Francesco Antonelli

Associate professor


Francesco Antonelli is Professor of General Sociology at the Political Sciences Department, Università “Roma Tre”, where he is the coordinator of the bachelor’s degree courses in “Political Sciences” and “Politics, Cooperation and Development”. He was Visiting Professor at the Institute Catholique and EHESS in Paris, Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade do Minho, GESIS (Köln), and La Trobe University in Melbourne. At the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS) he is the President of the National Research Council and Coordinator of the Research Committee “Sociological Theory and Social Transformations”. He was coordinator of the Horizon2020 Project “PARTICIPATION. Analyzing and Preventing Radicalisation via Participation” (2020-2023) and Work Package Leader of the Horizon2020 Project “TRIVALENT. Terrorism Preventive via Radicalization Counter-Narrative” (2017-2020). Since 2008, he has cooperated as columnist with the cultural section of “il manifesto” newspaper. He has published over 200 scientific works in Italian, English, French, Dutch and he was the principal investigator for several studies and research projects committed by NGOs and International Organisations in Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iraq, Lebanon.

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