Francesca Fauri

Associate professor

phone: +39 051-2092629

room: Studio 25

Francesca Fauri is Associate Professor of Economic History at the University of Bologna. She has published extensively on the history of European economic integration, Italy's post-war economic and business history and European migration movements. She has won two Jean Monnet Chairs and is Academic Coordinator of an Erasmus+ EU Project won in August 2020 and financed by the European Commission: "“Past and Present Migration Challenges: what European and American History can teach us". Her current research interests include a study on Italian emigration to the Americas and a research on the effects of decolonization on Italian workers in Tunisia. She is also writing a book on the history of Italy’s aeronautical industry and an article on the Caproni group (Business History Review forthcoming). With Donatella Strangio she is setting up an exhibition in Buenos Aires (preceded by one in Rome coordinated by Prof. Strangio) on Italian enterprises in Argentina

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