Serianni, Giuseppe Vacca, Gerald Bernhard, Cristina Vallini) and 20 studies in scientific journals, 9 of them in class A journals (following the Anvur classification): «Studi linguistici italiani», «Archeologia medievale», «L’Italia dialettale», «Archivio glottologico italiano», «Bollettino di italianistica. Rivista di critica, storia letteraria, filologia e linguistica», «Studi storici», «Lybian Studies», «Rivista di filologia e istruzione classica», «Mélanges de l'École française de Rome».
2009 (with Giuseppe Vacca), Studi gramsciani nel mondo. 2000-2005, Bologna, il Mulino, 2007.
2008 (with Giuseppe Vacca & Paolo Capuzzo), Studi gramsciani nel mondo. Gli studi culturali, Bologna, il Mulino, 2008.
2009 Gramsci, le culture e il mondo, Rome, Viella, 2009.
2009 (with Giuseppe Vacca, Eugenia Baroncelli & Mario Del Pero), Studi gramsciani nel mondo. Le relazioni internazionali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009.
2011 (with Dora Kanoussi & Giuseppe Vacca), Studi gramsciani nel mondo. L’America Latina, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011.
2017 (with Annette Gerstenberg, Judith Kittler & Luca Lorenzetti), Romanice loqui. Festschrift für Gerald Bernhard zu seinem 60. Geburtstag, Tübingen, Stauffenburg («Stauffenburg Festschriften»), 2017.
2002- member of the PhD Board in Linguistics (untill 2013 in Historical Linguistics and History of Italian Language), University of Rome “La Sapienza”, where he directed 12 PhD theses.
2002- member (after invitation) of the Società Italiana di Glottologia (SIG).
2018- administrator (after election) of the Società Italiana di Glottologia.
2003- Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce (AISV).
2007- Societé de Linguistique Romane (SLR).
2011- Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes (AIEA).
2015- ISMEO - Associazione Internazionale di studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente
2018- Associazione per lo Studio in Italia dell’Asia Centrale e del Caucaso.
Anvur (VQR 2004-2010; “Prin 2012” projects; “Futuro in ricerca 2013” projects; “SIR 2014” projects; VQR 2011-2014); “Studi linguistici pisani” (book series; Pisa, Pisa University Press, dir. Giovanna Marotta); “La lingua italiana. Storia, strutture, testi. Rivista internazionale” (journal; dir. Maria Luisa Altieri Biagi, Maurizio Dardano, Pietro Trifone, Gianluca Frenguelli); “L’Italia dialettale” (journal; dir. Franco Fanciullo); “Studi slavistici” (journal; dir. Nicoletta Marcialis); Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting (CIDSM 10) - Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, 22-24 Juin 2015 (international conference); «Atti del sodalizio glottologico milanese» (journal; dir. Patrizia Bologna); «Studi e saggi linguistici» (journal; dir. Giovanna Marottra).. He is member of the scientific committee of the Fondazione Gramsci, and member of the scientific committee of the book series Studi Linguistici Pisani (dir. Giovanna Marotta; Pisa University Press, Pisa).
Member of the national confirmation commissions for university fellows, in the topic of Historical and General Linguistics, years 2013-2015. Member of competitive examination commissions, in the topic of Historical and General Linguistics, at the University for Foreigners of Siena, at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, at the University of Foggia. He has been member of final commission for PhD degrees.
Phonetics and phonology; linguistic field research; Latin, Greek, Armenian and Iranian linguistics in historical-comparative perspective; Italian and Romance dialectology; history of the linguistic thought in the 19th and 20th centuries.
2003-20015 involvement in PRIN 2003 entitled Processi di discontinuità e di creolizzazione nell’Europa linguistica (principal investigator Marco Mancini).
2005-2007 involvement in PRIN 2005 entitled Livelli di analisi nell’evoluzione delle lingue indoeuropee (principal investigator Giorgio Banti).
2010-2012 involvement in PRIN 2008 entitled Mutamento e contatto linguistico nel Mediterraneo (principal investigator Marco Mancini).
2013-2015 involvement in PRIN 2010-2011 entitled Rappresentazioni linguistiche dell'identità. Modelli sociolinguistici e linguistica storica (principal investigator Piera Molinelli).
2012-2017 director of the laboratory of Linguistics and Experimental Phonetics, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (
2019- associated investigator (coordinator of the research unit of the University of Naples “L’Orientale”) in PRIN 2017 entitled Ancient languages and writing systems in contact: a touchstone for language change (principal investigator prof. Paolo Di Giovine).
He presented around 90 scientific papers in scientific meetings. In particular, he has been invited abroad for lectures and talks in Buenos Aires (2007), Mexico City (2007), Zurig (2008, 2009, 2016), Saõ Paulo and Saõ Carlo (Brazil) (2010), Lyon (2013), Puebla (Mexico) (2014), Campinas (Brazil) (2015), Paris (2016), Erevan (2017, 2018). He participated in several scientific conferences with selected papers: among them the yearly conference of the Società Italiana di Glottologia (Naples 2010); the yearly conference of the Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce (Naples 2003, Naples 2010, Bolzano 2018), the international conference held in the decennial gramscian anniversary (Cagliari 1997, Bari 2007, Roma 2017); Congerès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romane (Innsbruck 2007, Valencia 2010, Rome 2016); international conference The sound of Indo-European: Phonetics, phonemics, and morphophonemics, Københavns Universitet (2009); international conference Irregularity in Morphology (and Beyond), Universität Bremen (2009); yearly conference of the Società di Linguistica Italiana (Viterbo 2010); International Conference on Linguistics and Classical Languages (Roma 2011); international conference Italian (Dialects) in Diachrony, Univesiteit Leiden (2011); general conference of the Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes (Budapest 2011); Sodalizio glottologico milanese (2012, 2013, 2016); International Conference on Armenian Linguistics (St. Petersburg 2012, Erevan 2017); Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting (Padua – Venice 2014, Leiden 2015); International Conference on Historical Linguistics (Naples 2015), Cultures on the Move: Italy and the Usa. Language, Literature, Cinema, University of Oxford (2016); Speech Audio Archives: Preservation, Restoration, Annotation, Aimed at Supporting the Linguistic Analysis, Rome, Accademia dei Lincei (2017). In the context of the research projects Prin he was involved, he presented papers in the conferences or workshops: Discontinuità e creolizzazione nella formazione dell’Europa linguistica, University of Tuscia 2006; Levels of Analysis in the History of Indo-European Languages, University of Trieste 2008; Lingue e grammatiche. Contatti, divergenze, confronti, University for Foreigners of Siena 2011; Dinamiche sociolinguistiche in aree di influenza greca: mutamento, variazione e contatto, University of Rome “La Sapienza” 2014; Rappresentazioni linguistiche dell’identità. Modelli sociolinguistici e linguistica storica, University of Bergamo 2015. He gave lectures to PhD programs in Italy and abroad; he gave a class in the summer school of historical and general linguistics of the Società Italiana di Glottologia (Lignano – Udine 2016) and a class in the advanced summer school La sociolinguistica oggi. Metodi per l’analisi di lingue antiche e moderne (University for Foreigners of Siena, 11-15 giugno 2018),