Frederic Chaume Varela

Full professor

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Frederic Chaume is a Full Professor of Audiovisual Translation at Universitat Jaume I (Spain), where he teaches audiovisual translation theory and translation and adaptation for dubbing; and Honorary Professor at University College London (UK), where he teaches translation and adaptation for voice-over and dubbing, Universidad Ricardo Palma (Perú) and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Perú). He completed a BA on English Studies (with honours) at Universitat de Valencia and his PhD thesis on audiovisual translation at Universitat Jaume I, submitted in 2000, was awarded with the extraordinary award for the best thesis in the field of languages in this university during that biennial. He is author of eight books and has also coedited two books and three special journal issues (Textus, Perspectives, Prosopopeya). He is the director of the TRAMA book series (Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I), the first collection of monographs on audiovisual translation and media localization. Prof. Chaume has published over 100 articles, book chapters and encyclopedic entries on audiovisual translation and has given several keynote lectures on this topic in international translation studies conferences and many European and American universities. He also teaches regularly in some of them (University College London- UK, Universidad de Granada-Spain, Università di Torino-Italy, among others). He has supervised or co-supervised 20 PhD theses on the topic of audiovisual translation and some of them have received different Spanish and European awards. He is also in close contact with the industry and has signed several research agreements with different stakeholders of the media localization sector. He coordinates the research group TRAMA ( and has been awarded the Berlanga Award (2010), the Xènia Martínez Award (2016) and the Jan Ivarsson’s Award (2020) for his constant and enthusiastic support to media localization as well as his constant university training in this field.

Main publications (authored books)

(2003) Doblatge i subtitulació per a la TV. Barcelona: Eumo. ISBN: 84-9766-027-7. 286 pp.

(2004) Cine y traducción. Madrid: Cátedra (Signo e imagen). ISBN. 84-376-2136-4. 336 pp.

(2010) Teories Actuals de la Traducció. Alzira: Bromera (Biblioteca Essencial). ISBN. 978-84-9824-636-0. 125 pp.

(2013) Audiovisual Translation: Dubbing. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN. 978-1-905763-91-7. 208 pp.

(2016) La Traducción para el Doblaje: Mapa de Convenciones. Castellón de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (co-authored by Beatriz Cerezo Merchán, Ximo Granell Zafra, José Luis Martí Ferriol, Juan José Martínez Sierra, Anna Marzà Ibáñez, Gloria Torralba Miralles) ISBN. 978-84-16356-00-3. 181 pp.

(2019) La Traducción para la Subtitulación: Mapa de Convenciones. Castellón de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (co-authored by Beatriz Cerezo Merchán, Irene de Higes, Julio de los Reyes Lozano, Ximo Granell Zafra, José Luis Martí Ferriol, Juan José Martínez Sierra, Ana Tamayo, Gloria Torralba Miralles) ISBN. 978-84-17429-97-3. 243 pp.

(2019) Pasado y presente de la traducción para el doblaje. Lima: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. ISBN. 978-612-318-194-9.

(2021) Doublage et sous-titrage. Guide d’une profession en plein essor. Paris: L’Harmattan (co-authored by Jean-Noël Pappens). ISBN: 978-2-343-23594-3.


 Recent articles and book chapters

(2018) Is audiovisual translation putting the concept of translation against the ropes? Jostrans, 30- Special Issue: Remapping Translation. ISSN: 1740-357X

(2018) An overview of audiovisual translation: Four methodological turns in a mature discipline. Journal of Audiovisual Translation, 1 (1) – Inaugural Issue, pp. 40-63. ISSN: 2617-9148

(2018) The Retranslation and Mediated Translation of Audiovisual Content in Multilingual Spain: Reasons and Market Trends Status Quaestionis, 15 (2018), pp. 12-28.

ISSN: 2239-1983  DOI:

(2019) Audiovisual Translation in the Age of Digital Transformation: Industrial and Social Implications. IN: Irene Ranzato and Serenella Zanotti (eds) Reassessing Dubbing: Historical Approaches and Current Trends. Amsterdam and New York: John Benjamins.

(2019) “Audiovisual Translation”. Roberto Valdeón & África Vidal Claramonte (eds.) Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies. London and New York: Routledge.

(2020) “Localizing media contents: Technological shifts, global and social differences, and activism in audiovisual translation”. Shawn Shimpack (ed.) Routledge Companion to Global Television. London and New York: Routledge.

(2020) “Dubbing”. In Bogucki, L. & M. Deckert The Palgrave Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. Palgrave MacMillan. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-42105-2 / ISBN 978-3-030-42104-5

(2020) “Language acquisition in multilingual settings: weighing the role of audiovisual translation”. In Martínez Sierra, Juan José (ed.) Multilingualism, translation and language teaching. València: Tirant lo Blanch. (coauthored by Jorge Díaz Cintas)

(2021) “El doblaje en la nube: la última revolución en la localización de contenidos audiovisuales”. In: Martínez Sierra, Juan José (ed.) Modalidades de Traducción Audiovisual. Completando el espectro. Granada: Comares. (coauthored by Julio de los Reyes Lozano).

(2021) « Peut-on traduire une image ? Implications de la créativité dans la traduction de textes audiovisuels ». In Studia Romanica Posnaniensia 48/4, (2021), pp. 35-49. ISSN: 0137-2475 (coauthored by Julio de los Reyes Lozano).

(2021) “English in Audiovisual Translation Research: An Introduction”, in Textus. English Studies in Italy, 34: 1 English in Audiovisual Translation Research: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives, pp 7-22. (coauthored by Maria Pavesi and Serenella Zanotti). ISSN: 1824-3967

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