Felice Carabellese

Full professor

email: felicefrancesco.carabellese@uniba.it


I have obtained significant Clinical Psychiatric experience since leaving university in a wide range of specialisations; each qualified role has allowed me to gain considerable specific knowledge. The diversity in each role beginning as a Medical officer for the Italian Army through consultancy for detoxification and rehab, criminal and civil law and public psychiatric services has offered me the possibility to expand and grow professionally, giving me the opportunity to learn and apply a varied technical and studied approach to my work.

Through the years I have collaborated with various entities dealing with public psychiatric services and rehabilitation thus acquiring strength and knowledge in facing and dealing with the various tasks involved in such work. Through it all my responsibilities have increased in direct relation to the quality, reliability and punctuality I apply to my work. This experience has therefore allowed me to direct it towards the accredited and modern praxis’ in personal treatment, penitentiaries, the mentally unstable and criminals. At the same time I continued to direct my interests and studies

towards forensic psychiatry and criminology to the point of being able to work in this field exclusively as a university teacher and consultant for the regional and national High Courts.




I am Full Professor of Forensic Psychopatology at School of Medicine and Full Professor of Medical Legal at School of Law of University of Bari


I have attended over 100 national and International Congresses. At a National level I have participated at those of the Italian Psychiatry Society, Italian Biological Psychiatry Society, Italian Social Psychiatry Society, Italian Psychopathology Society, Italian Alcohology Society, Italian Criminology Society, Italian Medical Law and Insurances Society and the Italian Forensic Psychiatry Society.

I have attended numerous training and educative meetings regarding criminology and forensic psychiatry across the nation including the presentation of various works both through direct invitation or through open chair meetings.

I have been included as an interlocutor and presenter for GP’s regarding forensic psychiatry and I

am a member of the Scientific and Organization Secretary for the SIC national congress since 2001.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma