Francesco Cherubini

Associate professor


Francesco Cherubini has been teaching EU Law for more than ten years at Luiss, where he has also held courses on Human Rights. He is Director of the Diplomatic Career Course at the SoG, Coordinator of the Unit “Population, Migration, Asylum” of the CISS, Coordinator of the LL.M. in Art Law at the School of Law. Member of the Board of the PhD Programme in "Legal and Political Science" at the University of Rome “Marconi”. Expert Member of the Rome Asylum Commission and at the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. He has been International Chair at the University of Utrecht (2017) and Visiting Scholar at the University of Durham (2016). One of his last publications is "Decisions Under the Law of European Union: ‘You May Be Six People, But I Love You’", in Yearbook of EU Law, 2022.

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