11573/1680724 - 2023 -
Khirbet Al-Batrawy in North-Central Jordan: New discoveries in the Early Bronze Age Palace, 2018-2020 Gallo, Elisabetta; Gharib, Romel; De Vito, Licia; Cecconi, Gaia; De Marco, Michele; Nigro, Lorenzo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Bologna)
book: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East - (9783447119030)
11573/1685961 - 2023 -
Bethlehem. Rescue excavations 2015–2020 by Sapienza University of Rome and the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities Montanari, Daria; Titi, Eman Z.; Ghayyada, Mohammed; Cecconi, Gaia; Tamburrini, Maria; Guari, Alessandra; Izzo, Pierfrancesco; Yassine, Jehad; Nigro, Lorenzo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Bologna)
book: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 06-09 April 2021, Bologna - (978-3-447-11873-6)
11573/1673747 - 2021 -
Khirbet al-Batrawy in north-central Jordan: new discoveries in the Early Bronze Age Palace 2018-2020 Elisabetta, Gallo; Gharib, Romel; De Vito, Licia; Cecconi, Gaia; De Marco, Michele; Nigro, Lorenzo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 12th International Congresses on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Bologna 6-10 April (Bologna)
book: 12th International Congresses on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Bologna 6-10 April - ()
11573/1502812 - 2020 -
Gli strumenti in pietra dal "Palacco delle asce di rame" a Khirbet al-Batrawy (Giordania) Cecconi, Gaia - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Crisi e trasformazioni. Storia, Archeologia e Storia dell’arte dall’antichità ai giorni nostri - (978-88-3293-434-2)
11573/1230924 - 2019 -
conference: 14th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (ICHAJ 14th) (Firenze)
book: 14th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan - ()
11573/1281389 - 2019 -
Count on Jericho! Early Bronze Age counting tools at Tell es-Sultan/Jericho Cecconi, Gaia - 04f Poster
conference: Convegno "Ancient Jericho - Tell es-Sultan From first settlers to an urban site in changing situations" (Helsinki)
book: Convegno "Ancient Jericho - Tell es-Sultan From first settlers to an urban site in changing situations" (Helsinki, 14-15 giugno 2019) - ()
11573/1344199 - 2019 -
Stone Tools from the EB IIIB “Palace of the Copper Axes” at Khirbet al-Batrawy Cecconi, Gaia - 04f Poster
conference: XI Convegno interdisciplinare dei Dottorandi e dottori di ricerca (Tor Vergata)
book: XI Convegno interdisciplinare dei Dottorandi e dottori di ricerca - ()
11573/1344204 - 2019 -
Counting tools from the EB I-III Southern Levant: New Evidences and Future Perspectives Cecconi, Gaia - 04f Poster
conference: Broadening Horizon 6 (Berlino)
book: Convegno "Broadening Horizon 6" - ()
11573/1355822 - 2019 -
Khalet al-Jam’a. A Bronze and Iron Ages necropolis near Bethlehem (Palestine): results of the 2019 archaeological excavations Nigro, Lorenzo; Montanari, Daria; Cecconi, Gaia; Ghayyada, Mohammed; Yasine, Jehad - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: VICINO ORIENTE (Sapienza Università di Roma - Missione archeologica in Palestina e Giordania
Roma: Università di Roma Istituto di studi del vicino oriente
Roma: Herder Editrice e Libreria SRL) pp. 1-22 - issn: 0393-0300 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)