PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: +39 334 9139128
building: DIAEE

supervisor: Prof. Giovanni De Bellis

Research: Development of a self-sensing anti-kink nasogastric tube

Gabriele Galbato Muscio was born in Rome on April 27, 1997, after obtaining a scientific diploma in 2016 he enrolled in the three-year degree course in Physics at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where he graduated with honors in July 2019 with a thesis on the development of a muons detector based on ArduSiPM and M5Stack. In September 2019 he enrolled in the three-year degree course in Electrical Engineering of the same university to acquire more pragmatic skills, here he graduated in July 2020 with honors. He continued his studies with the master's degree in Electrical Engineering, again at La Sapienza University, where he graduated with honors in October 2022 with a thesis on the role of the inverter control strategy in grid stability, after a research period carried out at the University of Zurich, ETH, in the summer between the first and second year of master's degree.

Today he is a PhD student at DIAEE, works in the CNIS laboratory and is involved in the development of soft robotics technologies for medical applications.

Research products

11573/1688563 - 2023 - Effect of strong DC Electric Fields on the flow properties of insulating liquids at different temperatures
Muscio, Gabriele Galbato; Calcara, Luigi; Pompili, Massimo; De Bellis, Giovanni - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (Worcester)
book: Effect of strong DC Electric Fields on the flow properties of insulating liquids at different temperatures - (979-8-3503-0217-2)

11573/1689057 - 2023 - Effect of strong DC Electric Fields on the flow properties of insulating liquids at different temperatures
Muscio, Gabriele Galbato; Calcara, Luigi; Pompili, Massimo; De Bellis, Giovanni - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 22nd IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, ICDL 2023 (Worcester, MA; USA)
book: Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids - (979-8-3503-0217-2)

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