Flavio Andreoli

email: flavioandreoli@hydrowatt.it
phone: 3482512942

Name: Flavio Andreoli Bonazzi
Date of Birth: 06-06-1969
Nationality: Italian
Education: BSc and MSc Hydraulic Engineering “La Sapienza” University of Rome; (1987-1994)
PhD in Energy Engineering, Università Politecnica delle Marche, (2006-2009)

Membership in Professional Associations
Countries of Work Experience: Italy, USA

Languages (1-excellent)
Reading Writing
Italian Mother language Mother language Mother language
English 1 1 1

Name of assignment or Project:
Management and coordination of 61 Renewable Energy Source plants of the EPICO -Energy Production Industry CompanymPositions held: Micro-Hydro Expert, RES Expert President and CEO ucts and irrigation canals. EPICO is also the owner of a ligno-cellulosic biomass plant of 1 MW. The mini hydroelectric plant represents the core business of EPICO with an Energy production capacity of over 70 GWh/year.

Activities performed: As Chief Executive and President in charge of de s of small sized hydro operations.
Utilizing the technology hydroelectric production on pressurized pipes systems; particularly, aqueducts utilizing excess energy produced by the water due to the force of gravity. Supervision of plants in order to meet the full compliance with the EU regulations in terms of water quality and infrastructure safety.
- revision of the energetical potential studies of the sites where operate t
- revision and design of investment plans
- engineering cost estimates
- development and revision of documentation, redaction of implementation guidelines and recommendations including scheduling, packaging and procurement related activities

Name of assignment or Project: Design engineer in the field of mini hydrop
Client: various
Positions held: Design engineer in the field of mini hydropower
Activities performed:. Free lance consultant in Italy and abroad for investors in the hydropower sector, such as Finidreg S.p.A. (Roma), Gruppo Finmeccanica. Conducting hydrological studies, due diligence and engineering cost estimates

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