11573/1700234 - 2024 -
Direct numerical simulation of boundary layers over microramps. mach number effects Della Posta, G; Fratini, M; Salvadore, F; Bernardini, M - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: AIAA JOURNAL ([New York, etc.] American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.) pp. 542-556 - issn: 0001-1452 - wos: WOS:001087848700001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85185258201 (2)
11573/1709167 - 2023 -
The effect of the tower’s modeling on the aero-elastic response of the NREL 5 MW wind turbine Bernardi, Claudio; Della Posta, Giacomo; De Palma, Pietro; Leonardi, Stefano; Bernardoni, Federico; Bernardini, Matteo; Cherubini, Stefania - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 8th Wake Conference 2023 (Visby, Sweden)
libro: Journal of physics: conference Series - ()
11573/1714155 - 2023 -
STREAmS-2.0. supersonic turbulent accelerated Navier-Stokes solver version 2.0 Bernardini, M.; Modesti, D.; Salvadore, F.; Sathyanarayana, S.; Della Posta, G.; Pirozzoli, S. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS (Amsterdam: Elsevier BV) pp. - - issn: 0010-4655 - wos: WOS:000995570700001 (22) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85145780653 (28)
11573/1714152 - 2023 -
Unsteadiness characterisation of shock wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction at moderate Reynolds number Bernardini, Matteo; Della Posta, Giacomo; Salvadore, Francesco; Martelli, Emanuele - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS (London: Cambridge University Press.) pp. - - issn: 0022-1120 - wos: WOS:000911170600001 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85146148885 (21)
11573/1697223 - 2023 -
CFD Analysis of the Lateral Sloshing Phenomenon inside an Aerospace LH2 Cryogenic Tank Cimini, Matteo; Rossetti, Francesca; Della Posta, Giacomo; Stella, Fulvio; Bernardini, Matteo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 – 10ᵀᴴ EUCASS – 9ᵀᴴ CEAS (Lausanne, Switzerland)
libro: Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 – 10ᵀᴴ EUCASS – 9ᵀᴴ CEAS - ()
11573/1714157 - 2023 -
Direct numerical simulation of supersonic boundary layers over a microramp. effect of the reynolds number Della Posta, G.; Blandino, M.; Modesti, D.; Salvadore, F.; Bernardini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS (London: Cambridge University Press.) pp. - - issn: 0022-1120 - wos: WOS:001120973400001 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85177987651 (5)
11573/1683763 - 2023 -
A DNS study on the Mach number effect for a supersonic microramp Della Posta, Giacomo; Fratini, Marco; Salvadore, Francesco; And Bernardini, Matteo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 57th 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics (Bordeaux)
libro: 57th 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics - ()
11573/1683762 - 2023 -
High-fidelity simulations of the aeroacoustic environment of the VEGA launch vehicle at lift-off Della Posta, Giacomo; Martelli, Emanuele; Stella, Fulvio; Barbagallo, Daniele; Neri, Agostino; Salvadore, Francesco; Bernardini, Matteo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 0045-7930 - wos: WOS:001027645800001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85163105701 (4)
11573/1714156 - 2023 -
Direct numerical simulation of a microramp in a high-Reynolds number supersonic turbulent boundary layer Salvadore, F.; Memmolo, A.; Modesti, D.; Della Posta, G.; Bernardini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS (American Physical Society) pp. - - issn: 2469-990X - wos: WOS:001110706600004 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85178033002 (3)
11573/1644530 - 2022 -
A two-way coupling method for the study of aeroelastic effects in large wind turbines Della Posta, G.; Leonardi, S.; Bernardini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: RENEWABLE ENERGY (Oxford UK: Elsevier Science Limited) pp. 971-992 - issn: 0960-1481 - wos: WOS:000793564900003 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85127918958 (24)
11573/1661546 - 2022 -
Large eddy simulations of a utility-scale horizontal axis wind turbine including unsteady aerodynamics and fluid-structure interaction modelling Della Posta, G.; Leonardi, S.; Bernardini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: WIND ENERGY (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 98-125 - issn: 1095-4244 - wos: WOS:000881757100001 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85141970898 (5)
11573/1644541 - 2021 -
A novel two-way coupling method for the study of the aeroelasticity of wind turbines in a Large Eddy Simulation framework Della Posta, Giacomo; Ciri, Umberto; Leonardi, Stefano; Bernardini, Matteo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 14th European conference on turbomachinery fluid dynamics and thermodynamics (ETC 14) (Gdansk, Poland)
libro: 14th European conference on turbomachinery fluid dynamics and thermodynamics - ()
11573/1317857 - 2019 -
Enhanced delayed DES of shock wave/boundary layer interaction in a planar transonic nozzle Della Posta, G.; Martelli, E.; Ciottoli, P. P.; Stella, F.; Bernardini, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW (Butterworth Heinemann Publ:200 Wheeler Road:Burlington, MA 01803:(800)366-2665, INTERNET: http://www.butterworths.co.za, Fax: (617)933-6333
ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1710) pp. 359-365 - issn: 0142-727X - wos: WOS:000471084900028 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85065553592 (3)
11573/1681891 - 2018 -
Enhanced Delayed DES of shock wave/boundary layer interaction in a planar transonic nozzle Della Posta, G.; Martelli, E.; Ciottoli, P. P.; Stella, F.; Bernardini, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 9th International symposium on turbulence heat and mass transfer (Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL)
libro: Proceedings of the international symposium on turbulence, heat and mass transfer - (978-1-56700-468-7; 978-1-56700-467-0)