Associate professor

phone: +390644585568
building: H RM038
room: 213

Franco MEDICI has received his Master Degree in Chemical Engineering at "Sapienza" University of Roma in 1980. He has been working since 1984, as researcher, in the Applied and Chemical Institute of the Engineering Faculty of the L' Aquila University. Then, he joined in 1989 the Department of Chemical Engineering, Raw Materials and Metallurgy of "Sapienza" University of Roma. From 1991 to 1997 he has lectured the subject of Materials Science at the Engineering Faculty of the Messina University, and simultaneously from 1994 to 2000 he taught, as lecturer, Materials Technology to the students of Civil Engineering at "Sapienza" University of Roma.
Since 2000 he is Associate Professor of Materials Science and Technology, and he teaches Materials Technology to the students of Civil Engineering of the same University. Moreover, since 2000 he is member of the academic team for the "Doctorate" (PhD) in Chemical Process for Industry and Environment. He was scientific coordinator of the research national program (Italian Ministry of Education PRIN 2006) titled: "Recovery of waste materials: technological research, industrial scale up and legislation". His current research seeks to investigate cement chemistry, concrete technology, solidification/stabilization of industrial wastes and recovery of waste materials. He has published 140 scientific papers exclusively on the above mentioned topics. Moreover he was Guest Editor of a Special Issue, MDPI Edition (2022), entitled "Recovery of Waste Materials". Actually he is included in two Editorial Board of two scientific journals: “The Journal of Solid Waste and Management” and “Journal of Material Science and Technology Research”. His H-index (Scopus) is equal to 22.

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